16100+ entries in 0.031s
mod6: how's that rollin along for ya?
mod6: ima think about it though, probably try some different things.
mod6: yah, see. not well thought out mod6.
mod6: anyway, i'll think about how to make this a thing.
mod6: that maybe a horrible idea. lol.
mod6: heck, i dunno, i gotta sit and think on it for a while.
mod6: then if V sees one of these comments with "%% EXPERIMENTAL %%" then it builds a seperate flow
mod6: i even had a thought, and im not even sure its feasible technically or just logically, but; we could perhaps create a wrapper for gnu patch where we strip out lines that are surrounded with "%%" or something similar to how it does with "@@", this would ultimately be needed in vtron as well to avoid issues. But the thought is, then we could put comments directly in the vpatch (surrounded by '%%') and
mod6: oh yes. at first thought, this seems like a much needed thing.
mod6: Since it's getting brought up... TO ALL CONTRIBUTORS: Thank you for your hard work and submissions. Please hang on to your vpatches, or send them to the BTC-Dev mailing list and we'll get to them post release for review & regrind if accepted.
mod6: Then I can finally turn my attention to what I said I was going to do this month: the makefiles.
mod6: This will allow for us to get everything back into sync; new V, new build script, new instructions in the wiki.
mod6: Should be ready for a new V release by the weekend.
mod6: and also in other news... I'm going to publish a one line change to add a bit more strictness (less fuzz) to the map building part of V -- was basically overlooked on the last beta patch (#3). So this one will be #4, and barring any further big issues, this should be it.
mod6: further, some make it, most don't.
mod6: but still, individuals may come, and try, there's a fresh crop every year.
mod6: just because 'king' doesn't mean they still can't get neg rating
mod6: for instance, what if the king of jordan wanted to be in TMSR? why wouldn't autocrats be able to be in the wot?
mod6: part of this goes back to, "that sovereigns and sovereigns alone are entitled to anything they may take for themselves," ; as a sovereign you make take the brides you wish, but if you want to make it a deed, signatories must be in the wot.
mod6: how do i know who im talking to
mod6: just trying to get everything back into sync
mod6: he's doing good work.
mod6: gonna grind on this stuff tonight
mod6: these instructions are out of date
mod6: there may be problems here: <+asciilifeform> Stec: let us know if you have any problem building trb.
mod6: will let you all know. thanks
mod6: morning, just a heads up here. ben has been testing V for me, and we're going through it. might need another patch tonight.
mod6: i think i had to do a -rescan too
mod6: i'll log my usage next time i use it.
mod6: asciilifeform: yeah, that pywallet thing is hairy, but i did eventually get it to work
mod6: ... there's this remote island where you can mine stuff like shiny rocks and rotten fruit.
mod6: mod6 heavy industries needs new box for mining
mod6: asciilifeform: for phuctor?
mod6: i'll give it a few days and then will roll up a full bundle. i've got an automated test for this case now too.
mod6: just for the 'cheers' & everything else :]
mod6: then in a few days i'll consider publishing the bundle again. thanks for your support/patience/help, etc.
mod6: ok, so instead what I'll do here is add an automated test to check for this, so i don't regress later. and then most likely will put out a 3rd beta patch for people to test/review.
mod6: so one of my cpu threads goes to 100% and memory usage starts to climb.
mod6: ive got problems at the shit-shoveling factory that are giving me headaches :/
mod6: ive been a bit fried lately myself.
mod6: no worries ben_vulpes.
mod6: yeah, in this regard, my V basically does know what to look for in a given vpatch file -- the thing it wasn't doing is checking that the hashes match eachother -- which can cause a downstream infinate loop when traversing the map.
mod6: how would it know ahead of time, short of having a hash for the vpatch itself?
mod6: what do you mean by "v impl. knows what vpatches are to look like"
mod6: well, no forking going on. im guessing it'll die when it runs out of ram, but haven't checked that yet.
mod6: to test it, i had to hand-diddle one of the vpatches. easy enough to do. if someone is doing something very strange or bad or whatever on their system it could lead to an infinate loop.
mod6: ben_vulpes: it basically shouldn't ever happen, but it could and since; no means yes, yes means anal.
mod6: the fix for this amounts to adding one condition statement when building the map of hashes.
mod6: this happens if the antecedent hash matches the descendant hash.
mod6: but found an edge case that causes an infinte loop.
mod6: so was thinking about pushing out that v99995 today.
mod6: <+pete_dushenski> mod6: all my hashes on 99996k_2 match :) << awesome, thanks for checking that out
mod6: last chance to test that beta_2 patch for V if you still want to do so.
mod6: since I think I've got all the testing of V out of people who can on the beta patches, I'll probably push out v99995 tomorrow.
mod6: ok good deal. thanks! let us know if the hashes match too plz.
mod6: malleus didn't change. just was reground.
mod6: oh, because the leaf ordering is different. if you want a press of "all" patches as they exist in the mirror, currently, you need to press up through asciilifeform_maxint_locks_corrected.vpatch
☟︎ mod6: what pete_dushenski?
mod6: i guess, my node is already sync'd so i'm not going through that part of a full sync atm.
mod6: ugh. my hair is going grey
mod6: my node doesn't choke at all, and seems to even see blocks before btc.blockr.io sometimes.
mod6: do i not see that same issue because i run with `&' in a screen session?
mod6: can someone explain what nohup is for?
mod6: from just looking around tho, i noticed that the V graph on my wall is out of date.
mod6: i think i need a bigger desk
mod6: im over here rollin up that new version of V.
mod6: eek. sorry, no idea how i just pasted that in there.
mod6: (21:17) <+jurov> anyone has any x.eur i can short while davout is sleeping?
mod6: yeah, that'd be fine.
mod6: it'd be rather difficult to do anyway if you wanted to, you'd have to stop mid-script and then update V, then continue.
mod6: oooh, you mean the beta patches? naw, you shouldn't need to do that.
mod6: we're gonna have to go through this again here not too long from now when V v99995 comes out, but hopefully that'll be the last time for a while.
mod6: shinohai: awesome, thanks!
mod6: after you build with the above script, you should end up with the following manifiest if you follow along with this find command as such: