10 entries in 0.686s
assbot: 12 results for 'fartup' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=fartup
benkay: !s fartup
benkay: D.BPAY is a hedge against the fartup cirkus producing something with market value in the next year or w/e
benkay: distracts from fartup derpus
benkay: fartup scene
benkay: either way you get the fartup feels
benkay: yeah but fartup equity is usually worth zero anyways
benkay: glyph is classic fartup circus nonsense. apple's taken a firm stance on bitcoin+iOS, and Glyph doesn't have the horsepower to fight them. note: social media noise != canonry.
benkay`: the only fartup in which i'm taking equity right now is Bitcoin.
benkay: on the topic of greater fool theory, the fundamental principle underlying these physical coins and the entire fartup circuit