800+ entries in 0.006s
mp_en_viaje: meanwhile in other lulz, https://duckduckgo.com/?q=how+to+wear+make-up+in+a+god+honoring+way
mp_en_viaje: there was a time when amelia bedelia was a funny character.
mp_en_viaje: "diana : just bring them here. page, after a time : here's a sketch i drew of me bringing them over."
mp_en_viaje: it's going to end up a satirical piece, "diana : fetch me my arms! page, after a time : i went in the arms room and looked around, saw arms there. diana : good, now fetch. page, after another time : i lifted various over the head, and came back to tell after setting them down again. room for improvmenent : next time ima set them back down in the same places i lifted therm up from"
mp_en_viaje: diana_coman, amusingly enough, if one were tasked to discuss your evolution over the past decade, it'd inescapably run something like "she moved on -- from the theoretical, to the practical". am i detaining you from the day's restatement in #o of the basic explanations re "somewhat of a superficial approximation of work" or have you already done the day's quota ?
mp_en_viaje: "Filozofii Regi si Parlamentul Perfect - Also Sprach Zamolxis" how do you like them apples! gnat can't survive a decade, mouthfulla big ticket items, philosophers, kings, why the hell not.
mp_en_viaje: Șapte reguli, trei zicale, ce mai zis-a unul mare, hai ca ie bine.
diana_coman: ha, found it! though the bit is in a comment, the topic fits anyway, I'd say.
diana_coman: heh, that reminds me of a "work of art" that answered the q of why is Italy shaped like a boot: because that much shit would never fit in a shoe!
mp_en_viaje: meanwhile in cititoriy intreaba, noi raspundem... do you recall where that friend of mine who lived with a dog is mentioned ?
mp_en_viaje: of course the perverse part of this is that home turns out to be a tiny unknown strip of jungle 1/4 globe away from my place of birth. but then again, what can you do.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-02-29 19:38:43 mp_en_viaje: eleven months and a common man's fortune expended towards the scouring of olde yurp has in the end made me quite happy to be back home.
deedbot: dorion rated whaack 5 << enjoyed his company when he visited Panama. He managed to survive MIT and extract himself from USia to settle on a CR beach, writes at ztkfg.com.
deedbot: dorion rated bvt 7 << he's beating the Linux kernel into human use. very knowledgeable and capable across a wide technical spectrum. writes at bvt-trace.net.
mp_en_viaje: well, more techncially it'd be a thousand miles between frankfurt and kiev, and sixteen hundred miles from istanbul to oslo, but anyways, something in that vein.
mp_en_viaje: eleven months and a common man's fortune expended towards the scouring of olde yurp has in the end made me quite happy to be back home.
mp_en_viaje: and yeah, a long journey from munich to minsk has clearly delineated a) europe sucks way more than at any prior point known to me and b) dun compare too well to kiskadee land.
mp_en_viaje: meanwhile met a spanish/swiss developer (an' his lovely ukrainian gf). seems everyone here's doing land development these days.
feedbot: http://ossasepia.com/2020/02/29/a-basic-requirement-for-the-literate-introducing-of-new-tools/ << Ossa Sepia -- A Basic Requirement for the Literate Introducing of New Tools
lobbes: http://logs.ericbenevides.com/log/trilema/2020-02-28#1958568 << agreed on the !later tell not being that useful. And sounds like a plan; I'll have on my list to roll the !Qcalc into auctionbot and retire lobbesbot
billymg: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-28#1958554 << hiya mp, yup still alive. i've just been finishing up the last few pieces of the move and if all goes well should be in cr in about a week
mp_en_viaje: it seems to me it does provide a significant service for that particular use, because it permits players to show each other the bills of trade correctly.
