10800+ entries in 0.392s
mircea_popescu: anyway. i don't hate scrolling. i hate the situation where my field is fixed.
mircea_popescu: you don't want me to think "hey that was a great piece, i wonder IF ARXIV ORG HAS MORE"
mircea_popescu shrugs. derps in reddit care who said god hates faggots. yet people who actually have stuff riding on this don't care about stuff that matters. i dunno, seems rather anecdotal.
fluffypony: mircea_popescu: "miners care deeply who owns a pool" - we're getting into the realm of the anecdotal here, the mining farms I supply ASIC racks to don't care about the people running the pools they use at all, and they don't run their own
Adlai: the observation which seems correct is that they don't account for the drop in difficulty caused by hashpower diverted towards attack... but i'm not certain that this lack of accounting is in their favor
ben_vulpes: <decimation> [04:16] yeah I don't think they are serious, apparently it partially depends on visitors winding it << tbh i find this delightful and entertaining
decimation: yeah I don't think they are serious, apparently it partially depends on visitors winding it
nubbins`: i don't even know if it happened
trinque: nubbins`: identity-wise? I don't tend to think about it. maybe something to do with a job
Chillum: I don't expect to cut metal
trinque: nubbins`: this gets into "everything's relative" and I don't really subscribe to that
nubbins`: sure. he could simply decide fuck this, i don't want this dick, what good's it anyway, too
mircea_popescu: i don't see why it couldn't.
bitstein: mircea_popescu: I don't think we ever expected them to actually implement it. We just enjoy publicly shaming wallet inspectors.
decimation: maybe a subreddit discussing why "i don't negotiate because reasons"
trinque: not like I've never felt pain, but I don't see the point in losing parts
decimation: I don't get how one gets from "want to cut" to "imma cut my fukin' fingertip off'
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: you might be thinking of academics. the folks i was speaking of, don't get grantola.
mircea_popescu: decimation yea, i'm sure THAT's why they don't negotiate.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> speaking of which, i have nfi why they don't use cocoa powder to disperse crowds. << You just end up with a different crowd with a heavier category of people
mircea_popescu: speaking of which, i have nfi why they don't use cocoa powder to disperse crowds.
jurov: i don't see the issue why that would lead to fork per se.
nubbins`: so i don't know what the guy's bragging about :P
lobbes: <nubbins'> okay, and now i've got his name, his wife's name, and his company's name << once you chomp down on a scammer, you don't let go, do you? ;/
mircea_popescu: this has to be a meme. mats pic and the caption "i don't always go on research binges on the internet. but when i do, we're talking 400 hours bish!"
mats: the ones that don't, i found on westlaw but not the crawlable internets
trinque: had his father been elected, the whole rest of the govt would've obstructed any substantial changes he'd want to make, so I don't know what good would've come of it
mircea_popescu: nubbins` i don't get what the issue is. can you summarize ?
asciilifeform: at any rate, this is not 'woodcollector' and i don't much give a hoot -how- the parts get on the board
asciilifeform: i still don't get this:
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i thought the pattern was, 'don't need men, only their dough' ?
mircea_popescu: i don't think there was ever someone unemployed in that field, ever.
decimation: yeah I don't get it
mircea_popescu: "I don't remember that," Fisher says. "But the inmates did tell me they had never eaten so good until I arrived."
assbot: Logged on 05-04-2015 16:50:58; trinque: I don't want decisions made for me; I want bricks laid for me.
ben_vulpes: nubbins`: i have an enp0s3 as well, don't really know what to do to turn it into/use it as eth0 tho
trinque: I don't want decisions made for me; I want bricks laid for me. ☟︎
nubbins`: but i don't think it's a *terrible* idea for our install script to only compile the parts of boost that we need
mats: quoth the spender: "the problem i set out to solve with UDEREF was that many kernel bugs can be exploited (at all or more reliably) due to the fact that on i386 most OSs don't separate the userland virtual address space from that of the kernel. this in turn means that whenever userland can make the kernel (unexpectedly) dereference a userland controlled
trinque: I don't feel smarter doing this
decimation: Adlai: yeah I don't think it will even let you link with any modern open source standard libraries
mircea_popescu: "so you mean to tell me now i don't get a say into how the world works anymore, because back when i got the benefit of the doubt all i could do was being an idiot on reddit ?" "exactly"
mircea_popescu: this idea that most people "should" get a say in what happens to them... dude, if you do that, the same most people go "hey, i don't want to be bothered reading 548958609 pages of tax code, to then go have a hanging party for the govt that made it".
ben_vulpes: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9321313 << "i don't get a say in this new world order and that sucks!"
nubbins`: i don't think bitcoind needs python, i think it's just compiling EVERYTHING in boost
nubbins`: i don't know if there's any particular advantage to using an older version of the base os
mircea_popescu: i don't think he's too happy with it.
whaack: ty, I've reached a point in my life where I can't stand working for VC money anymore. But I have an issue where I don't know of a better way to get bitcoins faster than milk a SF dev valley job and buy them with fiat. I've come for guidance on the issue
asciilifeform: (what would it take to get rms in here so i don't have to play archaeologo-psychiatrist on him ?)
