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mircea_popescu: charles was of the idea that he has the authority to rule
as a thing of his own ; the unitarians were of the idea that "supreme executive power exudes from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony"
mircea_popescu: no technology survives
as such the end of the literate that borne it.
mircea_popescu: (literacy, for the sake of propriety, remains what newman defined,
http://trilema.com/2013/a-very-unfair-perspective/ "to see things
as they are, to go right to the point, to disentangle a skein of thought, to detect what is sophistical, and to discard what is irrelevant." hence the literacy
as basis for technology, to distinguish slapping from lighting)
mircea_popescu: now,
as to the other horn, what is "to replicate" ? fire is a technology, no man has yet replicated any fire -- fire is necessarily,
as per thermodynamic laws -- irreplicable.
mircea_popescu: i can't imagine what sense does this make, to put iliteracy
as the gatekeepeer to technology.
mircea_popescu: note that there's a problem here. that i, personally (and not explicably) manage somehow to be sexually attractive to women less than half my age
as i was to women over twice my age has very little to do with anything and i wouldn't expect it systematizable.
mircea_popescu: understand : woman saying "i don't have sex" is a fine approximation of "i don't have sex [unless you convincingly ask me to]". meanwhile "i don't suck dicks without permission" connotes "well, you were passed out, i asked three times like the jews, in all directions, and
as there was no answer i figured...welll... here's a dick..."
BingoBoingo: Ah yes, Naphex welcomed Republic
as customer of exchange he did for someone else. Then when he wanted to do HIS OWN camsite ran away to heathens
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i dunno if you recall this naphex character. possibly the best illustration of the concept republic's to date known (though he was doing iirc webcams or exchangesd or somesuch, not directly casinos. but -- just
as marginal a cvasi-business)
mircea_popescu: well, yes. in the exact sense "nobody got shot for buying ibm" :
as far
as IM is concerned, the marketing copy suffices, he doesn't understand the workings anyway and moreover is well inhabituated to not expect to understand.
as a result the former perceive the need but don't know how to proceed and the latter antiperceive the need and well, the blind leading the thirsty results in many salty snacks.
mircea_popescu: the latter are a deeply asocial sort, utterly incapable of very basic tasks such
as "exist in the world without a farcical self-secreted notion that you know what's going on".
mircea_popescu: the former are a deeply atechnical sort, utterly incapable of very basic tasks such
as "compare these two items".
mircea_popescu: republic in being. very much the same mechanism
as in "you don't need a buncha paperwork for pizarro, the forum can resolve disputes for you anyway"
mircea_popescu: eir opinion" to the "interviewer" evidently taxes the system, there's no substance there so it's just
as well that there's no substance demanded downstream.
mircea_popescu: this evidently works well enough for the "what does the news mean to me" crowd, seeing how the vapid "celebrities" that can't fucking spell (lulzy case in mp household recently,
as girl tried to bring testimony of uma thurman re her being mistreated, only to see her charge collapse under heavy laugther at how WOMAN CAN NOT SPELL) have ~nothing to say anyway. getting a bunch of soccer players to dress up in suits and speak "th
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> i suppose my wut is spurious ; while it's true i can eat it about
as much
as salt, nevertheless salt ALSO comes in kg boxes. << It doesn't really come in much smaller packages. They go UP from here.
mircea_popescu: i suppose my wut is spurious ; while it's true i can eat it about
as much
as salt, nevertheless salt ALSO comes in kg boxes.
mircea_popescu: i dun see anything wrong with either approach. having them all have current block height
as trinque says, correctly reflects present situation. having them have whatever other denotation you choose (some kind of reconstructed "blocks
as it were") has the advantage that it reflects historical knowledge. neither of these is important : FUTURE manifest.txt versions can reflect w/e we want them to then.
mircea_popescu: now the ~other way around~, where male becomes a sort of parasite, is widely seen, from fishes to insects (and,
as per "they're just little boys" common discovery of middle-aged whores), humans also.
mircea_popescu: yes well in that sense, the soi-dissant "united states government" being
as it is an uppity (and, shamefulyl, tax-avoidant) group organized under the republic's millet system and so on.
mircea_popescu: there's very much not a central switch, whereby the blastule goes "now we completed stem, moving on to ganglia". there's no such phase ; future neocortex structures predate such diversification
as separate digits.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform certainly, and the "hr" office
as full
as ever, for every factory. just, not full with anyone worth hiring applying to do any job. just fulla derps who expect to be paid for existing.
