700+ entries in 0.004s
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-06 03:55:25 bvt: diana_coman: i have a question about leafs command: can you explain how you use it? i gave it some thought, and honestly i fail to see how it is useful: after adding the manifest which linearizes the vpatches, "leafs" reports only one leaf, without showing the split vtree branches before it.
jfw: bvt: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-03-06#1958964 - with a manifest, multiple leaves would happen when there are different branches building on a common ancestor and not reground into linearity, no?
jfw: mp_en_viaje: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-03-05#1958950 - still worked, though that was on a musl gawk, perhaps it's special in a sufficiently different way. I don't have a drepper box around with that much disk atm. I'll believe it once blew up in some environment though.
jfw: re cats, there was that time when an out-of-print proprietary unix install CD, irreplaceable artifact, was destroyed. Engineers had left it on a table, y'know, in the server room, near the screwdrivers and such. Not the ideal of orderliness, sure, but not the worst either. What engineers forgot was that CEO liked to bring cats to the office (to better acclimate them to people and travel).
jfw is known for "I wonder how you'd do a fork bomb in Python..." on a highschool server
jfw: Or small children... if there's a button, it will be pushed
hanbot_abroad: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-03-06#1958988 << /me says a prayer for people with impudent cats and/or fat spiders.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-06 04:08:24 mp_en_viaje: billymg, http://trilema.com/2020/our-democracy-or-rather-mostly-theirs/#comment-147687 << you know, i actually live in costa rica, i ain't going anywhere. what http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-03-03#1958805 means is that i'll be in costa rica till late may, and then from june onwards ; it's true i've lived 11 months in 33 or some shit euro towns, but that was a brief interruption as these things go -- be
mp_en_viaje: beings an engineer advocacy is always such a specify kind of ambiguous lulz... like slapstick with mongoloids.
mp_en_viaje: it likely occupies a space in time in between the appearance of laughter as a group-generating social behaviour and the apparition of the voices.
mp_en_viaje: incidentally, from a sadly-still-practicing anthropologist pov, this notion (that a) "all the enemy is the same enemy" and b) "the name for it is satan") is quite likely the oldest human idea ; much older than any kind of religion howsoever loosely defined, and i suspect OLDER THAN LANGUAGE.
mp_en_viaje: a coupla years, and even if before that argentina etc, as i told the (new) manager of my old indian restaurant : "i've been coming here for fifteen years". literally, since 2005, just about this time of year, place's had at least three owners that i know of in the interval and a dozen or more generations of peacocks, but i perdure.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-03 12:40:10 mp_en_viaje: jfw, well, i plan on maybe going to rio late may ; other than that i'll be mostly around. pick a day, i don't specifically care which and it doesn't make any sense for you to try and coordinate with large groups at large distances -- if indeed there's a gathering you can take the hourish trip down again, at the considerable cost to you of a lunch out or w/e it is.
mp_en_viaje: billymg, http://trilema.com/2020/our-democracy-or-rather-mostly-theirs/#comment-147687 << you know, i actually live in costa rica, i ain't going anywhere. what http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-03-03#1958805 means is that i'll be in costa rica till late may, and then from june onwards ; it's true i've lived 11 months in 33 or some shit euro towns, but that was a brief interruption as these things go -- before that i lived in cr
bvt: good, so i guess i can release a vpatch this weekend
mp_en_viaje: btw diana_coman is there some reason A Walk among the Trees of V stands out in http://ossasepia.com/2019/ ?
mp_en_viaje: bvt, i think a large part of it is that indeed this tool is evoloving ; and has been, but deliberately under the specific sort of pressurte, which comes with usage. you're not under some great weight of "having to get it perfectly & forever right" now, just as mod6 or ben_vulpes or anytone else wasn't 3 years ago.
mp_en_viaje: because each time someone blows a fuse and ends up wanting an official word, i end up looking at some shit so stupid it's beyond this world.
mp_en_viaje: but this no longer seems a sufficien tstatement of the problem. has he EVER been right ? is there such a thing as the wonder of ONE correct prediction since he went along his merry stupid way ?
bvt: diana_coman: i have a question about leafs command: can you explain how you use it? i gave it some thought, and honestly i fail to see how it is useful: after adding the manifest which linearizes the vpatches, "leafs" reports only one leaf, without showing the split vtree branches before it.
mp_en_viaje: man asciilifeform & his gravitating windbag make for SUCH a moron field... what THE FUCK is "centralizing" about http://billymg.com/2020/01/mp-wp-patch-viewer-and-code-shelf/comment-page-1/#comment-77 ?
