16 entries in 0.606s
a111: Logged on 2016-06-07 18:18 asciilifeform: some derp named hanson was pushing a crackpottery called 'futarchy', where you have a bitbet-like item that is actually plugged into a robotic monarch that issues edicts
a111: Logged on 2016-06-07 18:18 asciilifeform: some derp named hanson was pushing a crackpottery called 'futarchy', where you have a bitbet-like item that is actually plugged into a robotic monarch that issues edicts
mircea_popescu: you know, futarchy ?
a111: Logged on 2016-06-07 18:18 asciilifeform: some derp named hanson was pushing a crackpottery called 'futarchy', where you have a bitbet-like item that is actually plugged into a robotic monarch that issues edicts
a111: 10 results for "futarchy", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=futarchy
asciilifeform: $s futarchy
asciilifeform: i caaant wait for some buterinesque halfwit to bring hansen's 'futarchy' to shitcoin.
asciilifeform: like any good organized fraud, the futarchy folks consist of a few conscious sc4mz0rz who know exactly what they're doing, and a buncha useful idiots.
a111: Logged on 2016-06-07 18:18 asciilifeform: some derp named hanson was pushing a crackpottery called 'futarchy', where you have a bitbet-like item that is actually plugged into a robotic monarch that issues edicts
asciilifeform: the 'futarchy' folks were trying to give ye olde demoooooocracy a new spray paint coat.
asciilifeform: some derp named hanson was pushing a crackpottery called 'futarchy', where you have a bitbet-like item that is actually plugged into a robotic monarch that issues edicts ☟︎☟︎☟︎☟︎
assbot: Unqualified Reservations: Futarchy considered retarded ... ( http://bit.ly/1M1RNRn )
asciilifeform: shinohai: http://unqualified-reservations.blogspot.com/2009/05/futarchy-considered-retarded.html
ascii_field: actually, folks who specialize in stuffing ballot boxes (or the higher-tech usian variant of this, mass-programming meat-puppets for correct-voting) just -love- 'futarchy'
ascii_field: http://unqualified-reservations.blogspot.com/2009/05/futarchy-considered-retarded.html << obligatory mr mold !
ascii_field: 'futarchy' ?!