13200+ entries in 0.027s
mod6: downloaded most RSA keys from a keyserver and tried to factor 1.9
mod6: just threw this out to the unwashed ^
mod6: <+asciilifeform> folks who only have mircea_popescu's business card - are. << ah, i see what you're sayin'
mod6: <+asciilifeform> it isn't fixable while conforming to the rfc. << ah right. ugh.
mod6: we've talked about that a bunch. shit, we even looked at trying to fix it at one time iirc.
mod6: well, that open-sore yeah.
mod6: i had to hand crank mine up to 512
mod6: and SHA1 checksums? wtf is this, the 90s?
mod6: any one able to get their hands on: "URL: </pipermail/attachments/20160817/9a9f4612/attachment.sig>" ?
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> asciilifeform the incredible gall of the imbecile, to actually state it as "This bug does not affect the default generation of keys" << i mean srsly. since 1998!?
mod6: <+shinohai> thank you for choosing #trilema for your bits for tits needs. << :D
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> heh. aaand a trb node is at height 419220 for absolutely no reason ; 50+ connections, stable etc. << did this get fixed? or is it stuck at that same block still?
mod6: <+trinque> pete_dushenski:
http://deedbot.org/build-bitcoind-V99994.sh << <+trinque> 945bed24a93fdde2ab94b47503a00e40ec935faeb05a59a803315e24929d6dcd93d1e58ee18f1bbc6e11166d6a22425ba9c323d55f40d5700849e03eeb8291e5 /var/www/html/build-bitcoind-V99994.sh << thanks for posting trinque
mod6: <+pete_dushenski> mod6: pleased to report that 99994k spins up on deb7 without fuss. only comment would be on 'trb-howto' to suggest '-lows' command when booting bitcoind for the first time. << hey! Thanks for testing that!
☟︎ mod6: <+thestringpuller> mod6: hitman has taught me that a lot of accidents in the world may not have been accidents << aha, 'tis a great game isn't it?
mod6: this is mainly a learning device anyway. as now I can take what i've learned here and apply it to the makefiles.
mod6: ;;later tell pete_dushenski You wanna help the Foundation test the latest V99994 incantation?
mod6: ;;later tell danielpbarron You wanna help the Foundation test the latest V99994 incantation?
☟︎☟︎ mod6: with some additional work (encoding & signing the buildroot deps) and a simple guide, this could be a thing shortly.
mod6: essentially, i've taken all the buildroot deps (typically collected from the wan), along with the trb deeds, placed them in a local dir with the build script (modified to suit this process) and launched.
mod6: So in test-land news; I've created a working totally off-line build for trb.
mod6: he probably reads the logs.
mod6: hey Bugpowder, how goes?
mod6: <+mod6> as soon as there is a non-us wot-enabled btc provider... i might think about a bare metal thing for this. << i may not wait for this... i dunno, will have to see.
mod6: as soon as there is a non-us wot-enabled btc provider... i might think about a bare metal thing for this.
mod6: asciilifeform: it's a test env
mod6: i keep forgetting that. my bad.
mod6: how did this work before i wonder lol?
mod6: we'll see. oh shit, duh, you're blocking me anyway.
mod6: connect() failed after select(): Connection refused
mod6: asciilifeform: is nsa's trb down?
mod6: <+trinque> mod6: V99994 built just fine << nice! thanks :]
mod6: thanks for checking that out
mod6: i tried the -i, ignore garbage, during my earlier tour ; didn't seem to do what i hoped.
mod6: let me try that out
mod6: asciilifeform: hey thanks.
mod6: will update the V99994 script and start a new test cycle.
mod6: cat buildroot-2015.05.tar.gz.uu.asc | sed -e '1,/begin-base64/d' -e '/====/,$d' | base64 -d > buildroot-2015.05.tar.gz
mod6: alright, got a way to grab what's between the header & footer with sed:
mod6: sorry for the noise.
mod6: i was just oblivious to this.
mod6: if you get rid of the 'begin-base64 ...' line and the ending '====', then you can use base64 to decode, no problem.
mod6: yeah, header and footer.
mod6: once removed, works as expected. seems like i can just alter my sed command and should be ok.
☟︎ mod6: so it turns out that base64 binary kinda wants nothing to do with those beginning and ending markers.
mod6: ok yup, im just mental
mod6: this seems insane to me.
mod6: so anyway, lemme see if i can get this working the way I wanted with base64, i must be doing something wrong here.
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> hm apparently that doesn;t exist in stock gpg. my bad. << ah ok.
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> well lemme prototype this quick see if what i have in mind works. << thanks!
mod6: gpg: processing message failed: eof
mod6: gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found.
mod6: $ cat buildroot-2015.05.tar.gz | gpg --armor
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> and the pile itself could just be put through gpg --armor, afaik you don't HAVE TO encrypt. i think ? << good question. i think you might just be able to armor.
mod6: i guess to me, that meant clearsigning a pgp signed message. guess i didn't try that.
mod6: As I understood, we didn't wanna use that becuse one wouldn't be able to read the disclaimer or the "begin-base64 644 <FILENAME>" to see what the deed actually contained
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> im still lost on "one could not tell what thing it contained". << when discussed & shown, they are large signed/armored files. (with `gpg --armor --sign`)
mod6: will try this again
mod6: <+mod6> because i can't decode those files with the base64 binary. << maybe im doing something wrong here.
mod6: so apparently those are lies.
mod6: i mean, it does say: 'begin-base64 664 openssl-1.0.1g.tar.gz' at the beginning of the encoding.
mod6: tbh, i thought that base64 and uuencode/uudecode did the same thing.
mod6: with `gpg --armor --sign` but, like we discussed, one could not tell what thing is contained.
mod6: i went down that path first.
mod6: base64: invalid input
mod6: $ cat openssl-1.0.1g.tar.gz.uu.asc | sed -n '/begin-base64/,/====/p' | base64 -d > openssl-1.0.1g.tar.gz
mod6: because i can't decode those files with the base64 binary.
☟︎ mod6: i think i might have to re-deedifiy all those deps.
mod6: <+BingoBoingo> Then look on the bright side. Any plumbing project where you didn't have to worry about where to put the water after you use it isn't so bad. << naw, certainly could have been worse.
mod6: no worries. will make some changes and come back for another round of testing this week.
mod6: so instead of using uudecode for this process, I'll have to reconfigure the script to use base64 looks like.
mod6: but when it came down to it, she hit another error; her Ubuntu 10.04 test environment doesn't have `sharutils', a package that contains uuencode/uudecode. which is what V99994 is using to decode the deedified dependencies from deedbot.
mod6: ok: update on hanbot's test. she was able to clear the previous error.
mod6: <+BingoBoingo> Oh, so you hew a new vanity cabinet from timbers? << lol. no.
mod6: oh yeah. except when girl wants whole new thing.
mod6: i may post a few pics here later.