mp_en_viaje: i guess as a concept it harkens back from an olden time, when people were comparatively more superficially equipped and more superficially involved ; today the proper avenue for making a timeline-breaching note on some topic is a comment the person's blog (and if they don't have one that'd cotextually-support the concern then "person" who ?) ; whereas non-timeline-breaching points obviously belong in their day's log context, as they can't be meaningf
mp_en_viaje: i also tried out a subsidiary "send notes to self on main nick" putative utility a while back, didn't actually pan out irl.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-02-16 13:47:23 lobbes: http://logs.ericbenevides.com/log/trilema/2020-02-16#1958115 << the toilet vps lobbesbot is on is down again. Will see what they say. (honestly atm lobbesbot has ~only two used commands: !Qlater-tell and !Qcalc ; instead of finding a new home for lobbesbot I'd rather just make another bot do those and retire the thing. But I've got other botworks in the queue)
mp_en_viaje: yes, indeed. asciilifeform has a whole lot of those. can sure take more -- the overwhelming abundance to date hasn't bothered anything, so definitely could double, triple, infinite-etc.
mod6: I'll just, withold the patch. Make a blog post. If people want it, I guess they can say.
mp_en_viaje: 0 chances ima deploy some patch you cooked up as things stand right now. also 0 chances ima deploy any patch baked of this "21:02. tried a patch, not worked. 00:12 oh now fixed it. i think" washington post / planeshift "development" model/nonsense.
mod6: I'll make a proper post on my blog, indeed. Just want to get this out for folks; now that there is a wedger tool out there, and it's been a number of days of reorccuring wedges.
mp_en_viaje: or what exactly is the idea, erryone's gonna be so fucking impressed with the whole "oh, you know what, ye olde bitcoin has, among its many race conditions, one where you can dos it by getblock spam" that we'll just move right back on to 2015 ? it ain't ever gonna be 2015 again, make a blog, find a master, do some work AS THEY DIRECT YOU, and so on.
mp_en_viaje: mod6, suppose instead of all this ad-hoc "emergency" pantsuit nonsense you make a proper blog, like normal people, follow the path, like normal people, etcetera.
mod6: Going to push up my logs & notes, and then make a vpatch.
mod6: Alright, got a fix for this. *whew*
mod6: Apparently main.cpp:ProcessMessage() allows for quite a number of these getdata commands before flagged as 'Misbehaving'. But I've not seen waves like this before now. Quite possible I've just not seen them either tho.
mod6: Happy to provide the 12G log if you want that, or a shorter one that shows on 22nd or 23rd my node starting, then getting wedged after wave.
mod6: I have a debug.log that is ~12G that goes back ~3 mos to block #605198, i do see those requests, but in the dozens at a time at most. but not a tidal wave of tens of thousands.
diana_coman waves a generated-sphere-on-a-bone-that-is-not-a-bone-they-are-idiots
bvt: anyone debug.log snapshots of wedge: did the period before wedge involve a large number of continous block requests?
mp_en_viaje: a
mp_en_viaje: bvt, don't feel too bad, this is a massive problem owing to the insanity of the gearbox involved. the vast majority of historically observed wedges were never reproduced
bvt: http://bvt-trace.net/2020/02/a-tiny-and-incomplete-trb-wedgetrace/#comment-139 - did some more debugging today, but cannot get a wedge when i do need it
feedbot: http://bvt-trace.net/2020/02/a-tiny-and-incomplete-trb-wedgetrace/ << bvt's backtrace -- A tiny and incomplete TRB wedgetrace
ossabot: Logged on 2020-02-24 00:47:20 mp_en_viaje: anyways, why struggle with your "a sense of worthlessness" ? embrace it. you ARE fucking worthless, what of it. of course you are, there you sit an alleged adult, scraping corrosion off the free part of battery terminals, as if this purely aesthetic approach to technology will do something ; and then calling the exact thing applied elsewhere "research" for purely psychotic reasons, and so on in this vein all aroun
ossabot: Logged on 2020-02-24 00:32:40 mp_en_viaje: so no, you didn't do any research. you used your tv to read webistes, they used their tv to watch soccer games. both are the exact same activity -- leisurable passtimes. gringo pomous nonsense where you think they're niggers and you also think you're god's chosen and therefore their masturbation is jacking off while your masturbation is "research" is a (rather offensive, at that) religious belief of very little th
whaack: which way for 20 weeks straight has made my worthlessness clear. The "struggle with 'sense' of worthlessness" is really a "struggle with 'acceptance' of worthlessness".
