2300+ entries in 0.051s
gabriel_laddel: oh my fuck you're missing my point.
gabriel_laddel: BingoBoingo: and write a Qntra article about walking off the reserve.
gabriel_laddel: BingoBoingo: right. So sail around.
gabriel_laddel: BingoBoingo: yea, but I thought you were scared of the gangs?
gabriel_laddel: asciilifeform: ah, but notice BingoBoingo's problem isn't the cash for the ticket
gabriel_laddel: BingoBoingo: have you ever thought about taking a cruise down to SA?
gabriel_laddel: my guess: price-point
gabriel_laddel: trinque: settling in nicely?
gabriel_laddel: http://www.humournet.com/misc.humour/hooked_on_diff_eqs.txt
gabriel_laddel: speaking of which, do you know how Al burned off "half his skin"?
gabriel_laddel: girls in labs
gabriel_laddel: A tangentially related lol: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=14-11-2014#922449 ☝︎
gabriel_laddel: lol
gabriel_laddel: they suck
gabriel_laddel: the current issue is the people involved with the black market
gabriel_laddel: asciilifeform: that problem reduces to "why doesn't MP run of with MPEX funds"
gabriel_laddel: and by pharma, I don't mean dope
gabriel_laddel: I wish the black market folk would get their shit together, start buying spectroscopy equipment and setup "trap houses" where you can go verify the pharma you buy is what you think you're buying.
gabriel_laddel: Pardon?
gabriel_laddel: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=23-09-2015#1283115 ☝︎
gabriel_laddel: ...
gabriel_laddel: which is to say !s anything made for $20k or so
gabriel_laddel: I love how *everyone* either missed or ignored where ascii was taking the "cocaine sales practice as a measure of USG power, whatever its form" thread.
gabriel_laddel: A PHD in string theory!
gabriel_laddel: If a man tries to fail and succeeds, which did he do?
gabriel_laddel: Wow, brilliant guys. Really, truly, innovative. Von N., Turing, Engelbart, McCarthy etc would be proud.
gabriel_laddel: "No Comments Allowed on Reddit’s New News Site ‘Upvoted’" ☟︎
gabriel_laddel: You ask way too much.
gabriel_laddel: Close all that you have worked on.
gabriel_laddel: ABORTED effort:
gabriel_laddel: But now it is gone.
gabriel_laddel: It might be very useful.
gabriel_laddel: A file that big?
gabriel_laddel: * * * Windows error messages in haiku
gabriel_laddel: most are meh, but w/e
gabriel_laddel: "Grigori Perelman's theorem: There is no offer you can't refuse."
gabriel_laddel: "What do you get when you cross a joke with a rhetorical question?"
gabriel_laddel: "Entropy isn't what it used to be."
gabriel_laddel: some choice lines
gabriel_laddel: http://www.tanyakhovanova.com/Jokes/jokes.html ☟︎
gabriel_laddel: ty
gabriel_laddel: sure, it is only a temporary solution, but we've no other option
gabriel_laddel: asciilifeform: what is wrong with stockpiling AMD opterons?
gabriel_laddel: fire the client?
gabriel_laddel: Bahaahahah the 2nd comment is from Joe Armstrong (created Erlang) and reduces to "yeah, I dunno".
gabriel_laddel: I love that these people *never* question the god-given axiom "all GUI development must be done on 'the web'"
gabriel_laddel: This is terrible and we should all be ashamed. No wonder PHP is so popular. How am I supposed to tell a new web developer that this is what they have to look forward to?"
gabriel_laddel: And I’m really not picking on Ruby, or Rails, or this particular app. I hate deploying my own web software, because there are so many parts all over the system that only barely know about each other, but if any of them fail then the whole shebang stops working. I have at least five things just running inside tmux right now, because at least I can read the logs and restart them easily.
gabriel_laddel: Instead, we stack layer after layer of additional convoluted crap on top of what we’ve already got because we don’t know how to fix it. Instead, we flit constantly from Thin to Mongrel to Passenger to Heroku to Bitnami to Docker to whatever new way to deploy trivial apps came out yesterday. Instead, we obsess over adding better Sass integration to our frameworks.
gabriel_laddel: "We’ve been doing this for 20 years. We should have this by now. It should work, it should be pluggable and agnostic, and it should do everything right — so if you threw away the web gui, it would look like something a very tidy sysadmin set up by hand, not autogenerated sludge.
gabriel_laddel: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=28-09-2015#1287008 << top kek ☝︎
gabriel_laddel: Oh Stas, what a treat. TY.
