8600+ entries in 0.417s
pete_dushenski: eh qntra is down for me.
nubbins`: <+mircea_popescu> <asciilifeform> my mental concept of freedom is more or less synonymous with never setting an alarm clock again. << ha! not even for say, a comet ? <<< i'm down to one alarm a week
bounce: (there was a guy that did exactly that, expressly for hobbyist purposes, but he got shot down, I think)
asciilifeform: on anything, hell, univac. kelvin versioning doesn't mean you will never throw the whole thing away. just experesses the concept that code must cool down to pefect crystalline form, rather than accumulating turdacles.
kakobrekla: depth up vwap down ??
cazalla: qntra down eh
mircea_popescu: look at that, dow is only down 1.5% today
gribble: qntra.net is down
mircea_popescu: anyway, i wonder if his continued purchases as the stock market goes down indicate that the bonds will get axed or that he's out of the loop
kakobrekla: yes i understand, i was just checking if there something wrong with the feed when mod6 mentioned 'down'
mod6: mpex seems down for me.
othernubs`: first shot took down a canadian soldier at the nat'l war memorial
assbot: bridges between ottawa and gatineau all shut down - Google Search
mircea_popescu: othernubs` https://www.google.com/search?q=bridges+between+ottawa+and+gatineau+all+shut+down&complete=0&prmd=ivns&source=lnms&tbm=nws << totally.
othernubs`: bridges between ottawa and gatineau all shut down
mod6: when testing this, i don't wanna to "hack" a bunch of stuff together. i'd like to do it in a linear manner so seeing what was required is simple. because I'm sure that I can just start pulling down packages on my own and get it to work. just was trying to keep it simple.
jurov: got some qualms of remorse, did not continue down that path
kakobrekla: logs down, ddos up, mirror later
gribble: log.bitcoin-assets.com is down
pete_dushenski: cheaper than a canada goose down jacket and a bathtub full of maple syrup, i suppose.
fluffypony: pete_dushenski: I'm going to be in LA from next Tue till Nov 2nd, and then in Utah & Las Vegas from Nov 2nd to Nov 17th - any chance you're mosying on down in that vicinity?
ben_vulpes: this is where docker starts coming in handy: instead of burning many hours on chasing down platform and architecture details to get the thing to work on os x, i'm leaning towards just running 0.5.3 in a VM.
mircea_popescu: Financially, Russia's position is so solid that even the three Western credit ratings agencies don't have the gall to downgrade Russia's rating, sanctions notwithstanding. This is a country that is aggressively paying down its foreign debt, is running a record-high budget surplus, has a positive balance of payments, is piling up physical gold reserves, and not a month goes by that it doesn't sign a major international
decimation: well, I guess the law of bankruptcy handed down from the ancients is that debt is senior to equity
mircea_popescu: !down dtr
ben_vulpes: nail that sticks up gets smacked down, as the nips say
kakobrekla: !down Buzhang
Apocalyptic: hence making the object go up or down relatively to the magnetic support, nullifying the eartquake (again all this in theory)
asciilifeform: say ground moves 20cm down and then 30cm back up, earthquake. or fell into a ditch. cancel that.
othernubs`: shame deedbot is down
mircea_popescu: company get closed down.
mircea_popescu: so it never actually listed, best i can discern. did it close down ?
mircea_popescu: !down TheKingOfCPU
kakobrekla: even if you have a netpipe straight down its sill easy to undercut it
BingoBoingo: morgan-freeman_: How is your shit better than the shit I can by by the truckload at the farm down the road for a few dollars a ton?
bounce: cb3rob and friends are complete nitwits, sadly. claim to've snagged the thing "with sovereignty" then allows a bunch of idiots to burn the place down with a meth lab and on top of that lets the (soi-disant foreign) authorities in.
mircea_popescu: in short i'd put bitvps down to poor management rather than poor fundamentals.
jurov: kakobrekla bitvps went down in flames
mircea_popescu: consider yest, qntra was up but say bingo's blog was down. well ? what's he to do ?
