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sina: !mirror <url> 5
sina: well it depends right?
sina: is a "new one" a full host, i.e. CPU/RAM/HDD/public IP?
sina: mircea_popescu: earlier you said "spin up new ones"
sina: :D
sina: yep
sina: that's what they call you mate
sina: mircea_poorpescu
sina: lots of fertile ground for funtimes
sina: but tmsr in general, everything that anyone has done sucks and is to be torn down and rebuilt in some quirky fashion
sina: an idea I had, then I saw someone had done it way better than my idea
sina: day to day, everything is postmodernism. any idea you have, someone did it. probably better than you. in fact, one example of that is MPex
sina: ok
sina: how can I explain it
sina: seriously hanging here is the least bored I ever am
sina: well it's certainly an interesting concept
sina: hmmm
sina: brb
sina: costs nothing to check for existence of shit software compared to payoff :P
sina: yeh exactly
sina: php shell was usually <100 lines of base64 encoded thing that'd shell out to whatever you wanted
sina: customer sites used to get scanned/pwned/php shell uploaded on the regular
sina: when I was a bit younger I worked for managed hosting company
sina: sure, but that is largely a lack of originality in the types of commands executed, but the botnet itself can execute whatever
sina: good being defined as?
sina: so basically it's just a pay to play botnet?
sina: you need to be Eastern European or Chinese
sina: well someone like me could write software to do these things but the deployment would need to be outside of jurisdiction, hard for me as an AU citizen
sina: so this thing literally exists on the market today and its fucking cheap for example to use Amazon Lambda...is the reason you want your own basically boil down to 1. no irc gw 2. not tmsr?
sina: ah
sina: so then?
sina: technically both of those are just pieces of code you'd write though
sina: hahahaha
sina: so what's wrong with candi_lustt for this role? it just needs a billing thingo?
sina: you mean, the ransomware bot shoudl have been UCI bots? haha
sina: oh LOL
sina: backups would have!
sina: fde wouldn't have protected them
sina: elaborate?
sina: anyway, it would be trivial to place an irc gateway in front of that
sina: no commits to zerovm github since 2015 same for zerocloud middleware for swift :(
sina: and since then the project has been stealth or just stagnant
sina: mircea_popescu: when the people I know first wrote ZeroVM it was like 2012 or so, and at the time I was working at a startup you may recall that. and I told everyone we shoudl get involved, was ignored, then ZeroVM got "acquihired" by Rackspace
sina: I rant about it to my boss at least once a week
sina: mircea_popescu: no problem with it, just nobody wants this!
sina: sorry, them being?
sina: http://www.zerovm.org/zerocloud.html
sina: back
sina: you've probably heard of Amazon S3, it's an object store with REST API, so it responds to primitives GET/HEAD/PUT/DELETE/POST ...there is an equivalent open source project part of OpenStack called Swift. some people I know worked on a sandbox that only accepts input on stdin and writes to stdout, and wrotesome middleware for swift so you can for example upload a datset and compute on it and get the result
sina: hmm ok so there is an interesting technology I have worked on
sina: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-02#1650884 ☝︎
sina: I can actually feel asciilifeform being angry at me in the future already
sina: is that the same kind of idea?
sina: so people could sell CPU cycles, in a pretty hard sandbox, that only offered those 3 syscalls
sina: it was implemented for this CPUShare concept
sina: it's a linux kernel feature you can use to limit which syscalls a program has access to...the original version of seccomp allowed only read()/write()/exit() syscalls ☟︎
sina: have you ever heard of seccomp?
sina: mircea_popescu: so is UCI just candi_lustt + an interface you can pay for resources via?
sina: I got that from the logsearch link you put, but http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-12#1582081 had me confused ☝︎
sina: ai thing?
sina: UCI ?
sina: so can you untangle these for me as I'm a little confused
sina: nice
sina: I did look at the learning tournament blog previously but I couldn't really grok it
sina: mircea_popescu: FYI that is a bunch of send and recv from 2 peers, (1 on port 5555, other on port 5556) on the same network interface ( ...it's not a single "session"
sina: mircea_popescu: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/ZXfR3/?raw=true base64 encoded because PCAPs are binary, so pls base64 decode first
sina: where do I upload this pcap
sina: mircea_popescu: what do you want to see ideally? just a lisp repl with irc interface?
sina: today is Fri here, bout to return to work in a few days, so free time will be curtailed
sina: mircea_popescu: I dunno. all I can say is when I was reading the ai logs, and you mentioned irc repl, I was thinking about how it could be implemented
sina: I just googled "small RSA lib" and tomcrypt was one that had python bindings out of the box
sina: happy to swap out the RSA lib if one can be proposed
sina: can change tcp for udp, can change sql for flatfile, can change python for syslang ☟︎
sina: mircea_popescu: I feel fine about reducing everything once the concept is OK'd
sina: yesr
sina: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-28#1675621 ☝︎
sina: there's no session! :P
sina: ok added some error handling to stop that issue in future, how annoyin
sina: sure
sina: feel free to hop back on
sina: I was missing the final "-" of your pubkey footer
sina: heh ffs!
sina: considering this is working on an identical setup locall
sina: yeah, I'll let you know when I have hunted down wtf is going on
sina: heh
sina: grewdfwe
sina: you can ctrl-c the daemon and I will tell you when to restart
sina: nope
sina: hold pls
sina: some kind of bug! wtf!
sina: ah, fuck
sina: all good.
sina: sorry the UX bit of it is still a tad clunky
sina: mircea_popescu: ok, so then save my key somewhere onto the filesystem like /tmp/sina_exchange.pub and run: gossipc --set-peer-key --name sina -k /tmp/sina_exchange.pub
sina: my pubkey is here http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/FtYXs/?raw=true
sina: so youcan add me as a peer with: gossipc --add-peer --name sina --host --port 5556
sina: you can run gossipc -h
sina: yup. ok pls open another terminal, one to run the daemon and another to run the client
sina: ye
sina: mircea_popescu: can you 'ssh root@'