709 entries in 0.632s
kakobrekla: ;;rate mircea_popescu 3 made good on the deeds.
Namjies: Technically, even a regulated market could be issued on decentralized and have their official app tracking official deeds and for trading.
Namjies: ownership deeds on the blockchain tools are not really developed yet tho
EskimoBob: I'll use your billions for good deeds only
knotwork: deeds are each-unique but not yet implemented
mircea_popescu: smickles the purpose of deeds isn't to prevent anyone from owning "independently"
smickles: deeds/titles
smickles: mircea_popescu: also, if i understand deeds correctly, their main purpose is to prevent the individual from owning the thing independantly. in the case of cars, you don't own your car, you and the state own that car
rg: but i already use enough IPs for my own nefarious deeds