1200+ entries in 0.022s
gabriel_laddel_p: Framedragger was supposed to put this together, but (surprise) has not. ☟︎
gabriel_laddel_p: phf: anyways, I have suggested using a +v irc channel + CL-FTP + beirc as a "CLIM-web" so we can ditch the browser tomorrow
gabriel_laddel_p: phf: you dun want to know about my life situation...
gabriel_laddel_p: phf: ships with masamune.
gabriel_laddel_p: phf: it works fine.
gabriel_laddel_p: for the record, does anyone know of an intelligent person who uses air fresheners/fabreez? ☟︎
gabriel_laddel_p can barely resist the urge to stick "google toxic encephalopathy" under each air freshener I find.
gabriel_laddel_p: that they worked?
gabriel_laddel_p: What _exactly_ was so wrong with blackboards that they had to be done away with?
gabriel_laddel_p: Godamnnit. I fucking _hate_ whiteboards and these stupid fucking "air fresheners" they stick all over the place.
gabriel_laddel_p: adlai: anyways, to that point, there is no deadline for any of this, but your updates should be ~weekly and you should be working on it 6hrs+ a day if you want your life to amount to anything.
gabriel_laddel_p: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-01-07#1598709< jesus fuck. I somehow misread this as anything other than "deadline". ☝︎
gabriel_laddel_p: netmonk: and a copy of the book
gabriel_laddel_p: netmonk: I don't want all of them (well, I do, but nevermind that) - I want the specific book & page number where knuth discusses balanced ternery.
gabriel_laddel_p: netmonk: also, I can't torrent anything atm
gabriel_laddel_p: netmonk: try reading my message again.
gabriel_laddel_p: netmonk: then come back after a month or so and we'll see if we can have an actual conversation.
gabriel_laddel_p: netmonk: start here: http://trilema.com/2014/a-compendium-of-basic-points-about-bitcoin-for-the-benefit-of-various-confused-noobs/
gabriel_laddel_p: netmonk: I've been ignoring everything you've said because it is clear you've not read 6 months of logs.
gabriel_laddel_p: chop chop.
gabriel_laddel_p: also, if you could locate the precise knuth book where he discusses balanced ternery, and then find me a warez copy, that would be useful ☟︎
gabriel_laddel_p: adlai: anyways, iirc hackers delight is a bunch of tricks for binary machines. I see no reason why you shouldn't just skip it.
gabriel_laddel_p: !!rate -10 adlai useless
gabriel_laddel_p: !!down adlai
gabriel_laddel_p: nevermind
gabriel_laddel_p: adlai: you're plenty smart, and could be useful if you'd work on useful stuff.
gabriel_laddel_p: adlai: what is a deadline?
gabriel_laddel_p: https://scottlocklin.wordpress.com/2014/08/11/optalysys-and-optical-computing/
gabriel_laddel_p: err,
gabriel_laddel_p: http://www.mortati.com/glusker/fowler/ternary.htm
gabriel_laddel_p: http://www.mortati.com/glusker/fowler/ternary.htm
gabriel_laddel_p: https://web.williams.edu/Mathematics/sjmiller/public_html/105Sp10/addcomments/Hayes_ThirdBase.htm
gabriel_laddel_p: adlai: some further food for thought
gabriel_laddel_p: All simulations should be written in CL.
gabriel_laddel_p: adlai: well it seems I can't have you do what I had in mind. Could you instead please review http://homepage.divms.uiowa.edu/~jones/ternary/ and work out some basic ternery circuts for the eventual loper machine? ☟︎
gabriel_laddel_p: adlai: what runs on the machine that is actually sitting on your lap
gabriel_laddel_p: adlai: mk. what distro do you use?
gabriel_laddel_p: adlai: got a gentoo machine sitting around?
gabriel_laddel_p: adlai: bored and want to do something useful?
gabriel_laddel_p: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-01-07#1598589 < http://btcbase.org/log/2015-05-23#1144189 ☝︎☝︎
gabriel_laddel_p: my mistake: usg.altman, not usg.maga
gabriel_laddel_p: http://rigetti.com/ < USG.MAGA also uses CL, though I'm not clear on the particulars atm
gabriel_laddel_p: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-01-07#1598584 < google flights probably has a bigger LoC count. ☝︎
gabriel_laddel_p: !!v 09D7D2552E4291B91E5F21B3D7554D23373D9A2A44FF5B185ED693978F70E818
gabriel_laddel_p: !!rate Framedragger -10 useless
gabriel_laddel_p: !!down Framedragger
gabriel_laddel_p: die painfully
gabriel_laddel_p: no, it can't
gabriel_laddel_p: less hash, more sitting at a lisp REPL
gabriel_laddel_p: also rust is for retards.
gabriel_laddel_p: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-01-07#1598397 < if you think haskell is of the same family of lisp you understood nothing. ☝︎
gabriel_laddel_p: when creating my image, why must I copy using cp -dpR /somedir/* /someotherdir/ rather than the -a flag?
