114 entries in 0.609s
felipelalli: $rate phf 3 "Lisper. He's also very polite and respectful. :D"
mircea_popescu: $rate alikim 1 Euloran
adlai: $rate phf 2 blogged the best lisp bitcoind i've seen yet
shinohai: $rate phf 1 Keeper of the scriptorium, great work on new chan logs.
mircea_popescu: $rated lobbes
mircea_popescu: $rate phf 3 Teh desire has been expressed and heard!
mircea_popescu: $rated phf
mircea_popescu: $rate kakobrekla -5 Cap'n of industree, borrowed my blender, then decided to try and make gravel and... it just didn't work out!
mircea_popescu: $rated kakobrekla
shinohai: $rate deedbot 10 The new eye of providence.
mircea_popescu: $rate deedbot 10 It is indeed a bot.
mircea_popescu: $rate deedbot 10 It is indeed a bot.
mircea_popescu: $rated deedbot
trinque: $rated ben_vulpes