hanbot_abroad: mp_en_viaje hrm, seems self-evident but apparently not a coupla years ago? i'll have another look, atm tho' on the brink of disconnectivity. in curand & scl!
mp_en_viaje: speaking of which hey hanbot_abroad it's femInin not femenin. i can see why you'd make the mistake, but they're right, it's femina not femena ; and besides famen's a word.
mp_en_viaje: anyways, why struggle with your "a sense of worthlessness" ? embrace it. you ARE fucking worthless, what of it. of course you are, there you sit an alleged adult, scraping corrosion off the free part of battery terminals, as if this purely aesthetic approach to technology will do something ; and then calling the exact thing applied elsewhere "research" for purely psychotic reasons, and so on in this vein all around, it's w
ossabot: Logged on 2020-02-19 21:23:42 mircea_popescu: "literate" veals, very capable of scribbling their own name in an alphabet of their choice (somehow nobody notices "using an alphabet of your own choice" is THE OPPOSITE OF SPELLING, and the exact definition of illiteracy -- all the fucking farmhands who can't read or write COULD scribble something down, anyone can screech random squgg;lies, with a shovel in a pile of dirt, with their own piss on driven snow, f
mp_en_viaje: so no, you didn't do any research. you used your tv to read webistes, they used their tv to watch soccer games. both are the exact same activity -- leisurable passtimes. gringo pomous nonsense where you think they're niggers and you also think you're god's chosen and therefore their masturbation is jacking off while your masturbation is "research" is a (rather offensive, at that) religious belief of very little theological
mp_en_viaje: research is a term of art, it's done a certain way and by certain people, it is NOT done by dumbphone monkeys on
ossabot: (ossasepia) 2020-02-23 whaack: BingoBoingo: From jumping with someone who owns 8+ cars and jumper cables but did not know you could connect the cable to the chasis on the dead car, I gather that people here do not research how to do things and instead learn only from experience. This could be true also with the mechanic, so I will consult with the mechanic and use his tools but I will take his advice with a grain of salt and
mp_en_viaje would not accept a 2020 made car in his fleet even if offered gratis.
mp_en_viaje: whaack, you know, none of my cars yet broke down. stop buying fucking lemons -- all these "recent" makes, all the toyotas and whatnots are NOT WORTH MONEY. spend 5k on a pre-2010 mercedes before you spend 50k on a yesterday's shoe.
hanbot_abroad: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-23#1958451 << i don't know of many US-driven notions as major in their time or as utterly forgotten by now as this chautauqua thing --at least nominally; ultralame "community"-ing still pushed as a thing by descendants of the same lamers, but the name's entirely absent.
lobbes: This script was on a cron job initially, but ever since douchebag pooped in the input I moved to manual. The whole archive process is due for a recode; but I deemed it low priority since.. well I read the logs and the logs are the only input so I reason this manual stop-gap approach is fine for now
lobbes: mp_en_viaje: my bad on the archive. The "submit links to archive.is and download" portion of the process is initialized manually (I just run a shell script and it does the rest).
BingoBoingo: I've got a little bit on Emerson. This next generation was roughly the first to get charged with implementing the idiocy.
mp_en_viaje: and of course the young obama of the period, a lanky printer's apprentice.
