24600+ entries in 0.18s
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> so d00d linused himself on the stake, huh. << Linus is
a line in the Wilson piece because presumably Wilson at least got his nut off with the little girl who fucked him
phf: by then adacore gnat gcc already managed to compile
a whole bunch of stuff
ave1: to debug it, just try to compile
a basic C hello world with the AdaCore gcc (and also with the system gcc, with -v so that it shows you the paths)
ave1: phf, your error is in the AdaCore gnat gcc (gcc -version shows these boron.
a directories)
mircea_popescu: that it was but the work of accident, if there be such
a thing as accident; that it had come down in the particular shape in which the English Church now receives it, when it might have come down in any other shape; that it was but
a toss-up that Anglicans at this day were not Calvinists, or Presbyterians, or Lutherans, equally well as Episcopalians. This historical fact did but clench the difficulty, or rather impossibility
mircea_popescu: It did not produce this effect on Reding. Whether he had expected too much, or whatever was the cause, so it was that he did but feel more vividly the sentiment of the old father in the comedy, after consulting the lawyers, "Incertior sum multo quam ante." He saw that the profession of faith contained in the Articles was but
a patchwork of bits of orthodoxy, Lutheranism, Calvinism, and Zuinglism; and this too on no principle;
mircea_popescu: "It was
a capital lecture so far as this, that the tutor who gave it had got up his subject completely. He knew the whole history of the Articles, how they grew into their present shape, with what fortunes, what had been added, and when, and what omitted. With this, of course, was joined an explanation of the text, as deduced, as far as could be, from the historical account thus given. Not only the British, but the foreign Re
diana_coman: to recap so I don't miss anything: no counter sent in header for packets; packets will have sizes between 6 (header length so minimum) and 2048; sender will have
a 1second delay between each new package sent
diana_coman: btw, there is no "idle", no; sender sends and finishes, what idle? it'll get started again by
a cron task
diana_coman: k, will add delay 1 sec between packets at sender, not
a problem
mircea_popescu: yeah, i don't think we're trying to study bursts or saturation here. rather
a study of the route under best conditions so to speak.
phf: mircea_popescu, ave1
http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/QtjVR/?raw=true this was the log from the last invocation, but i'm not sure if it's representative of an issue. this was downstream from
a handful of hacks and manual invocations
mircea_popescu: "i want
a girl" "how about mary ?" process. if i wanted fucking mary, i'd have fucking said i want mary.
mircea_popescu: "people are keeping their office uncluttered through sheer force of will, and there's
a bunch of crap trying to rape this, such as 'ring binders'."
a111: Logged on 2013-12-22 16:56 asciilifeform: 'what people want is
a function of what they learn is available. e.g., do Americans want three-ring binders, and Europeans four-ring binders? or do they want binders and take whatever number of holes they come with? or do they want something that can help them organize their papers and take whatever is available? or do they really want
a less cluttered office and ease of storage and retrieval of the infor
mircea_popescu: i'm currently connected through the internet through sheer force of will, and there's
a tcp thing trying to rape this.
a111: Logged on 2018-03-13 20:25 spyked:
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-03-13#1787759 <--
a-ha, mystery solved! Trilema has
a <div class="post"> child to <span id="shash-...">, so that portion of the script selects it when the child is not
a text node (the nodeType==3 bit). thetarpit DOM tree is flatter and doesn't wrap the content in this additional div. NB, will keep it mind should performance ever prove to be an issue.