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu i'm told the site was down but it was while i was sleeping. it was back up when i awoke.
bounce: so what's going to happen is there'll be some toning down on this proposal to show heart to the community and all that, but we still end up with more rules than already required. and in a few years the whole thing becomes obsolete because unworkable. there goes the mark on history.
thestringpuller: Yea the girls at Tech are feminist so that email didn't go down too well.
mircea_popescu: in other news, dji only down half a % today
gribble: log.bitcoin-assets.com is down
gribble: bitcoin-assets.com is down
gribble: log.bitcoin-assets.com is down
ThickAsThieves: someone sold down the mkt tho
asciilifeform: !down technoboy
ninjashogun: !down ninjashogun
gribble: lists.debian.org is down
gribble: lists.debian.org is down
gribble: qntra.net is down
undata: honestly though, people would just assume it was a sign of the end times and double down on irrationality
mircea_popescu: !down Escu
kakobrekla: is it down?
punkman: is the log down?
decimation: the 'king's justice' has been watered down to "present your id card"
gribble: thedrinkingrecord.com is down
decimation: mircea_popescu: have you visited any 'germanytowns' down there in ar yet?
BingoBoingo: Well, the site goes down, but it is shared hosting on dreamhost still so it doesn't get more expensive for me.
BingoBoingo: decimation: Well, poettering/rh basically wants to cut down the number of distros so they can be an Apple
BingoBoingo: !down ninja_alt
BingoBoingo: Oh after 15 minute reprieve thedrinkingrecord is down again
gribble: thedrinkingrecord.com is down
assbot: Bad Day for Bad Patents: Supreme Court Unanimously Strikes Down Abstract Software Patent | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Adlai: https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2014/06/bad-day-bad-patents-supreme-court-unanimously-strikes-down-abstract-software
xanthyos: is that why logs were down last night?
mircea_popescu: well yes. even the greeks have this noted down : if you're going to murder, rape, pillage your own polis,
thestringpuller: kakobrekla: are logs still down?
mircea_popescu: wait, wasn't this supposed to be down ?
gribble: bitbet.us is down
mircea_popescu: except upside down
thestringpuller: oh no bitbet is down!
gribble: bitbet.us is down
ThickAsThieves: nothing to gain from taking down mp web presence
nubbins`: but if bitcointalk goes down where am i gonna sell my cas coins?
ThickAsThieves: can you take down coindesk?
fivezerotwo: ThickAsThieves, shitty news site with shitty articles that is now down
gribble: cryptodeck.com is down
gribble: bitbet.us is down
assbot: Down For Everyone Or Just Me -> Check if your website is down or up?
assbot: Down For Everyone Or Just Me -> Check if your website is down or up?
RagnarDanneskjol: confirmed - atc pool is down now
gribble: qntra.net is down
ThickAsThieves: bitbet down
ProgressUpdate: so, current target is thedrinkingrecord.com ;; don't worry, no matter how you try to mitigate we'll take you down eventually.
ProgressUpdate: it's not even difficult to knock down *all* of the mpex proxies (at least the ones that have been publicly announced), but barely nobody except mireca_popescu's own bots use mpex anyway.
Maryjane: Especially down the Champlain valley
assbot: 4366 results for 'down' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=down
BingoBoingo: !s down
thestringpuller: is trilema down for anyone else?
cazalla: logs down or under attack now as well?
kakobrekla: but its down :)
RagnarDanneskjol: dem lawgs still down
bounce: !down Freen0deAdmin
mircea_popescu: bounce a properly built house doesn't "Burn down" anyway.
bounce: if you live in a house for a hundred years, it never burned down, you paid its rebuilding value (given the 2%) twice over. is that a loss? or a win, after al, the house didn't burn down.
mircea_popescu: the girls in the ghetto, for love of their fatherland, pick up john, sit him down at the table opposite and cuddle at his feet, just like the others.
mircea_popescu: ie, john is a poor but stupod kid from some downtown ghetto in some derpy town. one day, mircea the evil comes there on business, sits down in the bar with his two bitches cuddling at his feet and drinks a rum or something
bounce: look. fire insurance. over some area 2% of the houses burn down every year. so you insure against that by gathering a goodly bunch of house owners and they contribute 2% of their own house's rebuilding value to the pot, plus a little extra to cover administration. instant rich party to cover houses burning down.