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mircea_popescu: which is quite substantially different from matters eminently of record, such
as "who are, truly, the intended and delcared diplomatic endpoints of so and so pretend-sovereign"
mircea_popescu: and then these things flatter themselves with (purely hallucinated) statehood. yet in any practical sense, the troop of retards posing
as "reigning house" of the netherlands (have you seen them btw ?) is sitting atop something infinitely less statal than this here republic.
mircea_popescu: i actually had to fall back on my own secret service background to extract through THAT AVENUE the information that she needed in such a packaging and under such wot signaturs
as i could trust, because god fucking help me if she was gonna send shit to random endpoints "culled from the www"
mircea_popescu: you know, old watches did need to be set every day. we even discussed this in the logs,
as to the function of big ben etc.
mircea_popescu: im not saying it's strinctly impossible bonluck or ssongyank or w/e makes cars just
as good
as bayernische krankenwerken or whatever. it is a fact though, i never looked at it seriously before. chiefly because never had to.
mircea_popescu: it stands to reason, too. "we made this thing to be driven on road, road is defined
as no immovable obstacles taller than x, plox to keep in mind".
mircea_popescu: i do not believe any same-year made car during any of the years involved could have survived
as a replacement. (i don't even take the newer / better ones for this sort of treck -- and tbh, i do not respect them NEARLY
as much. i grew to love the cheap unassuming old car on the merits, which is to say what it'll take. like any woman.
mircea_popescu: except poor dood's spent MORE than that fixing his toyota so
as to get the riteve hence. vindicating the point that... hm. white devil!
mircea_popescu: they check everyhing. (no joke, either, ticos are a serious folk). brakes, direction, i even get warnings that the front seat headrest is unattached (i keep it out deliberately, so
as not to obstruct my front view)
mircea_popescu: bartholomew is driving my groundskeeper fellow to the brink of madness. it is the SECOND consecutive technical inspection it passed without any repairs, AT ALL. the poor guy, drives a cheap toyota, comes back from trhe test with lengthly lists of requisites EVERY time. last year he was very put off by the "pass on 1st try" thing, especially
as the year prior he had seen the thing dump its fluids and have to be toed. but th
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> it si, it is. he's just being mean. << Only halfway. The other half is derechos
as in derechos por cerdos humanos
BingoBoingo: Under the current criminal code, that might be interpreted
as a sentence of community service with the guilty assigned to judge in order to work off his debt to society
mircea_popescu: i don't even mean radicals, or fast calculations of things like 149 * 16
as "well, 24 minus a unit"
mircea_popescu: yes, in theory. in practice, you have a finite set out of a necessarily large space --
as part and parcel of what cryptography IS.
mircea_popescu: pretty sure more like a few mn are known, obtained
as you say.\
mircea_popescu: imo item should be baked anyways,
as a tmsr.crypto model object.
mircea_popescu: your rng working or not is aside the point ; we're discussing here random numbers
as a mathematical abstraction, we're not even counting "well, your set of 4, 4, 4, 4 is not exactly an implementation of that abstraction"
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, the problem's not necessarily stated
as you state it. i am not capable to know in advance WHAT attack will have to be faced.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform,
as to your earlier question : not such a large degree of crackpottery needed. consider that if i affirm today that a) given a list of however many ~randomly chosen~ witnesses from (1,n) b) the number k = x^2 + q x + p is going to be falsely identified
as a prime number while n = q ^ 2 + p ^ 3, there is c) nothing you can practically do to give me the lie other than ~actually construct such numbers and check~.
mircea_popescu: in any case, it seems to me that the a witnesses MUST be generated
as rng(0, 2^4096) rather than rng (2^4095, 2^4096).
mircea_popescu: trinque,
as it happens i was gonna do a buncha small payments, but deedb ot not answering to !!withdraw ?
Mocky: I may end up having a follow up vpatch for mpwp
as well
mircea_popescu: i dun see the problem, so it takers a minute. current gpg takes
as much, and ssh which doesn't is sucja cryptojoke
as to not be worth the mention.
mircea_popescu: it was a fleeting momentary thought! such
as occurs in my box occasionally! i'm not proposing marriage over here!!1
diana_coman: mircea_popescu: fwiw everything I published v-versioned has the tests included
as a subdir with its own .gpr file and all that; I'm not sure a fork of the V-tree is really needed for this (i.e. deleting a whole dir is easier than maintaining a for
as far
as I see it atm).
mircea_popescu: billymg, if you're happy with it, one thing you could do is patch your testing suite
as an alternate patch off mp-wp genesis ; this way people looking to test can just use it (and patch atop it if need be) rather than write from scratch.
☟︎ Mocky: I had a dream 3 nights ago that I walked down a row of 4 houses and banged on each door
as I went past yelling "send our your oldest girl" and the doors all opened and 4 female lions came running out
as if to chase and attack me. But I stared them down and told them they are with me now. Apparently they were talking lions because they all said "ok" and then followed me
as I walked off.
mircea_popescu: Mocky, pepin the short was the original carolingian king of the franks. started career
as exactly that, "being paid to guard the household while selling tickets to rape the wives"
mircea_popescu: yeah. but the contrary consideration's certainly sound, "let's do things in the order they can be done in,
as opposed to any other."
Mocky: Yes. and also firmly decided to make the mid term
as short
as possible
mircea_popescu: so basically what you're saying is that you're only firmly decided to stay in us for the ~mid term~
as opposed to "more than that" ?
mircea_popescu: yet -- if it works
as a bootstrapper it works
as a bootstrapper ; and if it does not we understand why and wherefore.
mircea_popescu: obviously (i would hope) i'm not proposing any naive solution will necessarily work well ; i'm just saying that it's not obvious to me a smart solution isn't available somewhere. in point of fact not merely p, but ~the whole class of things for which it stands
as a most illustrative example~ is, if arguably not new, in any case the continuation of work in fields and along lines neglected for at least three if not more than
mircea_popescu: but in any case no such thing
as "random" exists in the fucking machine --- if it did, you wouldn't need to buy fg's for it, now would you.
mircea_popescu will import by reference the story of mel. what "random access", it's onlty random if you don't know what you're doing and at bootstrap phase the item's too close to starting position to have complexity-exploded out of your hands already
as a matter of necessity.
bvt: i also don't like how at the 'mes' stage a linux kernel 'magically' appears
as the underlying substrape, while stage0 parts are designed to work without os
mircea_popescu: (they're prolly trying to get into costa rica illegally,
as nobody here can distinguiush nicas and mexicans. but anyway)
mircea_popescu: poor but stupid yankee kids, hearing of something in that vein, imagined the ~same can be obtained not only very cheaply, but importantly using only items accessible -- the only enduring ideology of that place. and so... the yankee is moronic enough to act
as if a feather suffices to be 2nd line english elite.)
mircea_popescu: (likbez :
as grand tours became popularized, in the interim before cook's mass commercialization thereof, a lot of 2nd hand british elite kids were exposed to italian fashion and atmosphere ; gained an appreciation of aforeunknown pasta, ie maccaroni, and started a whole epicene fashion including ridiculous dress and assorted faggotry.
mircea_popescu: i don;t have a very clear view of patton ; but churchill is exactly
as much a socialist
as the whole temperance movement. he was unequivocally identified
as such by ~all contemporaries, what, just because dumb soviet kid never heard of churchill other than for one newspaper notice dated 1945 this means something ? by the time hitler came to power churchill had been an openly socialist politician for a decade+
a111: Logged on 2019-03-26 09:18 mircea_popescu: "The present generation of Russians have never known spontaneity of collective action. If, consequently, anything were ever to occur to disrupt the unity and efficacy of the Party
as a political instrument, Soviet Russia might be changed overnight from one of the strongest to one of the weakest and most pitiable of national societies."
a111: Logged on 2019-03-26 08:58 mircea_popescu: nt: namely, the fact that the leadership is at liberty to put forward for tactical purposes any particular thesis which it finds useful to the cause at any particular moment and to require the faithful and unquestioning acceptance of that thesis by the members of the movement
as a whole. This means that truth is not a constant but is actually created, for all intents and purposes, by the Soviet leaders themselves. It may v
mircea_popescu: "The present generation of Russians have never known spontaneity of collective action. If, consequently, anything were ever to occur to disrupt the unity and efficacy of the Party
as a political instrument, Soviet Russia might be changed overnight from one of the strongest to one of the weakest and most pitiable of national societies."
☟︎ mircea_popescu: nt: namely, the fact that the leadership is at liberty to put forward for tactical purposes any particular thesis which it finds useful to the cause at any particular moment and to require the faithful and unquestioning acceptance of that thesis by the members of the movement
as a whole. This means that truth is not a constant but is actually created, for all intents and purposes, by the Soviet leaders themselves. It may v
☟︎ mircea_popescu: "Now it lies in the nature of the mental world of the Soviet leaders,
as well
as in the character of their ideology, that no opposition to them can be officially recognized
as having any merit or justification whatsoever. Such opposition can flow, in theory, only from the hostile and incorrigible forces of [???]"
mircea_popescu: how do you say "burghezo-mosieresc" in ru ? term
as in "Despre politica externă antinațională a guvernelor burghezo-moșierești din România, în timpul politicii imperialiste de așa-zisă 'neintervenție' "
mircea_popescu: in a sense, the children have taken over the insane asylum -- to anyone outside they make just
as good mental patients
as the older ones ; but inside they move quicker and are more vivacious, which are natural advantages.
mircea_popescu: hanbot, it's not even coincidental that the pantsuit used "ts"
as in trans-sexualism to liberate themselves from the traditional ("reds") socialist mindset and erupt like puss from a scab.