phf: my guess as to the issue is that the combination of flags required in order to bring up
a "bootstrap" system has changed, bootstrap process produces
a build that fails to stand on its own
phf: ave1: just fyi i punted on trying to get it operational on
a "recent" linux. i hacked around the isystem issue, and ran into something else entirely downstream. also it is
a "recent" linux issue, because it builds fine on as-heathen-as-it-gets centos 6.7 (2016 or so)
a111: Logged on 2018-09-25 15:05 diana_coman: aha; meanwhile playing here with the dubious UY->UK direction and I'd say it's pretty clear that bursts of more than 50 packets or so increase packet loss visibly; I suppose this makes for
a nice thing to look at specifically once I get one week of data or so
a111: Logged on 2018-09-25 14:57 asciilifeform: diana_coman: i'd like to see
a test where there is only 1 size, across various sizes, if possible
a111: Logged on 2018-09-25 13:37 asciilifeform: diana_coman: lemme know btw if you'd like to send me the sender and do
a packet survival run to/from asciilifeformistan
diana_coman: aha; meanwhile playing here with the dubious UY->UK direction and I'd say it's pretty clear that bursts of more than 50 packets or so increase packet loss visibly; I suppose this makes for
a nice thing to look at specifically once I get one week of data or so
☟︎ diana_coman: mod6, certainly; I'll wait pretty much for any feedback on it all and otherwise it's quite ready to run for
a week or more (receiver always on, sender as some hourly cron taks)
diana_coman: mod6, as far as I can tell they got lost in transit but I don't know *how close* to the machine itself (this UK machine is behind
a router, I've set up port forwarding for it); basically atm the UK->UY vs UY->UK is pretty much client->server vs server-> client communication
diana_coman: mod6, yes! onth
a batch of 20 packets only rather than 100 made it fully
diana_coman: asciilifeform, ftr, just ran
a batch 100 packets from UY to UK and... 19 made it! oh boy
diana_coman: will do; I can think of
a few other routes as well but possibly first have it run on one route for
a while and then expand
diana_coman: no, I am still fuzzing about; but will try in
a bit
diana_coman: I can certainly run such
a test too if we want to check that specific situation; now that I got ~everything in place, knobs can be easily turned for sure
diana_coman: the last column in the receiver log is now
a count of payload octets that are different from what is expected - if any such octets are observed, the receiver will log now their actual position + value in
a different log file; so far I haven't seen any error of this type
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-09-25#1854219 -> tiny new pilot test seems to suggest it's not as bad as that: all 100 packets of
a batch (sent in burst mode, no delays) made it, with pseudo-randomly chosen sizes between 6 and 2048; predictably though, order was messed up at times
☝︎ a111: Logged on 2018-09-25 00:10 mircea_popescu: but i suppose if you're running
a camwhore site or something.
verisimilitude: On that topic, I've been using GuixSD for
a bit; what are you using, asciilifeform?
verisimilitude: Once I get this PGP nonsense sorted out, I'll tell you
a story.
a111: Logged on 2014-11-15 00:28 asciilifeform: one would read instructions. another, turn
a wrench, whatever. third would check that 2 corresponds to 1. then, all three sign under that step in recipe.
mircea_popescu: and issue
a paper slip per instruction, for hand-writeoff
verisimilitude: If you have eight instructions, you're inevitably just going to have
a large amount of meta-instructions all the same.
mircea_popescu: moreover,
a bit of
a republican standard, so liable to get more attention.
verisimilitude: ARM is certainly
a better architecture than MIPS ever can be.
verisimilitude: It's because I own this hardware that I intend for the first MMC targeting
a ``real'' machine to target MIPS. I decided if I ever got one, I'd try to understand it well enough to run my own software directly on the bare metal and in the boot firmware.
verisimilitude: I suppose I can use the Yeeloong to generate
a PGP key.
mircea_popescu: sorta like
a sonar blast to see under this iceberg peak.
mircea_popescu: mind giving it
a seeing to ? it'll be
a very useful heuristic, imo, "get rk drivers on 2.6 kernel"
verisimilitude: I wanted to make
a derivative of P" and Brainfuck that was difficult to compile and also make
a crude joke.
verisimilitude: I've been meaning to refine it and also have
a version without color.
verisimilitude: For the past several years I'd had the idea of
a machine code development tool in my mind and for over
a year now I've been working to breathe life into it.
mircea_popescu: but i suppose if you're running
a camwhore site or something.
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2018-09-24 17:13 asciilifeform: even per this 'logic', seems like there's
a loose end -- so, ok, they sell, SELL, only. bags of benjies -- go in. ~then~ wat.
a111: Logged on 2018-09-24 17:08 asciilifeform: mighty lotta cheek, for folx who torment
a 300 $ crate in tariff hell, to prattle about 'international marketing'
a111: Logged on 2018-09-24 16:15 asciilifeform: and theoretically if the cartel births '9000' new sybils, it will force the use of something like my algo, whether anyone wants to or not, the layer of sibylade would become undrillable in its absence . but this is admittedly
a stretch.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i suppose it is
a serious bojum that is in no way resolved by smearing shit over eyes.
a111: Logged on 2018-09-24 17:00 BingoBoingo: Oh, they'll flat out say Uruguay is
a poor country
a111: Logged on 2015-05-31 12:11 mircea_popescu: with
a time decay, with
a penalty for sending bad blocks and
a positive for sending good blocks at
a good speed.
a111: Logged on 2015-01-31 03:13 mircea_popescu: something simple like, "whenever
a parentless block is handed over the retaining of which would cause memory pool for holding parentless blocks to be overrun,
a) drop the handed block ; b) close the connection and ban that peer for half hour ; c) discard all chains of parentless blocks longer than six items ; d) connect again"