4800+ entries in 0.644s
BingoBoingo: And the $b's
PeterL: $up jurov_
asciilifeform: one can at least dream that they will sink a few $trillion into hardware that we can then brick.
a111: Logged on 2015-05-15 06:31 cazalla: ben_vulpes, comparable homes in my area are going for 600k, supposedly worth so much more than what my grand parents paid for their massive acre blocks back in the day where they were able to raise lots of kids on one wage yet i'm supposed to believe you're average australian couple who both work and pay for someone else to raise the 1 kid have it better because the total lack of land and bricks is worth $$$
deedbot: $b 2 is not a command.
BingoBoingo: $b 2
mircea_popescu: midnightmagic> oh. I thought anyone who could +v themselves could $up? << i'm not entirely sure how this even works by now. possibly only l1 ?
mircea_popescu: $gettrust deedbot midnightmagic
midnightmagic: oh. I thought anyone who could +v themselves could $up?
BingoBoingo: $up copumpkin
deedbot: midnightmagic may not $up copumpkin
midnightmagic: $up copumpkin
BingoBoingo: $up copumpkin
copumpkin: $up
mircea_popescu: say $up in here
mircea_popescu: $key copumpkin
copumpkin: [22:18:14] <deedbot> copumpkin may not $up
mircea_popescu: say $up
copumpkin: I just typed $register copumpkin <fingerprint>
mircea_popescu: but anyway - you can self-voice for an indefinite period by pm-ing deedbot $up and then $v the otp it gives you
mircea_popescu: $gettrust deedbot copumpkin
BingoBoingo: $up copumpkin
mod6: $up copumpkin
wywialm: i.e. each contract corresponds to $100
solrodar: $v AC0E2634089EEF76EBA906B010CE7E1F1EC0232B09CBD110CE9C2FBA4241D24A
danielpbarron: $v F1F7155A2B45099761F3C62B891DA26ADF8C691BDED7D4798A407B7227F7F2FB
solrodar: did nobody else find it implausible that he claimed to be able to find at least one person every month willing to spend $20,000 for access to an exchange where nothing was traded but shares of the exchange itself?
mircea_popescu: $up referredbyloper_
trinque: $up deedbot-
asciilifeform: 'Our server admin, in the midst of an investigation into a $130,000 theft, deletes his two keys, and only these two keys, without telling anyone, and then admits on our call that he did it because “they weren’t important.”'
mircea_popescu: $up go1111111
mircea_popescu: $gettrust deedbot ag3nt_zer0_
mircea_popescu: $up ag3nt_zer0_
deedbot: $addtotoldyousofiles is not a command.
mircea_popescu: $addtotoldyousofiles
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Ah, but here live on boat parking is $800 for a slip on Mississippi river and places with yards are often less.
trinque: $up deedbot-
danielpbarron: $key asciilifeform
shinohai: $v 07A21E5321F96CDA4DBCFA4CFC4F08D34410E12B8FC3D1DF2A091EB35E5B2887
shinohai: $unrate PeterL
danielpbarron: $rated nubbins`
trinque: $key mike_c
trinque: $up deedbot-
davout: $deed http://dpaste.com/1E9QGDH.txt
mircea_popescu: $up liquidassets
asciilifeform: $up Brucio-85
BingoBoingo: $up gabriel_laddel
pete_dushenski: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-04-15#1452346 << hm. only about $100 eh. maybe if i'm good this christmas i'll splurge. ☝︎
shinohai: $rate PeterL -1 no I shall not voice you in #trilema
shinohai: $rate PerterL -1 no I shall not voice you in #trilema
shinohai: $gettrust PeterL
BingoBoingo: $up dooglus
trinque: $up deedbot-
asciilifeform: $up PeterL
deedbot: adlai may not $up PeterL
adlai: $up PeterL
trinque: $deed http://dpaste.com/1Y457VV.txt
trinque: felipelalli: if the deedbot- one is gone, that'll mean use $deed <deed-url> after that
trinque: felipelalli: put it on dpaste and feed via $deed as above
trinque: $up deedbot-
trinque: $deed http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/830a8589-4b13-4ead-bba2-4d1e94345dab/
asciilifeform: 'Declaro que devo transferir o equivalente a R$ 300,00 (segundo índice BRXBT do momento do envio) para o endereço 1BVkspu64adYhRP3cBvvxXbjyWFfyKyVGG que pertence ao RHAMA BONITAO, que
asciilifeform: 'BENEFITS GIVEN TO NEW MEMBERS WHO JOIN ILLUMINATI. 1. A Cash Reward of USD $500,000 USD 2. A New Sleek Dream CAR...' << i find the ustard leper's bell ringing here
asciilifeform: $up sbp
asciilifeform: if it means that, given a $B another fella can attempt to replicate, this does not mean much.
mircea_popescu: $up sbp
sbp: $register https://dpaste.de/fZPN/raw
sbp: $register 5D7C0216D9809D44825DFD237CAC2A4BC2F2DA35
mircea_popescu: sbp $register <fingerprint>
mircea_popescu: $gettrust sbp
asciilifeform: $up sbp
trinque: sbp: should you wish to register, just pop your pubkey into deedbot with $register
asciilifeform: $gettrust sbp
asciilifeform: $up sbp
trinque: $gettrust deedbot TomServo
trinque: $v E37DFA225B328852187BD7870400F7CA08DDCEFF2FE2CCA25FCDBF1BC06B6C4E
trinque: $rate TomServo 1
trinque: $gettrust tomservo
trinque: $rate TomServo 1
TomServo: $gettrust deedbot TomServo
asciilifeform: $up TomServo
trinque: it happened just as I tried to $up myself
deedbot: $b 3 is not a command.
BingoBoingo: $b 3
mod6: except for the $12 bj's. that's a decent perk
ben_vulpes: i would vastly rather shovel this shit in my own office with my hand-selected brothers and sisters in arms than travel sixty minutes each direction to work on the once-every-two-years cool multiphysics projects $semicorp has on offer or 1.25 hours for the opportunity to labor in a machine shop with men who think boats are a good investment
ben_vulpes: one of the $leastbadlangs
mircea_popescu: i thought clojure was $goodlang
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: in a sense. there's a $shitlang conference up there this weekend, and the meatwot has graciously coughed up some introductions.
a111: Logged on 2016-04-13 04:38 mats: $12 a blowjob is an odd number
mod6: <+shinohai> http://btcbase.org/log/2016-04-13#1451009 <<< lol << It was basically 2 packs of smokes @ $6 ea. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: $up davout
trinque: $up deedbot-
mircea_popescu: $up davout
a111: Logged on 2016-04-13 04:38 mats: $12 a blowjob is an odd number
mircea_popescu: mats> $20, even $10, i get it, but $12? << market forces. prolly the price of a suficient number of hot pocketz or w/e.
deedbot: $20, even $10, i get it, but $12? is not a command.
mats: $20, even $10, i get it, but $12?
deedbot: $12 a blowjob is an odd number is not a command.
mats: $12 a blowjob is an odd number ☟︎☟︎