jfw: I tried a nearby "GNU Awk 4.1.3" on 1gb of `yes`. The direct reading was consistently slower than both input redirection and cat | , which is certainly suspicious in itself; seemed to work though
jfw: well then, seems we're solving a bigger problem than I realized
mp_en_viaje: proposing to continue with "here, like this, there, like that" nonsense is much like proposing to continue with a formulation of arithmetic that has no 0 "because look at all these abacuses we made".
mp_en_viaje: jfw, what casn you do ? humanity requires a universal comment format, because there may not be computers before there's no literate code.
mp_en_viaje: a sorry lol.
mp_en_viaje: it was intended to be valid comment. i am annimated by the vague hope that there can be such a thing as "comment" in all languages
mp_en_viaje: the 1st fragment is the plaintext and the 2nd fragment is a line-array of signatures in the comment space hash format.
jfw: hm, I've heard of it but was under the impression that padding is a different thing.
jfw: mp_en_viaje: well a signature can't sign itself, yes? so there is some transformation from clearsigned file to hash input.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-02-04 01:38:36 mircea_popescu: so given bvt's recent and indeed quite shiny work on a new v : is there any interest in actually attempting something like the new clearsign scheme ?
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-04 14:48:29 dorion: in local us amlbs stories, acquaintance than owns real estate brokerage/admin tells me he referred to his competition a guy he marked as a money launderer cause of new threats from local regulators. first bankers turn police, now real estate salesman, grocers next via accepting plastic only ?
mp_en_viaje: there's a piece where ballas makes the point that "private" in the us just means state-owned-without-benefits (that he meanwhile carefully deleted from his own site) ; panama is exactly the same thing in state terms : another way of being a us state but without benefitting from fed printouts.
mp_en_viaje: dorion, sounds like a pretty dangerous course for a dying state, because the whole hope of extending survival is currently pinned on real estate monetization.
mp_en_viaje: in any case, this is the fundamental defect of all utopian "thinking", of the reformation ("the testament i read, and the testament that is, are the same testament!!!") in general, and of pretty much all usian attempts, from "believe women" to "manifest destiny" or w/e. this hope to one thing.
dorion: in local us amlbs stories, acquaintance than owns real estate brokerage/admin tells me he referred to his competition a guy he marked as a money launderer cause of new threats from local regulators. first bankers turn police, now real estate salesman, grocers next via accepting plastic only ?
mp_en_viaje: "people shouldn't lie" "motherfucker, I WAS TELLING A STORY!!!" what, "nevertheless!!!" what is this, jeffersonian democracy ?
mp_en_viaje: if i do check it out, and in a week return, "bitch, i know five guys that've done you" she'll ask me "so ?" and if i go "you lied" she'll leave because "you're a fucking idiot". she has a point, doesn't she.
mp_en_viaje: right. one day i met a girl, we fucked, then she told me i am her third. this happens ; what do i care ? i didn't refrain from anything until her claim checked out (nor did i bother checking), what difference does it possibly make.
mp_en_viaje: it's not a matter of degree, it's a matter of "does the man think there's one thing, or does the man think there's two things ?"
mp_en_viaje: the other's illustrated in glengarry glenn ross, "I want to show you something. It might mean nothing to you...and it might not. I don't know. I don't know anymore. What is that? Florida. Glengarry Highlands. Florida. "Florida. Bullshit." And maybe that's true; and that's what I said: but look here: what is this? This is a piece of land. Listen to what I'm going to tell you now:"
mp_en_viaje: dorion, but there's a difference between the jokes they tell and the offer sheets they carry. the first is illustrated in la grande belezza, "Se non prendo sul serio Proust, che ci prendo sul serio ?" "Ma niente. Niente non devi prendere sul serio, acceti il menu, naturalmente."
dorion: in this case in particular, a friend made the intro and brought me to the guys' office. later we went for drinks, watched a fight, talked about non-business things. a week or two passed and he came back wanting another meeting to discuss how we work with them.
dorion: in my mind, I talk to people to see who'd be a good fit. based on what they say, I decide if I want to continue talking to them. part of
diana_coman clears up a pile of paper notes as the write-up is finally done.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-02-19 21:23:42 mircea_popescu: "literate" veals, very capable of scribbling their own name in an alphabet of their choice (somehow nobody notices "using an alphabet of your own choice" is THE OPPOSITE OF SPELLING, and the exact definition of illiteracy -- all the fucking farmhands who can't read or write COULD scribble something down, anyone can screech random squgg;lies, with a shovel in a pile of dirt, with their own piss on driven snow, f
mp_en_viaje: back at reality, however, things stand a little differently : ustardians have, for some ungodly reason, painted themselves in such a corner of insecurity, anxiety and inferiority selfcomplexation, ALL their social banter consists of these lame as fuck self-anecdotes, like a bunch of neoprotestant farmers discussing nothing but their crops, and how well they've done ploughing. goldarn an' blue blazes!!!
