2000+ entries in 0.005s
mod6: your phone is tapped
mod6: btw... jurov and I are working on relocating the bitcoin.foundation website to the foundation's server in Pizarro. We're gonna get it set up, and test before we announce a cut-over date. Smooth transition, ftw.
mod6: I can do that -- the "1" in front didn't work for me tho!
mod6: I agree, let's just visit this when we have the problem.
mod6: Ah, that's pretty handy too.
mod6: Is there a feature where it'll ring to person 1, and if person 1 does not answer, it'll roll to a different number?
mod6: asciilifeform: ahh good to know.
mod6: haha
mod6: Cool, but srsly, invoice jurov, he pays 'em.
mod6: Sounds good.
mod6: I think it's fine that the Foundation pays for it's toll-free number, Sure. Objections?
mod6: Nice, when you run out, just invoice the Foundation via jurov plz.
mod6: Ethel on the switchboards.
mod6: yeah, that's fine. and the call quality was good -- totally clear.
mod6: yeah, pretty neat
mod6: Heheh, up, surpised nicole
mod6: 833-867-7282 << this is how you dial it from usg phone
mod6: Ok cool, it works. I think my problem is that i dialed a "1" in front of the entire number.
mod6: i'll try again
mod6: asciilifeform: it was straight to eggog
mod6: lel
mod6: Aight, "The customer you have dialed is not avaliable at this time. Good-bye."
mod6: Ok, that's fine. Let's see what kinda calls we get in those two months. And then we'll go from there. $7 isn't too bad at all, anyway.
mod6: hrm
mod6: asciilifeform: it was $7/mo extra for the call recording?
mod6: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-12#1860766 << Yeah, that's kinda what I was thinking. Would be a nice to have, just in case someone gets out-of-pocket. ☝︎
mod6: TomServo: This weather is getting ole mod6 down.
mod6: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-11#1860619 << Call recording is not needed, imho. ☝︎☟︎
mod6: I will be looking for a new place to host after my contract is up in november.
mod6: billymg: just holler if you have any q's.
mod6: asciilifeform: thank you!
mod6: my personal node corrupted again. I'll be pulling it off the list of nodes until it's rebuilt... takes about 10 days with eatblock.
mod6: asciilifeform: seems up from here -- but yah, we've had problems with it lately.
mod6: :D
mod6: Heheh. Maybe so. I'd like to think I'm getting more crusty in my old age, but maybe not!
mod6: I don't think I laughed, it's super hard job, even if you know what is going on. Can't imagine if you don't.
mod6: that seems strange
mod6: Glad to hear ya made it Mocky. :]
mod6: Hey!
mod6: my nodes are caught back up, fwiw
mod6: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-08#1859589 << I didn't send, no. Should I replace Hanna's name in there and the phone number? ☝︎☟︎
mod6 bbl
mod6: 940 is current... so just a few behind atm
mod6: ok, i see some nodes drinking it down: https://bitnodes.earn.com/nodes/?q=/therealbitcoin.org:
mod6: did you get 912?
mod6: lol like a moth to a flame 'eh?
mod6: holler at vrag for me
mod6 bbl
mod6: Beyond this, a list of answers to some obvious first questions can be added. Other questions not covered can be written down and sent to us for answering, emailing resposnes.
mod6: mircea_popescu asciilifeform hanbot : Here's a stab at just the introduction part of the call-sheet: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/IFdDG/?raw=true
mod6: Thank you, mircea_popescu
mod6: Ok, if any others pop up, that I don't (for whatever reason) see, just holler. Will get ya the coins.
mod6: Any left over, can be simply retained by you, and accounted for next cycle, or you can send me back the remainder, if that's how you'd like to handle it.
mod6: Alright BingoBoingo that's more than enough, but leaves you some wiggle room to make some counter-bids, should they be required.
mod6: !!v AB6CC90080B25F923650C9B30F6C717CF5ABA18538BA68029FAC3C5F86EC9949
mod6: !!pay BingoBoingo 0.40599385
mod6: mircea_popescu: To save you extra digging, it would have been an invoice from BingoBoingo.
mod6: diana_coman: Yeah.
mod6: !Qcalc (0.078125 + 0.32786885)
mod6: no problem, Sir. :]
mod6: !Qcalc 2000/6100 ☟︎
mod6: !Qcalc 500/6400
mod6: Perfect, thank you.
mod6: I'll send you the coins here in just a bit.
mod6: BingoBoingo: Please to bid 76M for hanbot's auction -- between this one and trinque's, we're already half-way there to next month. Not bad! ☟︎
mod6: Also, unrelated to that... S.MG's UY3 invoice is still open (for september). Just a heads up - obviously no big worry or anything. Just saw that the S.MG statement is out there, didn't want ya to overlook that.
mod6: In a timely fashion of course, figure what, 48 hours? 72?
mod6: Probably via email if that seems alright.
mod6: mircea_popescu: Cool, thanks. Was thinking that maybe nicoleci would start with a simple small set of pre-canned responses, and also collect contact information. And during the call, any questions not covered by set of canned responses, can be written down and handed back to the forum or Co-chairs for answsering. ☟︎
mod6: !!ledger
mod6 bbiab
mod6: If the idea is for nicoleci to go further and answer questions from persons herself, yeah, we probably aught to have a list of pre-canned responses.
mod6: mircea_popescu: That seems at least like a decent place to start; some sort of greeting and gathering of contact information.
mod6: Perfect, thanks Sir.
mod6: And I think you can just handle the thing then. Thanks.
mod6: BingoBoingo: Please just enter a bid from yourself on behalf of Pizarro for 1 satoshi more than I bid.
mod6: trinque: Looks like the date that your auction closes I'll be busy and not able to settle with you myself.
mod6: Works for me.
mod6: gets me on the regular
mod6: lol, thing tab-completes to the bot every time.
mod6: err, lobbes
mod6: thx lobbesbot
mod6: we're off!
mod6: !QBid 366 310080000
mod6: Oh, starting bid. Got it.
mod6: !QBid 366 305763640
mod6: oh, was looking at the '336' line from trinque. herp.
mod6: !QBid 336 305763640
mod6: I'd love it, make me a helluv a lot less nervous -- as I was for the last 10 days.
mod6: And we'd bid, because I'd like to have some extra cusion in our account down there.
mod6: I'm not confident that we could get that done as quickly as we need it. I did ask, a lot if people were interested. But no takers. But anyone is free to start up an auction now.
mod6: Besides, we really need to get the money moving; even if we wanted to do an auction now, we need $5000.
mod6: It's already in motion. Sent him the coins yesterday.
mod6 rubs eye
mod6: any regular buyers of btc should just throw out an auction for some minimal amount. Say $500 USD, and once pizarro wins those aucutions, they'll get the hang of it.
mod6: yeah, i think as people see a few of these take place, it'll make a bit more sense.
mod6: i pasted that log line above because i was hinting to readers "hey, if you want to buy pizarro's coins, this is how you do it." But no one even asked.
mod6: asciilifeform: well, that's just the thing. anyone who wanted to sell fiats, didn't start up an auction.
mod6: Oh, I suppose it has to be the first way I linked then 'eh?
mod6: I think, we'd be fine doing the reverse (if possible) of the log I linked above. "BUYING 1000 USD for ECU".