10 entries in 0.501s
pete_dushenski: lol speaking of special interests going at each other, "She’s the Alternative for Germany’s new co-frontrunner despite a great divergence from the party’s typically conservative, xenophobic portrait. Alice Weidel, an openly gay economist, was nominated as the anti-immigrant, far-right party’s chief candidate on Sunday, set to run alongside AfD co-founder Alexander Gauland in September’s federal
BingoBoingo: Landgull: Understand most places where teaching English for money is a thing are awfully xenophobic to white people as residents. Like Korea.
fluffypony: mircea_popescu: yeah - we had these "xenophobic attacks" in 2008
Bagels7: is that for people with real jobs, I need a crown and root canals which will be over 2000 dollars (1500 USD) but im in the xenophobic quebec part. This province is some sort of dictatorship board that drains the country
assbot: 4 results for 'xenophobic' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=xenophobic
mircea_popescu: !s xenophobic
cazalla: well yes you said this many months ago when you said it was xenophobic
cazalla: given they are xenophobic beyond what i could ever be, i expect them to put up a little more resistance to cultural enrichment than the west has to date
cazalla: i am xenophobic
smickles: what a xenophobic asshole https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=115441.msg1245528#msg1245528