12 entries in 0.459s
mircea_popescu: what consumer has come to expect, consumer will come to get!
thestringpuller: why does https exist again? oh consumer has come to expect.
thestringpuller: Perhaps this is from consumer has come to expect mentality of everything being "flashy and pretty" but it makes me cringe cause you never have truly correct way of doing things. Just correct way of doing broken thing.
thestringpuller: cause "consumer has come to expect" but I don't think consumers will be problem for eulora
asciilifeform: but it is true, 'consumer has come to expect' idiot gui etc.
thestringpuller: ;;google site:trilema.com consumer has come to expect
asciilifeform: 'consumer has come to expect !!'
asciilifeform: no one - certainly not 'hackernews' imbeciles who ship their hardware with winblows drivers because 'consumer has come to expect' - give a flying fuck about auditability, etc.
thestringpuller: which causes more braindamages cause "consumer has come to expect"
mircea_popescu: and speaking of "what the consumer has come to expect" and related delusions, http://33.media.tumblr.com/ec04311fc14329e1162bffca1aa5b58c/tumblr_nbtmv2PZqK1segoz0o1_500.gif
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes: "Currently, digital currencies lack the basic protections consumers have come to expect when transacting online " << because what the "consumer" has "come to expect" is the fucking alpha and omega of the perceptible universe.
ben_vulpes: "Currently, digital currencies lack the basic protections consumers have come to expect when transacting online. For example, contrary to a consumer's experience when paying wit a MasterCard product, if a consumer uses digital currency to make a purchase on line and the merchant fails to deliver the goods, the consumer has no recourse through the digital currency's network." << oh lordy