mp_en_viaje: this is, perhaps, a weird thing to say ; then again i'm a weird sort of guy. to retort that "well... how would i go about verifying it" is pretty good repartee in the fancied context i just described.
mp_en_viaje: upon you return, you recount how it went. one of the things you say is "hey, do you know the one with the two nuns and the...", on the basis of a fellow latex salesman unknown to us having told you a dirty joke over drinks one night in the hotel lobby, after coming back from the business and before going up to the personal assistants in the rooms.
mp_en_viaje: suppose you were a latex salesman ; suppose we both and with these other fellows worked for a latex mfg co. suppose you were sent to a latex convention sometime. suppose there you met some fellows, did some business, had some drinks, maybe a local secretary up to your hotel room, whatever.
whaack: mp_en_viaje: cool, if you do a beach trip nearby and would like to surf I'll take care of the boards etc.
whaack: mp_en_viaje: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-03-01#1958708 Apologies, I had responded to this without having +v and didn't realize the message didn't go through. (thankfully jfw pointed out I had missed the msg) I'm in Playa Junquillal, a beach in Guanacaste (the nearest city is Santa Cruz) . It's pretty close to billymg's location. I am game for the 28th.
mp_en_viaje: not that, but i figured we actually go have a cup of coffee this week
billymg: mp_en_viaje: i didn't mean to invite myself to anything though, if it was meant to be only for a smaller group i'm happy to wait until called upon
mp_en_viaje: dorion, a nice!
mp_en_viaje: i read once a sf story about some future world so bereft of actual meaning, people were buying "memories"
mp_en_viaje: nah, lifetime poor people are universally cleaner than the suburban priss mind gives them credit (on the basis of their very limited experience of bums, who are very specifically NOT the same thing -- a bum is an idiot with delusions of grandeur, a poor kid from a poor family is simply bereft of means)
jfw checks, notes "bedlice" not actually a word
mp_en_viaje: of course, if you're curious you can also go live downtown, hire a room in one of the prostitute hotels, get some very real 1950s bronx experience under your belt.
mp_en_viaje: in any case, try and get a place on the west side, all the nice beaches are on the pacific coast, it'll save you an hour or so in infernal tico trafic to cross the town.
mp_en_viaje: everything else is you know, subrural. not as in, evansville rural, but as in "there is not a hotel here, just a gas station" rural.
jfw: heh, well whaack managed to find a beach with a commute to the grocery store
mp_en_viaje: jfw, well, i plan on maybe going to rio late may ; other than that i'll be mostly around. pick a day, i don't specifically care which and it doesn't make any sense for you to try and coordinate with large groups at large distances -- if indeed there's a gathering you can take the hourish trip down again, at the considerable cost to you of a lunch out or w/e it is.
jfw: got a time frame in mind yet?
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-01 10:35:31 trinque: not tabled, and I apologize for the delay. I think it needs about one more post, and then there'll be a whole item described. I've been digging into that this weekend, ought to be able to squeeze it out today or tomorrow.
dorion: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-03-01#1958692 - you had said the next would how V enters the picture. Is that still the plan ? did you expand and roll the spec you had in mind in there ?
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-14 08:58:52 mircea_popescu: i will want a full release ready to go concomitantly, so if your client isn't liable to be around then maybe deed it prior.
mod6: mp_en_viaje: Hey there, Sir. Now that you're back to CR (glad you had a good trip), plz to process mpex withdrawls when you have an extra few minutes. Thanks in advance.
mp_en_viaje: nothing wrong with a paying customer.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-01 14:36:47 mp_en_viaje: "On the more positive side, based on what he has told us, he made a career from designing and implementing HFT systems for a wide range of fiat exchanges and instruments. He told us at one point he was paying $20k/month for leased lines." << from experience, none of these claims are ever true. [http://trilema.com/2014/how-the-other-half-lives-or-michael-o-church-is-a-scummy-fuckwit/?b=roughly%20Di&e=equivalent#sel
mp_en_viaje: a look, links the article. a ok
ossabot: Logged on 2016-09-10 09:16:45 mircea_popescu: hard to properly word a "company not around" clause is the problem. according to usg, ibm and cisco are both "still around".
