13 entries in 0.961s

phf: you know how when somebody says "she's
like a pig" and somebody says "
that's not fair to the
pig, pigs are noble creatures"
ben_vulpes: at least there's
a trained
pig involved,
that sounds
like some sort of capital investment.
mp_en_viaje: anyway, the striking thing
a bout the afghani dwelling is
that it's not
a hut. it's
a tower, if need be essentialized to
a pillar, but basically
a machinegun pillbox. AROUND IT
like around the medieval castle the women's items, huts and bread ovens and children/goat/
pig stys are build. but the dwelling is basically this donjon.
mircea_popescu: something
like that. too much school
that never saw school and too many hamburgers
that never saw
a pig.
mircea_popescu: i can readily see this difference, myself : the later's perhaps
a useful toy to get idiots to formally behave sanely. it is oft misplaced,
like the hope
that if you daily dress
a pig in clean underwear, it'll turn into
a price.
mircea_popescu: kinda gamey,
like a pig that grew up thinking it's pheasant ?