3500+ entries in 0.232s
ben_vulpes: <danielpbarron> https://twitter.com/danielpbarron/status/577976775449300992 << this is the most badass thing
danielpbarron: !v assbot:danielpbarron.rate.brendafdez.1:223f3415b24ac435db9d16f55b3ba58fe472795065787d7fcf3bf3a418da91af
BingoBoingo: <danielpbarron> and openbsd the only bsd << If you tuck it safely behind a wall, FreeBSD kicks ass on storage.
BingoBoingo: danielpbarron: Curious yet to see if the G4 can catch up to the Pogos?
danielpbarron: https://twitter.com/danielpbarron/status/577976775449300992
BingoBoingo: danielpbarron: How's the imac doing?
BingoBoingo: danielpbarron: You might enjoy http://bulabula.org/papers/2015/asiabsdcon/ just keep in mind this is one of the devs, don't go all twitter fatwah
assbot: Trust relationship from user danielpbarron to user danielkrawisz: Level 1: -2, Level 2: 1 via 5 connections. | http://w.b-a.link/trust/danielpbarron/danielkrawisz | http://w.b-a.link/user/danielkrawisz
nubbins`: danielpbarron 'cos it's 2015 :/
mod6: danielpbarron: so yeah, some extra instructions up there probably would have helped huh. i'll de-link those later.
mod6: danielpbarron: hi, so it looks like you built OpenSSL, BDB and Boost I'm guessing by the look of that log file? Now it looks like you need to compile bitcoin v0.5.3.1
shinohai: ty danielpbarron. how goes it in the land of #bitcoin-assets
danielpbarron: ;;later tell mod6 http://danielpbarron.com/auto-static-v0_0_5.txt << what's that thing you want me to do? I commented out "strip bitcoind"
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> danielpbarron it doesn't seem to be in there tho. besides, i'd hope he's not relying on theo's testimony ? does he have his own bundle ? << In Theo's Bundle Theo blames Charles Hannum explicitly near the end. Demetrio in my reading of the dump seems to be an aggrevating factor.
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron it doesn't seem to be in there tho. besides, i'd hope he's not relying on theo's testimony ? does he have his own bundle ?
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron he can of course point to deedbot deeds proving these claims,
BingoBoingo: danielpbarron> trinque, he didn't earn it; some uncle died and left it to him for the purpose of funding open source << When someone seems this committed to a troll job you can't take them at face value
BingoBoingo: <danielpbarron> he almost donated 100k USD to OpenBSD and gave it to freebsd instead << That part seems to have been totally just a troll hob
assbot: Logged on 16-03-2015 19:47:05; danielpbarron: tried to get him to explain his position in here, but even IRC is on his hate list for being too old
assbot: Logged on 16-03-2015 19:45:29; danielpbarron: he almost donated 100k USD to OpenBSD and gave it to freebsd instead
davout: danielpbarron: iirc imacs have special disks with apple-specific temperature sensors or w/e
trinque: danielpbarron: openbsd lol?
assbot: Logged on 16-03-2015 12:15:49; danielpbarron: height=280974 vs height=210695
BingoBoingo: ;;later tell danielpbarron Remember if you read that archive that Until Theo forked OpenBSD into being that public CVS read access wasn't a thing anywhere yet. 1994 was a helluva year
BingoBoingo: ;;later tell danielpbarron http://www.theos.com/deraadt/coremail.html << I have a feeling you would love this reading material
assbot: Logged on 15-03-2015 03:16:26; danielpbarron: "I would do but I don't really have time for IRC tbh. . and as a communication vehicle find it too inefficient."
thestringpuller: danielpbarron: how nice of you! hopefully n00b isn't buying Scrypt ASIC tho
thestringpuller: danielpbarron: 17.9k but I didn't pay for them
danielpbarron: ah i thought that whaleclub sounded familiar; i talked to those guys when they were on google hangouts one time https://twitter.com/danielpbarron/statuses/505781493239910400
BingoBoingo: danielpbarron: Well, if you manage to install OpenBSD it's basically closer to a normal OpenBSD environment than the pogo is.
BingoBoingo: danielpbarron: Once you do that see if you can get a bitcoin build upon it.
asciilifeform: danielpbarron: i am chatting from debian-on-a-pogo... << if danielpbarron (or anyone else) has -built- a linux kernel of whatever description, in such a way that it runs on pogo - please wake me up & show.
BingoBoingo: <danielpbarron> and come to think of it, bingo's laptop might also now be illegal to export << So long as Open Source perfectly reasonable to export.
davout: danielpbarron: the ban on crypto export is still a thing?
assbot: Logged on 13-03-2015 17:39:08; danielpbarron: (NOTE: OpenBSD can not be re-exported from the US once it has entered the US. Because of this, take care NOT to get the distribution from an FTP server in the US if you are outside of Canada and the US.)
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron what did you do to this one.
assbot: Logged on 13-03-2015 17:04:39; danielpbarron: i am chatting from debian-on-a-pogo -- it's very nice, and if anyone wants such a machine I highly recommend it
mircea_popescu: cazalla if you ask danielpbarron nicely he might ship you one.
mircea_popescu: speaking of which, danielpbarron or someone, mind tweeeting that link in response to say https://twitter.com/CharlieShrem/status/576158948950171648
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform if that's where it's at, danielpbarron has a point. gotta get it running, somehow.
asciilifeform: danielpbarron: i spent quite a bit of time simply trying to get a vanilla linux kernel made with 'buildroot' (built for this very purpose - routers) to boot on pogo.
kakobrekla: <danielpbarron> (NOTE: OpenBSD can not be re-exported from the US once it has entered the US. < im sure you are familiar with 'pgpi scanning project'
BingoBoingo: danielpbarron: The signify thing depends on libsodium for however good it is along with probably other things
BingoBoingo: danielpbarron: They use that for code/binaries, because GPG is GPL and in their distribution it is license unacceptable by their standards
nubbins`: danielpbarron mine's serving files
davout: danielpbarron: "at least debian doesn't have all that systemd crap" <<< i was under the impression it was coming to debian too
asciilifeform: danielpbarron: it wasn't just the nand
assbot: Logged on 31-01-2015 01:43:22; asciilifeform: danielpbarron: iirc, openbsd will not see the nand flash on the 'pogo.'
asciilifeform: danielpbarron: obvious idea is obvious
assbot: Logged on 12-03-2015 21:14:18; danielpbarron: i could specify that it doesn't count as a fork if the resulting coin is still accepted by MPEx :p
davout: danielpbarron: :)
davout: danielpbarron: you mean an invite to -otc?
davout: danielpbarron: btw when i say an exchange, i mean an exchange
mike_c: danielpbarron: you need to be 75% confident to break even
thestringpuller: danielpbarron: that assumes this 750 BTC is prefork.
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron ahem. through what sort of magic the parts summed exceed the sum ?
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron the problem with places that used to be great but lacked the social structure to support it is they degenerate essentially the same way.
assbot: Logged on 12-03-2015 15:28:00; danielpbarron: "how dare they get paid to write when I have to pay reddit!!1"
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron 66 shitty twitter clicks are worth 50 bucks in the lalaland whjere twitter is a public company and so on and so forth.
thestringpuller: danielpbarron: I'm totally doing an onion spoof with it
fluffypony: danielpbarron: they mean don't post someone else's personal information
fluffypony: danielpbarron: yes, there's a 10% rule
cazalla: i guess i was wrong about danielpbarron being mircea_popescu because apparently asciilifeform is mircea_popescu http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2yrkh4/winner_of_27k_bitcoins_purchased_at_usms_auction/cpccmq0
assbot: Logged on 12-03-2015 03:16:38; danielpbarron: fwiw, I got 50 USD worth of link clicks pointing at this -> http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=05-03-2015#1042514
mod6: danielpbarron: it would have been like line 34
danielpbarron: mod6> danielpbarron: oh you're running this on ARM? this won't build on arm probably. << ahh you called it the "modified pogo script" which gave me the wrong impression.. but I understand what you meant now
mod6: danielpbarron: oh you're running this on ARM? this won't build on arm probably.
mod6: danielpbarron: i think you have some other issues going on probably.
mod6: ok thanks danielpbarron.
danielpbarron: mod6, http://danielpbarron.com/mod6.txt << got an error :<
decimation: danielpbarron: windows adds an extra character to the end of each line
asciilifeform: danielpbarron: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=12-03-2015#1049562 ☝︎
mod6: danielpbarron: try editing the script and getting rid of the -xu thing after /bin/sh
mod6 looks at danielpbarron's paste
danielpbarron: http://danielpbarron.com/mod6.txt << output of auto.sh (with your modifications for 32)
asciilifeform: danielpbarron: mega-snore
danielpbarron: https://twitter.com/danielpbarron/status/575817719272071168 << pretty lulzy
asciilifeform: danielpbarron ^
mod6: while you're at it danielpbarron comment out line 130 of "auto.sh" so I can have you run one other command if you get through the static build.
mod6: danielpbarron: ok, change line 4 to: "32", line 6 to: "x86_32" and line 8 to: "linux-x86_32"
mod6: danielpbarron: yeah, that'll be a problem. what os/arch are you on?
mod6: i suppose it could be some weird regex failure... although, what danielpbarron pasted as a manual verify should have matched this:
mod6: what's weird to me... is that the log output that danielpbarron pasted, it says "good signature"
danielpbarron: mod6, http://danielpbarron.com/mod6.txt
thestringpuller: danielpbarron: i can't code in ssh terminal on iphone tho unfortunately.
wangxinxi: mircea_popescu: I don’t see that danielpbarron asked for binary options.
trinque: danielpbarron: ^ MARK OF DA BEEST
assbot: Logged on 11-03-2015 12:21:36; danielpbarron: that 100 USD worth could be 700 USD worth for me at current odds :D
mircea_popescu: xinxi what's the difference between a binary option and a bitbet like danielpbarron was talking earlier ?
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron sent it. i guess we find out if anyone's replacing kako's logs :D
assbot: Logged on 11-03-2015 03:33:45; mircea_popescu: danielpbarron and actually, since im in a great mood : you get 100 bucks worth of bitcoin bet on any bitbet of your choice, lemme know what you want.
BingoBoingo: danielpbarron: Which bet?
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron and actually, since im in a great mood : you get 100 bucks worth of bitcoin bet on any bitbet of your choice, lemme know what you want. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron yes, actually!
danielpbarron: stoya was here ?! << is this the stoya you were thinking of? -> https://twitter.com/danielpbarron/status/575129423097147392
assbot: Logged on 11-03-2015 00:12:42; cazalla: TIL danielpbarron is mircea_popescu
cazalla: <mircea_popescu> http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-03-2015#1048025 << wait wut ?! <<< reference to some guy you might know and have written about before named tim swanson who thought danielpbarron was you, occurred on twitter ☝︎
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron lol mircea popsicle.
danielpbarron: and because assbot and twitter don't get along: "@danielpbarron you are Mircea Popsecu. creator of #bitcoin-asssets, kicked of twitter for violating TOS due to threat on @aantonop"
assbot: Logged on 11-03-2015 00:12:42; cazalla: TIL danielpbarron is mircea_popescu