mp_en_viaje: i don't think you understand ; costa rica is austin in march/april 12 months a year.
billymg: trinque: also, hey, i've got about a week left here in austin. if you're not too busy let me know if you'd be up for a drink or some steaks
diana_coman: bvt: http://ossasepia.com/2020/02/29/a-basic-requirement-for-the-literate-introducing-of-new-tools/#comment-7673
mp_en_viaje: "On the more positive side, based on what he has told us, he made a career from designing and implementing HFT systems for a wide range of fiat exchanges and instruments. He told us at one point he was paying $20k/month for leased lines." << from experience, none of these claims are ever true. [http://trilema.com/2014/how-the-other-half-lives-or-michael-o-church-is-a-scummy-fuckwit/?b=roughly%20Di&e=equivalent#select][people just say thi
mp_en_viaje: BingoBoingo, a aite then.
bvt: mp_en_viaje: http://ossasepia.com/2020/02/29/a-basic-requirement-for-the-literate-introducing-of-new-tools/#comment-7669
bvt: ty. if you gzip the work directory and publish it somewhere i'll look into it as well. i also took a stab at indented flow output (http://bvt-trace.net/2020/02/vsh-parts-25-and-3-one-binary-ada-solver-and-ada-vfilter-implementation/#comment-150)
billymg: mp_en_viaje: agree. ugh, yeah, i've really been meaning to publish a roadmap for mp-wp that others can comment on
billymg: as for vpatching the server side select mechanism, since mp-wp ships with two base themes a patch could at least be made to include the select mechanism in those. seeing as how most people copy/paste one of the included theme directories to customize/create their own
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-01 11:28:37 mp_en_viaje: in my mind the ideal theme would be a config file, not the current pile of actually executable files wth theme is that. columns = 2; main = left ; main = 2/3; is a theme.
billymg: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-03-01#1958703 << i have a strong feeling the reason it's *not* this, and the reason the mp-wp genesis is 7x the size of trb genesis by LOC, is because it was designed by the "no one user matters more than another" crowd
diana_coman realises she did not take a pic of the steak!
mp_en_viaje: trinque, billymg and iirc whaack are here on a more or less permanent basis, so something could most likely be organized, too.
mp_en_viaje: such that someone could try out a theme without having to ~read code~ or worry that who knows what rm -rf is in there
mp_en_viaje: in my mind the ideal theme would be a config file, not the current pile of actually executable files wth theme is that. columns = 2; main = left ; main = 2/3; is a theme.
mp_en_viaje: i practically have the choice of either publishing a screamingly offensive non-patch in november of 2019, or else wait until there's a place to meaningfully add it as a patch ; which necessarily is stalled on "what the fuck is the correct cut for themes, cuz it seems evident it isn't what's now done", which in turn rests on a half dozen or so more nodes that are all further away from what is actually being worked now.
mp_en_viaje: the whole "theme" thing is iffy, and part and parcel of why this particular tree (mp-wp) is so deeply misbehaving is that it rests upon a large pile of intricate design errors and failures.
diana_coman: trinque: the ref for the select mechanism is mp_en_viaje's link above aka the article on trilema really; not a vpatch as such afaik.
trinque: there's a get_header func or something, could come in via that.
trinque: diana_coman: could perhaps include it as a util you can pull into your theme or not
trinque: re: CR, is there a meeting planned, or is this an open ended question?
trinque: not tabled, and I apologize for the delay. I think it needs about one more post, and then there'll be a whole item described. I've been digging into that this weekend, ought to be able to squeeze it out today or tomorrow.
diana_coman: mp_en_viaje: if trinque means indeed that aka the selection mechanism,that is anyway not going to be in the tree since it requires a change to the *theme*'s file, no?
trinque recently fixed his theme and sidebar, so hopefully it's otherwise in a somewhat more useful state
trinque: mp_en_viaje: I'm around, been turning a meager win into a sustainable machine.
ossabot: (trilema-hanbot) 2020-02-17 BingoBoingo: hanbot_abroad diana_coman: The problem of identifying an article url on a blog url without importing python or something else heavy has me stumped, so I've been reconsidering the possibility of blasting out a crawl over serveral degrees. The flow filewise would be something like 'churn' to 'churndomains' to 'churn2' to 'churndomains2' and so on out to the ending on a list of all the urls scraped in the third or four
mp_en_viaje: and speaking of http://ossasepia.com/2020/02/29/a-basic-requirement-for-the-literate-introducing-of-new-tools/#fn3-5091 what's trinque up to these days ?!
mp_en_viaje: it's a thing!