23400+ entries in 0.047s
mod6: # Modified March 22 2015 by Satoshi Nakamoto for La Serenissima << :]
mod6: thanks for posting.
mod6: great work nubbins`!
mod6: oops
mod6: /names
mod6: :D
mod6: <+nubbins`> mod6 the rest of the issues seem to be differences between bsd/osx 'ld' and linux 'ld' << ah ok, yeah.
mod6: huh, weird, this one looks like you can read a lot of it...
mod6: (for free)
mod6: yeah, i saw that. usually on-line, you get a certain amount of sections to preview.
mod6: but yeah, i've certainly seen it in stores.
mod6: im old-school. i like real books.
mod6: it seems like a decent read. i feel like i my have read that book like a million-internet years ago.
mod6: yeah I read the two paragraphs there "portability" and "power".
mod6: i've gotta get one going here myself.
mod6: i feel like the pogo is hugely important for getting a large amount of nodes out there with, that's really exciting.
mod6: i saw thay you're getting close to 300k blocks on pogo, that's great work. keep it up!
mod6: it's just not time well spent for me atm since no one even has that stuff any more. :]
mod6: heck, i'd love to get an R.I. running on an UltraSPARC II box or something.
mod6: yeah. ok. so supporting stuff like VAX/Amiga/SGI/Sparc etc are going to take time and resources ... maybe someday we get there, who knows. but first we just wanna get it working for like x86 obsd, and other Tier1 platforms first.
mod6: but maybe someday we can get builds/patches created to build/configure for these seperate arch's. who knows.
mod6: eh, i'm not sure on VAX either. i've never used it. it doesn't look like boost supports it.
mod6: looks like it :/
mod6: http://www.boost.org/users/history/version_1_52_0.html << so it says that osx is supported here, but does this only indicate that it supports x86 of OSX?
mod6: but others might have faster/better-luck/more knowledge on that than ole mod6
mod6: im probably least clue'd on the mac side. if I had an environment to play on for a while, i could probably get it to work.
mod6: then a makefile.osx would have to be modified and re-added to the package once working.
mod6: well, we'd have to spend some time just making sure we have the correct configure/compile flags set for openssl/bdb/boost and then create a patch or derivative of auto.sh for ppc-mac
mod6: ah so PPC
mod6 looks
mod6: danielpbarron: hmm. well, first, you'd have to get the libs to build for the correct arch. does mac still use ppc? thought it was x86? but either way, you get the libs built, and then there might be some tweaks that can be done to get the makefile into shape for osx or w/e.
mod6: thanks for testing nubbins`
mod6: <+nubbins`> so auto.sh will compile everything up to bitcoind itself << ah! ok. log/breadcrumbs help here : log output with uname -a and other important info is good to capture for a solid bug report.
mod6: <+funkenstein_> some testing notes for mod6 http://dpaste.com/1EP63W5 << thanks for the testing notes!
mod6: ya, irc has no substitutes
mod6: yeah. its cool tho
mod6: yeah, and .01337498 and a bunch of other small amounts
mod6: i think that's mostly my testing + taxation
mod6 hangs head
mod6: Luke-Jr: anyway, im trying to listen on -port=8333 but i think aws is doing something funny.
mod6: goddamnit im retarded
mod6: one sec.
mod6: hmm. derp.
mod6: tcp 0 0* LISTEN
mod6: o.O how is it syncing blocks then?
mod6: http://dpaste.com/3W20RWJ
mod6: a routable one :)
mod6: !up Luke-Jr
mod6: <+Luke-Jr> asciilifeform: Bitcoin's rules are defined by what people use. Nobody is using the fork. << not true. i'm using it.
mod6: maybe i'll order one this coming week
mod6: yeah, gotta get me one and try it out
mod6: ahh.
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> mod6 got tons more of thems. << hmm?
mod6: <+funkenstein_> i tested the 0.5.3 build on an old ubuntu box, built like a charm << nice! thanks for the info
mod6: <+asciilifeform> mircea_popescu et al: http://www.loper-os.org/pub/pogo_crate.jpg << woah!
mod6: is that the funding addr for deedbot?
mod6: at least there are back-ups of the originals.
mod6: ah, ok cool. :]
mod6: is anyone working on porting over the original submitted deeds to the new deedbot? ☟︎
mod6: http://openssl.org/news/secadv_20150319.txt
mod6: BingoBoingo: ah, I see. looks good.
mod6: tyvm :]
mod6: thanks BingoBoingo! although, it'd probably be better to link "first release" to this email: http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2015-March/000069.html
mod6: have a good night ben_vulpes, thanks again. :]
mod6: I think so too.
mod6: And anyone who I'm leaving out... thanks again.
mod6: mircea_popescu && jurov!
mod6: Thanks to TomServo && Punkman && danielpbarron && trinque && thestringpuller && BingoBoingo
mod6: :]
mod6: ^^^
mod6: ^^^
mod6: you guys made this happen. you're the real bitcoin heros.
mod6: thanks to everyone who helped out.
mod6: thanks for all your help ben_vulpes. couldn't have done it without you.
mod6: thebitcoin.foundation/ml/btc-dev/2015-March/000069.html
mod6: thanks asciilifeform && decimation :]
mod6: a2d54ff7eebca1340adbe4119eb542db5db0865676b1344f6beaa5fdd0ae6cd8 bitcoin-v0_5_3_1-RC1.tar.gz
mod6: anyone wanna give v0.5.3.1 RC1 a try? http://thebitcoin.foundation/bitcoin-v0_5_3_1-RC1.tar.gz
mod6: maddox++
mod6: lol, moby offered "services"
mod6: bottom line here is, we don't wanna paint ourselves into a corner. so we're going to work towards shorter releases.
mod6: *nod* and as previously discussed, we'll be doing shorter release cycles going forward. none of this 4.5 month type stuff if possible.
mod6: need to get this one wrapped up.
mod6: anyway, it certainly is a goal to support x32. it'll just be in the next release. this has been dragging out too long. ☟︎
mod6: bah. *only one person built it on x32
mod6: otherwise that'll be available at a later time.
mod6: patches are welcome if you want to work on that.
mod6: for some reason, the only person built it on x32, and it didn't work. and I don't have time to work on that.
mod6: could be tonight, tomorrow on MPEx's birthday at the latest.
mod6: sweet nubbins`, thanks.
mod6: it'd would be cool, when i give you guys a link, if you could pull it down, and build it. (if you have a linux x64 machine, if not, don't bother)
mod6: speaking of which, with any luck, I might have RC1 rolled by late tonight.
mod6: the release tarball will end up being linked up there. and the containing RELEASE_NOTES.txt file will point to the patch/script tarballs up there just so they're availble individually somewhere.
mod6: turns out, lol, that's not true.
mod6: i have this idea in my mind that people know what stuff is i guess. ☟︎
mod6: danielpbarron: so yeah, some extra instructions up there probably would have helped huh. i'll de-link those later.
mod6: <+kakobrekla> altcryptoextremist? allah akbar! << lol
mod6: *nod*, yeah i truthfully don't know much about the entire pogo thing.
mod6: anyway, i'm in the process for rolling this release, so part of what I'm doing is putting the scripts required to build (such as auto.sh) on the website for reference.
mod6: v0.5.3.1-release is going to be x64 linux only.