15 entries in 0.691s
thestringpuller: we were talking about hard
fork war tactics inb4 it was cool
thestringpuller: I'm actually in favor of them attempting a hard
fork cause it provides
war profiteering opportunities.
thestringpuller: person claims Coinbase et. al will use consumer deposits to finance their side of the hard
fork war mircea_popescu: how does he plan to win a
war of the omlette against the
fork for the side of the omlette ?
mircea_popescu: cazalla: i am very upset over this
fork talk << eh, nothing to get excited over, a little bit of
ben_vulpes: <asciilifeform> BingoBoingo: the great
fork war is inevitable. and we know what is on their side of the line. but what is on the other? the miners' mystery forks? our gadget, that doesn't even load the blockchain? << consider the gadget a piece of art. as always, the miners determine everything.
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> BingoBoingo: the great
fork war is inevitable. and we know what is on their side of the line. << do tell ?