1340 entries in 0.497s
ben_vulpes: not yet, still wrapping up the first courier run. when you say gearlist, you mean "machines Pizarro is buying and will lease out"?
deedbot: http://pizarroisp.net/?p=5 << PizzaroISP - Provisional Articles of Incorporation, notes
deedbot: http://pizarroisp.net/?p=3 << PizzaroISP - Provisional Charter for Pizarro
ben_vulpes: trinque: can i get the pizarro website's rss feed added to deedbot?
ben_vulpes: trinque and anyone else interested in colocating with Pizarro, here's a draft contract for review: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/MBQmX/?raw=true
mod6: Alright, fixed. Link is the same as before: http://www.mod6.net/pizarro/pizarro_charter_genesis.vpatch.mod6.sig
mod6: Here's my detached sig: http://www.mod6.net/pizarro/pizarro_charter_genesis.vpatch.mod6.sig
mod6: !!deed http://www.mod6.net/pizarro/charter.txt.asc
asciilifeform: !!deed http://www.loper-os.org/pub/pizarro_charter.asciilifeform.txt
ben_vulpes: !!deed http://cascadianhacker.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/pizarro_charter.ben_vulpes.asc
BingoBoingo: ag3nt_zer0: What troubling news? TRB still exists, and management of the ISP development in a transition process http://pizarroisp.net/?p=5
mod6: I'll link my questions in #pizarro.
mod6: "asciilifeform, mod6, and the chairmen of The Bitcoin Foundation will each appoint one board member, hire ben_vulpes to manage Pizarro, and hire BingoBoingo to perform remote hands labor."
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform mod6, all interested in the evolution of Pizarro's corporate structure please to review http://pizarroisp.net/?p=5
mod6: I hope that it would be an initial amount that will get pizarro off the launch pad.
mircea_popescu: quite literally, "measure to so and so is coming before pizarro board ; ben_vulpes is voting x, mod6 is voting y, foundation should vote z according to so and so considerations..."
mod6: What I think is that it maybe clearer, better for Pizarro to have private investment -- especially since the two co-chairs are also going to be involved in either "management" or "board seats".
mod6: trinque: to me, it's not that expendature is inappropriate, that's not what I'm saying. I think trying to help Pizarro get off the launch pad is a great thing for the Foundation to do.
a111: Logged on 2018-02-19 16:45 mod6: there might be a better way to go about this without the Foundation's involvement. Like I said before, I could have just put up my own coin for this. Just again, as discussed yesterday, the thought was "Can The Bitcoin Foundation do something here to help Pizarro, for the Republic and the betterment of Bitcoin as a whole?"
ben_vulpes: trinque: i maintain that the expenditures to date have been appropriate and legitimate, but am compelled by mod6's argument that actually embroiling the foundation in the ownership of Pizarro complicates it unnecessarily
mod6: trinque: This is a very good question, and so far, other than Pizarro, adds up to 1 renewal of a domain name.
mod6: What I'm offering, if it is more palatable, is for me to return the Foundation's money and make that whole again, and instead offer up a 5 BTC private / or gift to Pizarro.
mod6: When thinking about how to re-structure, or re-word some of the Pizarro Charter, it becomes way simpler, and easier with The Bitcoin Foundation out of the equation. And probably would provide for a better structure, a more sound structure, perhaps.
mod6: there might be a better way to go about this without the Foundation's involvement. Like I said before, I could have just put up my own coin for this. Just again, as discussed yesterday, the thought was "Can The Bitcoin Foundation do something here to help Pizarro, for the Republic and the betterment of Bitcoin as a whole?" ☟︎
mod6: So reading through some of the comments, questions, concerns rasised by mircea_popescu, and diana_coman, I started thinking yesterday that maybe -- since there are specifically hard-to-draw lines between mod6's role as Foundation Co-Chair, ben_vulpes's role as Foundation Co-Chair and their roles as ``managers'' or ``management'' in Pizarro ...
mircea_popescu: such a fine rant it was, too! however, i looked over teh pizarro logs, an' there's evidently no room for it. so good for you! my poor rant, now has nowhere to go an' nothing to do ;/
ben_vulpes: phf: http://logs.bvulpes.com/pizarro?d=2018-2-18#305493
a111: Logged on 2018-02-18 17:45 ben_vulpes: (not to derail, but i've moved the Pizarro provisional charter to http://pizarroisp.net/?p=3 , comments actively sought from eg diana_coman hanbot mircea_popescu lobbes )
mircea_popescu: for the curious : !!subscribe http://pizarroisp.net/?feed=comments-rss2 should do it.\
mircea_popescu is game to continue discussion of isp there, so. we can talk re foundation here. so mod6 certainly not, but then consider point 4 in http://pizarroisp.net/?p=3&cpage=1#comment-3 ; still no ?
hanbot: http://logs.bvulpes.com/pizarro?d=2018-2-1#304871
hanbot: mircea_popescu basically they made a constitution ( http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/A5yUZ/?raw=true / just moved to http://pizarroisp.net/?p=3 ) yesterday, there's no releasing of whatever private discussions prior. they're going to do some power testing on customer boxes as a courtesy. ben_vulpes is going to take a few boxes there maybe next month. BingoBoingo "unsnarled" an mp-wp of unknown provenance, sadly he can't use the genesis item yet. some
a111: Logged on 2018-02-18 01:18 mod6: Also, all, the log for #pizarro is here: http://logs.bvulpes.com/pizarro
ben_vulpes: (not to derail, but i've moved the Pizarro provisional charter to http://pizarroisp.net/?p=3 , comments actively sought from eg diana_coman hanbot mircea_popescu lobbes ) ☟︎
trinque: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-18#1784582 << >> http://logs.bvulpes.com/pizarro ☝︎
hanbot: <ben_vulpes> attn all, here's a draft of the new articles of organization for what was BISP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/A5yUZ/?raw=true excoriate away << cool, thanks for posting. so: i would very much like to support bbisp/Pizarro, and I think it's great the foundation picked this up. while i think the particulars will likely prove challenging, i would have no problem putting faith, time, etc behind mod6 and ben_vulpes. a few weeks ago, that wo
mod6: Sure, feel free to stop into #pizarro or follow along in the logs!
mod6: Also, all, the log for #pizarro is here: http://logs.bvulpes.com/pizarro ☟︎
mod6: Pizarro, The Republican ISP's offical channel is now: #pizarro
the_scourge: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/10/24/opinion/24pizarro.html