gabriel_laddel: Google drive link to quality video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bznn0f9Mk3KAd21xY21pczRDTGs/view?usp=sharing
gabriel_laddel: ben_vulpes: to be clear - I've "banged together" nothing, unless you want to count a patch allowing one to use truetype fonts. The majority of my work is assembling obtuse packages for noobz with justification as to *why* certain decision were made.
gabriel_laddel: Terrible quality, but I can't be arsed to fix for something so minor.
gabriel_laddel: ben_vulpes: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=10-09-2015#1269708 << https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLsvFjuQFAk ☝︎
gabriel_laddel: Now, I don't *know* exactly what particular sexpr will 'click' for my program, so I'll write a few versions, find something I like and then distribute it.
gabriel_laddel: Completing the above thought (CLIMweb) : there are two obvious categories of references, those that contain (backup) the reference and those that do not. Those that do not should be of one of two types - an identifier coupled with an identity, which you can use to lookup in the WoT you can "see" and "speculative" references, e.g., some arbitary computation.
gabriel_laddel: (eval (read-from-string "(mjr_meta::mjr_meta_use-packages :BASE-PATH \"~/quicklisp/local-projects/lispy/\")")))
gabriel_laddel: (eval (read-from-string "(mjr_meta::mjr_meta_load-packages :BASE-PATH \"~/quicklisp/local-projects/lispy/\")"))
gabriel_laddel: (load (merge-pathnames mjrcalc-path "lib-meta.lisp"))
gabriel_laddel: (let* ((mjrcalc-path (qlpp "/lispy/")))
gabriel_laddel: ben_vulpes: ftr, MJR_CALC compiles without any work on my part aside from
gabriel_laddel: lol
gabriel_laddel: ben_vulpes: http://www.mitchr.me/SS/mjrcalc/
gabriel_laddel: oh right, I knew that
gabriel_laddel: sure, but you rewrite sentences several times before you distribute.
gabriel_laddel: so, for example, the notion of references on a CLIMweb running on a WoTnet
gabriel_laddel: mircea_popescu: and wrt "hacking around until something clicks", this is the only way I know how to work on UIs and other 'finicky' programs? You certainly don't distribute this to friends who don't program.
gabriel_laddel: mircea_popescu: as for that quote, agreed - I should have quoted 3 paragraphs up.
gabriel_laddel: mircea_popescu: http://www.femlisp.org/
gabriel_laddel: all loaded in the same proc, all with access to BLAS, CUDA etc.
gabriel_laddel: for those of you who have not seen femlisp, MGL-MAT and MJR_CALC, the full nifty of this might not be readily apparent.
gabriel_laddel: so I have CLIM etc
gabriel_laddel: yeah
gabriel_laddel: ben_vulpes: but goddamnit I need interns. I got maxima loaded into my master lisp proc over the weekend and I'm going to play around with that whenever I have free time. ☟︎
gabriel_laddel: ben_vulpes: you can use it iff you follow the guide
gabriel_laddel: ben_vulpes: slowly
gabriel_laddel: ben_vulpes: I should actually be cutting out options right now, but I'm instead drinking and browsing the net
gabriel_laddel: ben_vulpes: I did the project, they thought it had "too many options" so I'm cutting some out
gabriel_laddel: ben_vulpes: something like that
gabriel_laddel: punkman: yeah, several people have dropped that link on me
gabriel_laddel: ;; ud FYIAD
gabriel_laddel: ;)
gabriel_laddel: mircea_popescu: fuck you and your intuition about things
gabriel_laddel: you can hang whoever
gabriel_laddel: whatever, the point is that the structure is available for me to make arbitrary computations against
gabriel_laddel: BingoBoingo: bind real eval to nil
gabriel_laddel: because morons.
gabriel_laddel: "I don't want to see people who cite XYZ"
gabriel_laddel: BingoBoingo: yep.
gabriel_laddel: none of this is hard to code - you hack around until something "clicks"
gabriel_laddel: it will evolve out of whatever the "networking" substrate ends up being and tbh, I don't see what the big deal is?
gabriel_laddel: where :name names the program, :version, the version
gabriel_laddel: trinque: I have a listing of programs associated with my PGP identity, you can make references to them, and people will be able to see them (or not) based on my trust relationship with them. Your "references" can be any arbitary computation, buut probably some standards will evolve (e.g., we don't check sexprs who pass some test of being a plist of the structure (:name ... :version ...)).
gabriel_laddel: trinque: this is how URLs work already.
gabriel_laddel: nano sources: Total Physical Source Lines of Code (SLOC) = 21,577
gabriel_laddel: using whatever criteria you'd like
gabriel_laddel: trinque: you can only make a reference with 'respect to me'
gabriel_laddel: or "here are the sources"