1100+ entries in 0.03s
sina: mod6: no, thank *you*
sina: asciilifeform: btw I was going to ask you about your feelings on this https://github.com/cforler/Ada-Crypto-Library ...obviously hasn't been impl for constant time/space but regardless. may be possible to ctgrind it using that valgrind patch I linked in the logs
sina: https://github.com/sinner-/gossipd
sina: appreciated sir
sina: so I know it still counts as "complete rewrite" in your eyes
sina: I mean, it's still written in python and all :P
sina: asciilifeform: wondering if you took a look at my revised gossipthing by any chance?
sina: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-29#1676470 << sigh ☝︎
sina: ben_vulpes: around?
sina: cool see you then
sina: but there are definitely one or two additional refinements
sina: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/rAOt1/?raw=true
sina: mircea_popescu: sure. happy to. FWIW, I kept README.md in my python repo updated with the spec as our discussions went on
sina: ahh you took the words out of my mouth!
sina: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-29#1676418 << happy to do any benchmarking you like assuming its agreed finalised ☝︎
sina: hiya tmsr
sina: anyhoos, past by bedtime, good evenin
sina: mircea_popescu: mornin. I rejigged the gossipthing. I think what I have now reflects more closely what was discussed earlier. however I also think the spec vastly differs so may be worthwhile adding a disclaimer to the existing one or writing an entirely new one
sina: this is a good read http://www.loper-os.org/?p=861
sina: you made a friend!
sina: I only learned recently that python was created for use on Amoeba OS
sina: yah
sina: mod6: pls clarify "for loop else case"?
sina: asciilifeform: sure that is understood as general principle, it's unsuitable for really anything low level
sina: I see here everyone seems to know/use lisp and it's a lang I have almost 0 exposure to ☟︎
sina: but do prefer strongly typed langs after knocking something together
sina: I do think it makes a very good prototyping tool
sina: it made me think about how I pretty much default to it for most problems above the complexity threshold of single line bash things
sina: mod6: haha I just remembered I was reading logs yesterday and found one line where you said you don't like python :P
sina: hows trb stuff comin along
sina: I was thinking about the latest iteration which is much simpler, I think I might try and convert the TCP bit to UDP tomorrow
sina: indeed
sina: mornin mod6
sina: or at least those that have been cast from the church in disgrace! :P
sina: I prefer atheists myself
sina: evenin shinohai!
sina: linking to this PR https://github.com/openssl/openssl/pull/3758
sina: "It’s not crazy for OpenSSL to redesign and simplify its CSPRNG. It is silly to make it MORE complicated." from tptacek ☟︎
sina: oh yeah saw this on twitter thought tmsr would be amused/interested
sina: lol https://archive.fo/rtW5P "Federal Reserve on bubble watch, but not worried yet"
sina: FWIW, what I have now is also nothing like the spec on trilema.com :P
sina: everything now stateless
sina: but all traffic is sent as RSA payloads with nothing at all in plaintext ever
sina: currently only "standard" messages are supported
sina: thanks to clarification from mircea_popescu Framedragger and asciilifeform I have refactored for statelessness, which led to a significant amount of unnecessary code being deleted! ☟︎
sina: alrighty!
sina: ok for real time to vegetate now, enjoy the day all, I will spend some time on rejigging gossipdthing later and probably be back with more dumb questions at that point
sina: makes sense, you only just made it to fire, still another 7000 years before GPS :D :P
sina: mmmm bbq I love me some bbq pork
sina: live your dreams mircea_popescu! set all that stuff on fire :P
sina: will check logs for more lel
sina: ha that is interesting, but the ikea thing is just a $5 polished metal bowl that has been setting stuff in peoples houses on fire
sina: Chernobyl is running on manual monitoring after their systems got hit!
sina: OH YEAH, going back to the ransomware that hit Maersk
sina: don't think so
sina: ikea made awesome solar concentrator for 5 fiat units
sina: also, unrelated is this: https://archive.fo/lr3iN
sina: ah thx
sina: what is nb?
sina: so it can go inside the "crunchy on outside, soft inside" networks
sina: whoever wrote it didn't suck like WannaCry authors and implemented lateral movement
sina: majority of infections have been in Ukraine, there are screenshots of lots of Ukranian stuff (grocery store terminals, train stations, etc)
sina: following affected: @kaspersky @arcabit @Malwarebytes @TrendMicro @Webroot @zonealarm
sina: "If you sign malware with a fake self-signed Microsoft certificate, several major AV's on VirusTotal will ignore it" ☟︎
sina: re this http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-28#1675484 ...here is one funny fact I learned today! ☝︎
sina: speaking of birds, I read this yest: https://archive.fo/bvoGR
sina: mircea_popescu: this is AU, no Mexicans, mostly SE Asians
sina: CRT monitors!
sina: token ring?
sina: haha
sina: we aren't all rich Romanians with slavegirls ok
sina: the pizza doesn't even exist, you just say "yo, make pizza" and flour assembles itself into dough, tomatos become paste, basil grinds itself
sina: Mircea Popescu: Pizza Whisperer
sina: mircea_popescu: my perspective is that I am just trying to implement what appears to be an interesting spec. for the reason of being interested in implementing that spec. so when I ask for tmsrthing clarification, it is just in terms of spec, not in terms of "making a thing" ...if that makes sense
sina: asciilifeform: haha
sina: the future is not all bad. I order pizza and can see its current progress in the store and GPS tells me its location en route
sina: does he in an explosion of shit as he sits on the toilet?
sina: I mean I *can* go off and do my own thing, but then I am making a sinathing not a tmsrthing
sina: is it bad?
sina: yeah
sina: s/correct/desired/ pls
sina addes to notes
sina: ordering/conflict resolution is left up to the operator
sina: yeah, per the spec, peers are only storing messages with local timestamp they received them
sina: asciilifeform: chronological ordering of messages?
sina: oh yeah. I'm actually on holidays from work this week, that is why I'm around hassling y'all at all hours
sina: :D
sina: the weather is shit so I am just going to order a pizza and sit in the dark
sina: must food
sina: anyway, I guess this is a seperate question for smarter people, I will just stick to trying to update my thingo to match mircea_popescu description above
sina: <+asciilifeform> Framedragger: because not signing but decrypting << I am not sure I understand this. Why is it decrypting? Considering everyone has the plaintext from broadcasts
sina: tmsr is a weird place
sina: fair
sina: obvously not
sina: you can prevent replay by signing a timestamp and accepting only "current" timestamp within a window of +/- 0.X seconds?
sina: yeah
sina: and send them at will?
sina: asciilifeform: if the challenges are being broadcast by the lighthouse in the clear, and all the peers are storing N of them, can't evilguy X just encrypt all of them?
sina: wait
sina: o