13200+ entries in 0.591s
mircea_popescu: moreover i don't use so many dumb things that have annoying needs.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the fact that the eu even considered that demand, and i don't mean answer to it, but even considered it
myriadgetsmehard: so i don't know how any of you feel about bitpremier
mircea_popescu: <peterl> isn't Rassah gay? <<< i don't think as much gay as a furry creature.
peterl: I don't know him personally
Darkstone1: I don't do voice, sorry.
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves: i often think about that, how the hell can someone who cannot/willnot read code, ever be the steward of a software project safely? <<< you know i don't actually read all that much code at all. i guess i could, more or less, but i wouldn't trust myself to understand it. by which i don't mean "what it does", but i do mean "what we can absolutely say about this program"
kuzetsa: mike_c: I'm certain that the public-internet-facing daemons on the system in question don't pass stuff around using environment variables
kuzetsa: Naphex: I don't have any mail daemon on that particular system either
kuzetsa: Naphex: I don't use apache
kuzetsa: mircea_popescu: but... I don't have any cgi on the httpd, nor are any of the other daemons the sort which use environment variables to pass stuff around (using bash or otherwise)
mircea_popescu: i don't think you properly understand grinding.
mircea_popescu: bounce: now it would help if we can properly articulate what ails us. but we can't, because the terminology has been deliberately confused and watered down and broadened and stretched (by the industry) so as to spread FUD more effectively << you are very naive to imagine the terminology has anything to do with it. point in case : if in a room with a woman that wants to fuck me, i don't need to speak her language. point
mats_cd03: my principle concern is getting to 1000btc. i don't know if it can be done, at the current rate of career progression... i need a better job.
nubbins`: i'm going to submit a paper about how submarine sandwiches don't exist
mats_cd03: i don't want to paint a broad brush here,
diametric: i don't remember, just comments to things here and there over the last few days.
diametric: its always fun talking in a channel and not realizing I don't have voice because my IRC client is dumb and outputs the error to another window that I routinely ignore.
artifexd: I don't remember. I remember it being a thing about there being several who are.
ben_vulpes: forty (billed) minutes later, i have a combudder as what can make 'iOS 8' things happen to...shit i don't even know how it happens to other devices.
asciilifeform: i was always too lazy to answer this question (and don't fancy getting folks addicted, i laboured under abject druggie hell from it) but the film exists now
BingoBoingo: mp_colonist: I do much of the same, but parts of what I do don't influence reality.
mats_cd03: " Well, I am crazy," she told the "The News Junkie" show. "Crazy people don't know they are crazy, so technically since I know I'm crazy I'm not crazy." saved
pete_dushenski: i don't know if 1.4 works with gpg services on >osx 10.6
bounce: this has been such a pile of fail that I've been ignoring it. I don't suppose anything actually improved measurably, did it?
xanthyos: woah, i'm in assbot's l1? i don't deserve that.
mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski: if no change, then it depends on how useful holding descendants accountable is. < no, i'm with him. this makes exactly zero sense, chiefly because a group may be ridiculous, impractical, suicidal, anything you wish, but never wrong. only individuals can be wrong, in that they don't subscribe to the moral scheme of some group they intend to be part of. ther
Azelphur: I still don't think genjix should be discounted as a programmer though, he's a damned good one and that'd be one hell of a waste.
CheckDavid: Personally I don't care for fancy emails
Vexual: i don't have to do any of that if i choose to drop my loose change in the donation bag on a plane
mircea_popescu: no, cult means "you're proceeding on software that I have nothing to do with and don't want anything to do with"
danielpbarron: it's like the word "cult;" it means "i don 't like you."
danielpbarron: "i don't yet have any wives" "lol wat?"
decimation: I don't accept that growth is a valid measure of bitcoin's 'success'
JuliaTourianski_: +mircea_popescu I believe in a free market. my impressionable mind is fair game. get it while it's hot. sculpt me in your image. pull my strings. I'm young. don;t miss out! your future is at stake!
mircea_popescu: cazalla: JuliaTourianski_ i'm just saying i don't trust random novice who starts making videos declaring bitcoin's independence with other known scammers << while this is actually sound, the problem with youth is that it wants to act. which is also sound. so novices with drive will often first show up in dubious company.
JuliaTourianski_: +mircea_popescu I don't disagree. but it was always on a smaller scale.
mircea_popescu: i recall there was some drama but don't recall the drama.
BCB: JuliaTourianski_: should should put captions with the speakers names. I don't recognize half those guys
BCB: mircea_popescu: I don't buy Etherium and I have know idea of his coding skills but he is a good writer.
danielpbarron: "i don't trust him but i trust him." hm, ok
JuliaTourianski_: +Dimsler the only reason the comment gets to me, is cuz I truly believe in everything I say and it sucks to be doubted in that. but I'm still fresh so fine. i don;t expect to be granted respect. I'll work for it. but dismissing people off the bat is just as bad no?
JuliaTourianski_: +Dimsler i have certain advantage being me, but yes, ppl don;t take me seriously. when i go to these conferences it's telling. and everyone thinks im there with my bf. I'm not complaining, becuase once they bother to speak to me I show them I'm actually into BTC and the judgement dies.
cazalla: JuliaTourianski_ i'm just saying i don't trust random novice who starts making videos declaring bitcoin's independence with other known scammers
cazalla: JuliaTourianski_, i said earler i don't know
JuliaTourianski_: +Dimsler I'm friends with everyone in the declaration video..that's a lot of ppl, so whcih ones are pulling my strings? don;t cherry pick eh
moldysnizz: heh, not so much. chatquack may have logged some drunkeness. I don't have access to his credintals right now. Desktop is in storage.