BingoBoingo: mp_en_viaje: This is a project I could start warming up again and structuring as I work on building my toolset and working towards some sort of actual rather than UStarded level of literacy. If I break these particular mid-19th century retards up into bite sized chunks and publish indictments/annotations on the blog in a structured way, I would be filling a gap in documenting how intentional the failure of US "education" was.
mp_en_viaje: (all this sprung up at the time out of a sort of "positive socialism", whereby some strand of the pulpit lobby came up with the idea of constructing some kind or manner of alternatives to hanging out in bars, as part and parcel of their dogged dedication to destroying their opposition as they perceived it. the end product was a sort of pompous and boring c
mp_en_viaje: it could have mattered a lot more, in theory, in 2016. today, having it on or off is ~same.
mod6: Your notion is correct on the former, 'more exposed to potentially misbehaving or sybil peers'. As to the latter, I suspect you will be connected simply more prb nodes. It is possible that you'll also find, in a 'subgraph', nodes that are playing nicely, but seems less likely.
jfw: mod6: my notion of what that action entails, and please correct if I'm missing a major aspect, is that I'm more exposed to potentially misbehaving or sybil peers, but also potentially better connected and more likely to bridge otherwise partitioned subgraphs of the network.
mod6: Heads up to TRB users, seems that nodes have wedged on block 618406. A simple restart of TRB seemed to resolve it. Not sure on the cause yet. Will update with more information as I have it.
jfw: I'll pass along the invite, why not. She gonna need a GPG key and everything? :D
jfw: mircea_popescu: a consonance of dislikes between my own branch of the old generation and the young republic; how nice & harmonious!
mircea_popescu: it's true, too. esl tards are UNIQUELY illiterate, you've not seen anything like it, "college graduates" with a sub 1k word vocabulary and understanding of grammar so rudimental as to render them incapable of theoretical production on the level of naming the fucking cases, or practical accomplishment on the level of analysing one phrase...
feedbot: http://bingology.net/2020/a-homework-assignment-from-diana_coman-trawling-ancient-pms-seeking-what-worked-for-early-qntra-and-where-im-at-on-scripting-a-conversion-engine/ << Bingology - BingoBoingo's Blog -- A Homework Assignment From Diana_Coman: Trawling Ancient PMs Seeking What Worked For Early Qntra And Where I'm At On Scripting A Conversion Engine
mircea_popescu: So IMHO it's worth stating in the documentation that some command is expected to have certain flags available, which in the end would lead us to a complete enumeration of system utilities and the functionality they provide, which IMHO would be worth at least as much as the current POSIX spec. << this btw is eminently a service and likely to produce the way forward.
jfw: mircea_popescu: you mentioned the broken sorting here at least
mircea_popescu: "At that point sort appears broken because case is folded and punctuation is ignored because ‘en_US.UTF-8’ specifies this behavior. Once specifically requested by LANG and other LC_* variables, sort and other locale knowledgeable programs must respect that setting and sort according to the operating system locale tables. That is why this is not a bug in sort, sort is doing the right thing, even if the behavior is ge
mircea_popescu: g them go about their day that indeed they'd have reconstructed a world much more in their own image. out of garbage, multicolorous, strangely odorous, europe's little more than one giant brazilian favela -- except, again, for the indignity of ruins preventing their aspirations.
jfw: And Europe's still got the infrastructure and scenic castles and classical languages and all that to think it's still a thing
mircea_popescu: the poor fucks never got a chance to catch up, because the other retards, the lazy, inept, EQUALITARIAN retards of "Il est interdit d'interdire !" & co managed to catch down instead.
mircea_popescu: but now, revisiting the matter half a century later -- the frankfurt-oslo axis barely qualifies for historical addis abeba.
mircea_popescu: romania helped, with tech transfer, with political support, including AGAINST the moronic us & friends (a tradition, by the way). so did the russians, and the chinese, tho veiled by their alt-flavoured imperial pretensions.
mircea_popescu: i very vividly remember the STRIVE, the fucking indomitable drive of black people in the 70s an' 80s to catch up, to become, to civilize, to build up their countries. it started in the early years of the century, with luminaries like the emperor of ethiopia ; it bulked out and by the 70s it was a deluge.
mircea_popescu: which, sadly but painfully, has been my experience of europe. i took a coupla sluts born in the colonies to take in the glories of the motherland, and the motherland meanwhile's turned 100% chad.