mircea_popescu: "women would never agree to be taken over to alphaq centauri chained to posts
as slaves"
mircea_popescu: when rich people had obsydian knife, dorks had bone knife. JUST
mircea_popescu: all through computer age subnormals derped about with plastics,
as a substitute (look baby! it's so colorful! almost like a real computer!)
mircea_popescu: well, two! there's one that came from the jenissary music,
as a brass instrument (goaran) and there's one that came from the thessaly/macedonian pastoral tradition earlier,
as a wooden shepher's whistle (caval)
mircea_popescu: having /
as a magical character should be a execution squad offence.
mircea_popescu: i would suppose it wasn't so much suicide
as the train failing to correctly play the part fucktard assigned it in fucktard's own WoWoW.
diana_coman: this reminds of that time when they had a "drama taster" at nursery and I asked him whether he liked it: "I liked it; a bit; not
as much
as playing with the hammer!"
BingoBoingo: Not burst into flames, but slowly smolders
as nervous wreck
mircea_popescu: "From the 1750s,
as with other Oxford colleges, standards dropped." << i'd say for the record that's about the right cutoff. by the time victorian period was starting, poor oxford was well threadbare already.
mircea_popescu: if the year were 1918, i'd definitely go.
as it is, holy shit no.
mircea_popescu: in any case, a ssw assignment is not the same
as a cash payment.
mod6: I kinda had forgotten that we did shares. Just had it in my mind that we owed you 1 BTC
as of Feb 1. or something.
mod6: That's what I was thinking ya. So instead of 1 BTC for a whole year,
as previously agreed, we'd pay ya for the months that you served.
mod6: Also in the news, Pizarro has fully paid the "Wildcat Bonus" to BingoBoingo. The remainder was $2500. This has been shown on Pizarro statements in the "Fiat Liabilities" table. It will appear on the August statement
as well. The payment was made September 1st. So look for that line to come off the fiat liabilities table when the September report is posted in early October.
mod6: The exception will be, I will invoice BingoBoingo myself
as one can not invoice himself (at least, I don't think you can)?
mod6: We have set a price point for the month at Pizarro
as well, that price is: $6745 USD/BTC
mod6: In other news: Today is BingoBoingo's first day
as Pizarro Manager. Congrats to him! We'll be working closely together to ensure a smooth transition over the next few months.
mircea_popescu: about
as common experience of the contemporary mind
as gods walking the earth.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform this is pioneering internet work,
as far
as i know never before seen. 1. "here are your options" "omfg i am a special snowflake i won't take any of those" ; 2. "you have no options" "omfg i shoulds have some options!!" "you had."
mircea_popescu: neither anecdotes nor myths are a practicable basis for science ; but they're
as fine a basis
as there could be had for discussion.
as it is presented, an "untrue" story, it counts
as what ? a myth ?
mircea_popescu: if it were presented
as a "true" story, like so many other items actually so presented on trilema, with documentation unassailable and so on, then it'd have counted for what, an anecdote ?
nicoleci: mircea_popescu, I can believe that a couple of rentacops sucked you off, but if it is not a true story -
as you said (even in the title), then how does it all connect?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform amusingly, they all put forth the same pretense, hitler's "take over without breaking
as much
as a windowpane" very neatly mirrors calvin's "condemnation" of the 1524 wehrmacht.
mircea_popescu: the range wars in the very us raged in living memory
as an exact manifest of this whole thing.
mircea_popescu: nothing's nearly
as drastic in fact
as the "preparative" imagination promised.
mircea_popescu: there's a deep reason for all the historical "initiation ceremonies", and the reason is
as usual need. maturation's axiogenic.
mircea_popescu: well, there's that old "
as i became a man i put the things of childhood aside". "something else", you know ? not a girl, no, but who knows what terror ?!
☟︎ mircea_popescu: diana_coman alright ; but do you see the argument that ~school
as an institution~ provides a higher onthological threat to the boy than to the girl, specfifically because of this implicit "we'll make you something else" promise ?
diana_coman: mircea_popescu, I recall that specific complaint mainly
as repeatedly cited by you; but other than that I thought it was already quite pervasive issue basically
mircea_popescu: but anyway, i would dare propose the fundamental difference is that the boy absolutely needs to maintain throughout a certain feeling of continuancy, a certain notion that he's still a person, that something from his past nevertheless even today stands, that his retrospective history is somehow interpretable
as "having a red thread running through it". even if it were to change, it must be continuous.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> 1918 technoly lol, potassium chloride. i had an entire box,
as a boy, FOR JUST THIS JUST IN CASE!!! << Ah, the old sodium free salt from the grocery store
mircea_popescu: 1918 technoly lol, potassium chloride. i had an entire box,