mircea_popescu: i don't see this actually describes either situation.
mircea_popescu: is apolitical = "i don't give a shit about whatever your ideology may be" ?
mircea_popescu: and i don't believe the man is anything but 100% honest.
asciilifeform: <PeterL> the mailman, and he is going to stop delivering my mail if I don't meet his demands in the next two weeks << i was once excommunicated from the u.s. post for a few weeks. had tiny mailbox that would fill with spam over mere days when i left town. when full enough, long enough - excommunication
Chillum: I don't get it either
PeterL: the mailman, and he is going to stop delivering my mail if I don't meet his demands in the next two weeks
mircea_popescu: http://41.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ll1sufMqJZ1qaz8fmo1_1280.jpg << i don't recall if we did this or not ?
pete_dushenski: if that's not an ecumenical day i don't know what is.
asciilifeform: (believe or not - i don't have one...)
mircea_popescu: i wonder why people don't think representative reproduction is a workable idea, incidentally. we all get together, pick me to fuck all your wives and girlfriends, and that's that. everyone else gets http://40.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lsx3hxyNS51r3yt08o3_1280.jpg
assbot: Logged on 04-04-2015 02:04:31; junseth: RE: the discussion about markets, I generally disagree with the notion that markets don't work. I know it's a common mantra. But markets, even decently regulated ones, work pretty well. Regulated markets price in the cost of regulation.
asciilifeform: i don't want any redhat patches. if were any good, would have made it back into mainline.
junseth: trinque: I don't know many Bitcoiners who would disagree. I'm just less vehement about that happening. I think Bitcoin is better money.
danielpbarron: i don't think the argument posed was that they don't work, but that the U.S. hasn't had one for the last century
junseth: RE: the discussion about markets, I generally disagree with the notion that markets don't work. I know it's a common mantra. But markets, even decently regulated ones, work pretty well. Regulated markets price in the cost of regulation.
mircea_popescu: seeing how i don't use them anyway.
junseth: I actually don't, believe it or not. I've been doing bitcoin since like 2008 ;P and I have never bothered to give a hoot about making sure I have a provable identity.
junseth: You guys are great. Don't read it everyday, but I enjoy stumbling on the Bitcoin-assets stuff from time to time.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo amusingly, i can't negrate it because i don't have enough javascript.
asciilifeform: <ben_vulpes> i don't like it, it's just the ad-hoc thing that works today << i'm not convinced that there could be any reasonable alternative.
ben_vulpes: i don't like it, it's just the ad-hoc thing that works today
trinque: all I'm saying is use tools that don't slow down the work, and have merge nazis using shame and dishonor at the center
mircea_popescu: i don't drive either, but yeah.
trinque: mircea_popescu: damn, yeah I don't drive american cars
mircea_popescu: there must be some eeprom in the bios that i don't know about.
nubbins`: asciilifeform i don't think he can produce a good story -- that much is obvious -- but it'd be nice for him to condense his stupidity into a single volume that could be burned
nubbins`: i also don't even
punkman: I don't even
mircea_popescu: which is why i don't have to report my fortune etc.
assbot: Logged on 03-04-2015 13:48:47; mircea_popescu: jurov the idea being that putin didn't write himself a piece of paper saying "hey if i don't like you it's ok to take your stuff". or if he wrote, he didn't sign. or if he signed, he didn't publish. etc.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: and i don't think they even have peine forte et dure any more, in the english lands.
nubbins`: sure, i mean i don't think it's putting itself together properly
mircea_popescu: i don't see how it answers that ?
mircea_popescu: i don't think feudalism is avoidable since internet.
mircea_popescu: i don't think anyone could have made a fake this one.
mircea_popescu: jurov the idea being that putin didn't write himself a piece of paper saying "hey if i don't like you it's ok to take your stuff". or if he wrote, he didn't sign. or if he signed, he didn't publish. etc. ☟︎
asciilifeform: The youth: ‘Nonsense! You don't suppose the Germans are going to encourage Fascism in this country, do you? They don't want to breed up a race of warriors to fight against them. Their object will be to turn us into slaves. That's why I'm a pacifist. They'll encourage people like me.’
mircea_popescu: i don't have anything against running test versions of golden-bitcoind on anything, including toasters, gameboys, toasters emulated on gameboys etc
mircea_popescu: http://log1.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=02-04-2015#1084266 << i don't think this will work.
Cogburn: I appreciate some people just don't want to deal with some shit. That doesn't make them bad.
Cogburn: i just don't remember what it was about. some esoteric point of anarcho capitalism or some such.
Cogburn: it's a pleasure. i'm glad i did. i didn't realize that people thought i hated MP or something. I don't hate anyone. Life is too short.
Cogburn: i smile all the time. don't be so grumpy
Cogburn: i don't
nubbins`: i don't keep a list of this type of person, mp may be interested enough to look
mircea_popescu: i don't think nss per se is the problem here however
mircea_popescu: i don't expect anything.
mats: i know why i don't like selinux, but i have a feeling we don't intersect
trinque: asciilifeform: yeah I don't use it
asciilifeform: incidentally, i don't like 'selinux'
trinque: no, saying I don't know why that would be relevant