mircea_popescu: sitting at the gate tryina figure it out. "do these people hate english ? or everything other than english ? hmmm!!! my premise could not possibly be faulty, i'm a literate veal that can spell his own name, just look at this last cowpie, how well it speals -- VEAL!"
mircea_popescu: "literate" veals, very capable of scribbling their own name in an alphabet of their choice (somehow nobody notices "using an alphabet of your own choice" is THE OPPOSITE OF SPELLING, and the exact definition of illiteracy -- all the fucking farmhands who can't read or write COULD scribble something down, anyone can screech random squgg;lies, with a shovel in a pile of dirt, with their own piss on driven snow, fingerpain
mircea_popescu: so it sits an gazes at the thing, and could sit there all evening. you have to know you have to send one of the children to drag the animal back in. it's one of the fringes of proper manhood, things far out in the footnotes of the book of being an 1700s romanian peasant, stuff only a few know, BUT ALL EVENTUALLY DISCOVER.
mircea_popescu: this necessarily means that every veal returning home will return to a new gate every time the man has fixed his.
mircea_popescu: you see, in traditional culture everything has a time and a place. that's it's principal quality, the thing that makes it a culture in the first place : it's complete.
jfw: mircea_popescu: ah no, the line he and then I attempted to link was "The English sources at my disposal underwhelm, so let's instead take a stab at the Latin beneath."
mircea_popescu: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-19#1958342 << i dunno, i was trying to unravel a disorderly ball of poorly made references by the illiterate farmhands of the object-oriented cvasi-programming cult.
jfw: http://archive.is/ghjcb << my reply to musl, couldn't resist rubbing in a bit more salt.
hanbot fumes a little.
deedbot: hanbot updated rating of asciilifeform from 3 to -1 << For all his pretensions to personhood, this guy actually needed me to save him from a hotel bill he couldn't handle as he was too stupid, neglectful, or both, to check out on his own. Years later he's decided to keep raging against acquiring basic skills by attempting to tarnish those who tried to help him. In a word, the ficklest friend I ever thought I had.
diana_coman: well, they are certainly stuck to "resolve" through pretense of one sort or another; whether that is the easiest pretense or not doesn't even matter all that much, it's more like a forced move really, what *else* are they going to do since they rule out entirely addressing the root cause?
jfw: easiest way to "resolve" the nonexistence of a singluar "people's interests" I guess
diana_coman: it reads to me exactly no user matters and ~all reducing to "we wanted this anyway/for a long time", huh.
mircea_popescu: ahahaha. the guy's name is topescu with a tz, like in https://dexonline.ro/definitie/țoapă ; not with a plain t like in to melt.
hanbot_abroad: afaik a topi, topesc means 'to melt'?
ossabot: Logged on 2020-02-18 20:10:44 mircea_popescu: incidentally, cristina topescu died recently, as in, over xmas (this was the daughter of just such a wonder, the ONLY romanian sports commenter, one cristian topescu. socialist romania had one of everything, you knew what panties the girl has on before looking and you knew who was gonna narrate the game on the radio while you're looking). the chick was only famous for once on tv -- because hey, she followed the
feedbot: http://trilema.com/2020/are-you-a-sovereign-citizen/ << Trilema -- Are you a sovereign citizen ?
jfw: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-18#1958204 - I'll be so kind as to fix the reference for him; I suppose raster graphics must seem as good as text when your alphabet is unbounded: http://trinque.org/2019/12/29/a-republican-os-part-2/?b=The%20English&e=.#select
mircea_popescu: anyways, contrary to the purportings and pretences traditionally required by their culture, i do kinda suspect ye pantsuit gets pretty well overwhelmed in this here copacetic copse of #trilema
mircea_popescu: anyways, ff they had known they might have found a world of joy... but as they lived on the midnight side of the mountain...
mircea_popescu: diana_coman, but she died BY HERSELF, among 50 dogs, and nobody found her for a week. none of those thousands of facebook friends.