29900+ entries in 0.416s
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-01-14#1602646 << actually this makes no difference if i do or if i don't. the correct solution that's sitting on my laptop is to explicitly check for exhaustive anticedents, and then render a missing link if there's one missing
☝︎ mircea_popescu: anyway, /me tires of #rust. there's been 500 join/parts and strictly one line ("
<clmg> How do I borrow a vector mutably while iterating over that vector? Is it possible?") in the past 3 hours.
<asciilifeform> watching glue dry is better nao.
<< How are the urethane warts doing?
<+mircea_popescu> a patch can only apply if ALL of its antecedents are present ; not if ANY of its antecedents are present
<< this.
<+mircea_popescu> "weds 14:00 to 16:00, phf's lisp class".
<< this would be pretty cool actually. i'd attend if I could get the timing right...
<asciilifeform> 'available ad libitum to those within the walls'
<< this means there's an infinite supply.
phf: asciilifeform: just look at the chainstate log. that's how it was. but on one hand it became impractical to prefix every time. and the other reason is that c*ndi_lustt is not a repl bot by original design. "BRAIN" function supposed to take arbitrary text, and process it. in order to actually get to repl you have to use "c*ndi_lustt eat
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform comments don't allow
< semantically because it's the start of a html tag ; articles have problems parsing (( and )) because it's footnote convention
a111: Logged on 2017-01-13 20:13 candi_lustt: error: #
<sb-int:simple-reader-package-error "The symbol ~S is not external in the ~A package." {10070E98E3}>
candi_lustt: The symbol "PASTE" is not external in the MPBOT package.Line: 1, Column: 72, File-Position: 72Stream: #
<sb-impl::string-input-stream {1007504E23}>
candi_lustt: error: The symbol "PASTE" is not external in the MPBOT package.Line: 1, Column: 72, File-Position: 72Stream: #
<sb-impl::string-input-stream {10071B3B53}>
candi_lustt: error: #
<sb-int:simple-reader-package-error "The symbol ~S is not external in the ~A package." {10070E98E3}>
☟︎ candi_lustt: error: #
<undefined-function paste {10070D62E3}>
pete_dushenski: "Trilema hurt my head on-and-off for Nearly a year.Then it hit me like a ton of bricks-shit."
<< what chrome thinks my en quote would sound like if it were ro then converted back to en.
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-01-12#1601941 << this is a useful record in that one can take the list of mimisbrunnr , which exists timestampted in chan, and compare to list of blockchain.info for instance, see what dt is involved. sum it up over 10k blocks or whatever
☝︎ mod6:
<+ben_vulpes> waiwut i don't remember this wine event
<< great steaks at this place. Mr. P. had to leave and change his suit.