Dimsler: i don't see them smelt plastic and mould injecting domes
The20YearIRCloud: I'm teaching a class on basic mechanics/machines, and it's amazing how many people out there don't understand how anything works
The20YearIRCloud: I don't hear many good things from guys i've known who have gone to romania. (Specifically comments about money/economics)
RagnarDanneskjol: I don't think there's that much paper cash in circulation
JuliaTourianski_: i haven;t done any significant seo since then so I don;t follow it now, im sure there have been more updates since
julia_: well if it's too soon, how can I know? :P I think ideas have to just manifest and find a vehicle. I'd like to be a vehicle for something that can affect change. maybe that will never happen...but process is fun. I've learned a lot...more to come I'm sure. I'm very raw still. so don't assume I think much of myself because I don't in fact that's the only thing that gets to me.
julia_: I've only done into the btc black hole 4 months ago, but I don;t think I'll be coming out
julia_: I'm an anti-state propagandist maybe. I want to do what I can to move towards something different. I don't know what I CAN do yet, except learn through experimentation
mircea_popescu: yes, well, i don't hate people for that.
mircea_popescu: lol "i have all these 18-28 friends and i don't know anyone who is successful"
mircea_popescu: nubbins` i'd like to imagine you don't think 0 yos are hot.
mircea_popescu: chetty i don't think it can because well, that'd require meeting people.
nubbins`: don't get too offended, i'm pretty skimpy with my ratings
nubbins`: don't feel too bad for me, i got out
ben_vulpes: operate in the boonies, can't afford and don't want to hire programmers, and so bring me on to do...forms. for enquification of work. in exchange for which i get dollars, and the opportunity to suggest other ways in which to make their businesses run less awkwardly.
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: i don't derp on atoms any more.
mircea_popescu: i don't follow any twitter.
nubbins`: i don't think so
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform honestly, i don't see the problem. let them read everything i write and make sense to me.
mircea_popescu: he didn't use it, but it was illegal. somehow, i still don't know how this worked, tbh.
mircea_popescu: i don't care how deeply anchored in the core of the world it may be. it's a square inch and it's getting flattened.
mircea_popescu: i just suddenly realised i don't understand why floats were even implemented, at all.
asciilifeform: i don't mean a specially-instrumented crippled proggy running for the occasion
moriarty: i don't know
mircea_popescu: or maybe i don't well understand the structures of incentive, not living there
jurov: Comment author: Eliezer_Yudkowsky This is a road that does not lead to Friendly AI, only to AGI. I doubt this has anything to do with Lenat's motives - but I'm glad the source code isn't published and I don't think you'd be doing a service to the human species by trying to reimplement it.
moriarty: mircea_popescu, yeah i don't care too much for academia, when i've realised the amount of crap coming from most institutions
moriarty: asciilifeform, i see the points made there, make it high level enough that you don't need to get bogged down by the side-work in the midst of pursuing your main objectives
asciilifeform: moriarty: don't misunderstand, i was never a professional academic.
asciilifeform: i used to be rather into the idea of 'hard ai' before realized that we don't even know how to build a computer.
decimation: I don't distinguish much between the welfare recipient and the grant recipient
moriarty: decimation, well, unfortunately as someone who is partial to the ancap way of looking at things, i don't identify with the reframing of couch-sitters as slaves of the state, i see them as enslaving the state though
mircea_popescu: it's incredible how broken other irc channels seem to me. "where's the logs ?" "we don't have logs because reasons and we're primitive idiots" "so i guess i don't even need to ask about gribble or wot then huh."
xmj: What I hate are meaningless and heartless one-night stands where you tell all sorts of lies to get into bed with a woman you don't care for.
moriarty: xmj, i don't take it too literally, anything taken in its pure definition does not exist in reality, there are no socialist or capitalist society today
moriarty: mircea_popescu, i've done a sybil on localbitcoins though :) just so i don't get pinned down as the guy with shitloads of bitcoin
moriarty: xmj, no, i don't tend to look at myself dichotomously, i'm an assembly of aspects from both sides of the political and socioeconomical spectrum, left and right as they conveniently classify it
mircea_popescu: i don't think the conversation is worth keeping up with.
mircea_popescu: yeah well, i don't particularly favour new stuff. what exactly is ever new.
Vexual: i don't think ive ever eaten pet
cazalla: so i kill it except i don't break it's neck right and it's jumping around with it's head bent to the side, squeeling like fuck
cazalla: i will, i'll keep ya updated, would be easier if it's a female, don't need another buck
Vexual: or: i don't know cazalla kills his rabbits
BingoBoingo: I don't steroid John Galt
BingoBoingo: punkman1: It can be up to either money I don't have or a month of my time they WILL regret
mircea_popescu: so 4 is this new 5 ? i don't like this fortran.
mircea_popescu: i don't run it, kako does. i just get the cookies :D
mircea_popescu: except the problem is i don't see any large march brk puts hgaving happened this week
mircea_popescu: (i don't mean where else in bitcoin. i mean, where else in vegas)
mod6: i'll have to watch that one. i don't think a film could ever do such a book justice.
mircea_popescu: (no, i didn't change it. i don't change passwords when a third party says so. i change them when i change them.)
mircea_popescu: By that point I had had enough. "I don't do business that way," I said, and nearly got into a fist fight with Ken Johnson over it. However he and the others all assured me that this was "totally normal" in the real estate business to do... and over time they, and especially Ken, talked me into doing it. Ken told me, "this is how the real estate business works."