asciilifeform: amberglint: not only not afaik; but even ~microshit word doc~ format not fully reversed yet.
asciilifeform: i , for instance, dun have with what to launch car into mars. mircea_popescu -- has with what, but is smart enuff not to.
asciilifeform: there's arguably 2 separate problems at hand : 1) how to bake an ic such that it's an actual economic proposition, rather than resembling that car e. musk launched to mars 2) to get it done by someone other than malicious winshit-idiots . both -- currently open problems.
asciilifeform: but we currently have 0 penetration into cn, so i've nothing to add to this yet
asciilifeform: iirc mircea_popescu's hypothesis was that the whole thing is an 'idiot tax' for people who don't know how to get'em made in cn
asciilifeform not tried, and not about to pay 1000 $ ea. for ~unpackaged~ may-or-may-not-work dies
asciilifeform: ( at 'modern' micronicities, fab process is no longer standard but custom to the chem, and entirely diff at each fab house. hence the proprietary tooling crapolade. )
asciilifeform: concern appears to be 'But Our Seekrit Process Chem!1111'
asciilifeform: last yr ( and before ) i talked to a coupla ic fabs, in various countries. they all not only run winshit but demand that you use their 'standard cells', which available (surprise?) under nda