gabriel_laddel_p: mircea_popescu: something like that. There are a whole slew of issues: the init that Martin ships works fine, but if I substitute my own init - breaks. Among a million other things I have don't understand, such as
gabriel_laddel_p: I cannot create an image that comes with all the required goodies without breaking something or other.
gabriel_laddel_p: and it works fine. The problem is in this "image" business.
gabriel_laddel_p: syslinux is the bootloader
gabriel_laddel_p: syslinux/extlinux
gabriel_laddel_p: I was working from https://www.phenix.bnl.gov/~purschke/RescueCD/
gabriel_laddel_p: If you know the dozen lines of bash that will do this, do tell.
gabriel_laddel_p: Yes. For one, I can't create a working livecd. Secondly, it should not touch your personal files when replicating.
gabriel_laddel_p: One of the features I need to complete is replication, which is to say: "A single procedure call being all that is necessary to bundle the entirety of the (possibly heavily modified) sources into a redistributable bootable USB stick installer or network download. "
gabriel_laddel_p: Oh right. Masamune is a gentoo (no systemd) curated for (sbcl) lisp development only. It offers graphics, CAS & other mathematical libs all in the same lisp process.
gabriel_laddel_p: mircea_popescu: "stick business"? You are referring to the analogy from ascii earlier?
gabriel_laddel_p: pete_dushenski: what do you think of the recent porsche cayennes? ☟︎
gabriel_laddel_p: ^ the whole lordship should be able to decrypt it on the off chance you're curious.
gabriel_laddel_p: phf: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bznn0f9Mk3KAZTc3blZPVVg2QU0/view?usp=sharing
gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: check your PMs.
gabriel_laddel_p: Sigh. Altman is probably going to end up with a version in his hands before alf.
gabriel_laddel_p: I contend that the current "lisp community" is a bunch of fundamentally broken people, and that symbolics was a bunch of fundamentally broken people, but they're broken in different ways.
gabriel_laddel_p: indeed.
gabriel_laddel_p: mircea_popescu: idk about that. Symbolics was a different beast with a different set of problems. But then again, I don't know that much about the people involved with Symbolics, so perhaps you are right.
gabriel_laddel_p: davout: lol, you're french right?
gabriel_laddel_p: if you want to discuss this in more detail, find me a blog I can post comments on without people bitching
gabriel_laddel_p: davout: you've never wanted to do anything even remotely similar to what I aim to do. ☟︎
gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: tough.
gabriel_laddel_p: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-01-07#1598270 < idem ☝︎
gabriel_laddel_p: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-01-07#1598267 < if you could point me to this archive it would be very helpful. ☝︎
gabriel_laddel_p: Anyways, will encrypt a copy to the lordship and drop it in here today.
gabriel_laddel_p: idiots have an easier time with the latter.
gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: yeah, but FUCKGOATS has _lots_ of text, whereas this is a video.
gabriel_laddel_p: Thus, they can sell Masamune and pocket whatever they're able to make.
gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: once I figure out how to do this USB replication things, I aim to see every that every lord / notable republican has a Masamune + the ability to replicate it. ☟︎
gabriel_laddel_p: ???
gabriel_laddel_p: I want every penny of commercial lisp code to be directed to republican pockets.
gabriel_laddel_p: I prefer to have access to an untainted market.
gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: an ubuntu+sbcl+clim "masamune" gets released and promoted by the whole "lisp community" that lacks sources, macsyma, MJRCALC, MGL, etc
gabriel_laddel_p: That being said, I should drop a version in here for the lordship
gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: I'm doing my best to keep it from the hands of idiots.
gabriel_laddel_p: ^ Roughly my feelings on the matter, however CLIM is sufficiently enjoyable to distract from this.
gabriel_laddel_p: all installs are done by hand
gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: no
gabriel_laddel_p: No? Because now Masamune exists and we can begin to address the other issues (such as x86) like adults?
gabriel_laddel_p: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-01-07#1598292 < this is _the_ problem in the lisp world. Each and every lisper painfully recreates a sorta-similar environment over the course of years. ☝︎☟︎
gabriel_laddel_p: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-01-07#1598267 < Thanks for reminding me. I don't trb, so went looking for them last time I was working on the LiveUSB, failed to find them and then continued working using the strategy I was prior. ☝︎
gabriel_laddel_p: Framedragger: thanks, but pass. I don't deal with computers I cannot physically touch.
gabriel_laddel_p: Talk to you in a few months then.
gabriel_laddel_p: I'm never going to use his bouncer.
gabriel_laddel_p: yeah that's never going to happen.
gabriel_laddel_p: I was online ~everyday idk, ~2 years ago?
gabriel_laddel_p: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-01-07#1598276 < because my connection gets dropped. ☝︎