1000+ entries in 0.025s
sina: cat .ssh/id_rsa.pub
sina: you are
sina: ssh pubkey?
sina: ah I would've booted something with less lag is all
sina: mircea_popescu: where are you atm? I booted in Frankfurt thinking you were in EU but just realised you're probly elsewhere :P
sina: ah interesting I actually had a similar idea after reading abotu the ai stuff
sina: uci?
sina: ok hold pls
sina: mircea_popescu: would you be willing to ssh into another box where it's setup?
sina: github.com/sinner-/gossipd
sina: github.com/sinner-
sina: the README explains all usage
sina: mircea_popescu: old man python hey? you should be able to clone the repo and run "python setup.py install" from inside the repo dir
sina: mircea_popescu: sure.
sina: ben_vulpes: you write clojure no? I'd be interested to race golang vs functional jvm
sina ducks
sina: I like go
sina: I can't remember what this one was about http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-10#1668188 ☝︎
sina: hmm
sina: it was a pleasure to work on!
sina: looks good to me
sina: for each bit of M, appropriate step has been completed
sina: The function starts at position 0 in M and iterates over each bit in M
sina: it does so
sina: "Once the position is larger than the size of M" how about "once all iterations are complete"
sina: true
sina: but only a suggestion
sina: yah, I just remember when implementing it I had to write out that sentence on notepad as A and B to wrap my head
sina: mircea_popescu: suggestion. "A third operation is the flipping of a number of bits in either S or R," should read "elements A or B" and make that operation generic
sina: missing a / http://github.com/sinner-mpfhf-golang
sina: mircea_en_shametown
sina: mircea_popescu: I didn't forget, I thought you updated the blogpost on the day to reflect that and I did it on my README too
sina: has asciilifeform reviews the codes?
sina: and I developed them in tandem
sina: mircea_popescu: yes both python and go return identical hashes for stuff I tested
sina: you guys are literally the first and only people, ever, to actually care :P
sina: let me rephrase
sina: ben_vulpes: there was one, but I never posted anything to it
sina: I get paid to make stuff during work hours and that's not shared with anyone :P
sina: also what's on there is just...how do I put it? hobby projects? stuff I do in my spare time
sina: I guess it just doesn't bother me if anyone at all uses it
sina: mircea_popescu: are you asking if that is the only place it exists other than my HDD? a: no
sina: the castle has cgit but it is behind the wall
sina: mircea_popescu: next q was where live, for me pls github.com/sinner-/mpfhf-python and github.com/sinner-mpfhf-golang
sina: fair
sina: anyway if you hate it no need to link, like Isaid nothing is public facing there atm anyway
sina: too bad sina.com is a giant chinese search engine!
sina: fair
sina: mircea_popescu: if I had said my blog was sina.com.au would you have had same reaction?
sina: I did!
sina: https://www.ausregistry.com.au/what-is-id-au/
sina: I do
sina: wtf is wrong with me for not owning id.au? or for having a .id.au domain?
sina: I don't
sina: you can link sina.id.au I guess, that is the castle home but no blog currently live there
sina: anything from your end ben_vulpes ?
sina: ok well those were the 2 things which I believe the spec should be refined to state clearly
sina: right
sina: if I change golang to <=, it differs from python
sina: which is [0, count) :o
sina: but in golang: for i := 0; i<count; i++ {
sina: which is [0, count], right?!
sina: in mpfhf-python: for i in range(0, count):
sina: oh right I remember
sina: and I remember making it [0, count] and it breaking somehow or other
sina: which I noticed in my golang impl is [0, count)
sina: there is also this http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-10#1668191 ☝︎
sina: which led to this conclusion http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-10#1668162 ☝︎
sina: one was this http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-10#1668149 ☝︎
sina: mircea_popescu: off the top of my head there were two things that I thought needed clarification
sina: ok back
sina: bbasap
sina: must find food. mircea_popescu please excuse if I'm tardy on your return
sina: especially for the usecase of gossipd, python cannot be the final lang
sina: yah, that is understood
sina: and I do remember a logline from asciilifeform "written in python because if I didn't then it wouldn't exist" or along those lines
sina: in this case it has at least allowed for rapid iteration
sina: ;) :D
sina: I guess you think the entire edifice of computing should be torn down and rebuilt
sina: asciilifeform: do you feel sqlite is an OK dep or no?
sina: mod6: although, again, maybe not, I think the desire is to not have sqlite dep and use fs so...
sina: definitely need index on keys table
sina: constrained*
sina: it was intentionally loose to begin with, but now can be constrainted
sina: mod6: yes, will add some constraints and indexes
sina: apologies
sina: asciilifeform: I think all the stuff you care about will be in process/
sina: somehow it's 1pm and I haven't eaten breakfast, going to walk to the shop
sina: basically once it's >fitsinhead, nobodies gonna audit it
sina: yeah, I definitely appreciate the fitsinhead thing
sina: although I do guess the researchers could be convinced to send source
sina: can agree
sina: asciilifeform: nope, and I did look! the closest thing I found was this, which is both not public and not for constantime, although interesting nonetheless drops.dagstuhl.de/opus/volltexte/2012/3587/pdf/3.pdf
sina: yeahg
sina: if you impl as constant time you don't need ctgrind
sina: but I guess that point stands anyway
sina: asciilifeform: not valgrind for valgrinding, but ctgrind patched valgrind for checking constant timeness of existing code
sina: that is true trinque
sina: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-29#1633709 ☝︎
sina: ah ok will look