15 entries in 0.793s
asciilifeform: re that 'mac-10' ( famously rejected by army commission with phrase 'this would be great for warfare inside a phone booth' ) -- americans very fond in recent decades of 'picturesque', loud, but entire impractical small arms. iirc mp even wrote a piece on subj, along the lines of tlp's 'this is not to win, but to Feel Like A Trader'.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-17 15:19:57 asciilifeform: anyffin to keep the 'feel like a trader'(tm) tards from waking up to fact that pressure washer + petrol easily mows down 1000+ , while e.g. kalash into crowd, lucky if 100.
asciilifeform: anyffin to keep the 'feel like a trader'(tm) tards from waking up to fact that pressure washer + petrol easily mows down 1000+ , while e.g. kalash into crowd, lucky if 100.
asciilifeform: 'feel like a trader'(tm)(tlp)
asciilifeform: tlp's 'feel like a trader' eh
asciilifeform pictures already the coming orgy of derps , writing 'ada' cum heapism/pointers , so to 'feel like a trader^H^H^H^H^Hboeing' etc
PeterL: recently I saw an ad for some brokerage service, they actually included as one of the selling points "you can feel like a trader!"
asciilifeform: diana_coman: tlp had the piece re 'they get faux-brokerage acct to Feel Like a Trader'
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: even funnier -- d00d dun actually need that 5k for anyffin, he inherited bargefull of moola at some pt in '14-15 , collects 'rolexes' etc. he's doin' it to (per tlp) 'Feel Like a Trader'(tm)
asciilifeform: 'feel like a trader'(tm)(r)(ballas)
a111: 3 results for "feel like a trader", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=feel%20like%20a%20trader
asciilifeform: !#s feel like a trader
adlai: but they're all positive-sum, because "feel like a trader"
adlai: "if you're a human trader, there's really no place like it"... it's all about how it makes you feel
bounce: plenty people care about winning small in the same way that wossname home traders want to feel like a trader much more than making money trading