15 entries in 0.503s

mircea_popescu: "Apparently future-dated gps packets disable
Stingray phone signal intercept devices. The device thinks its license has expired and locks up." in other lulz
BingoBoingo: No, I'm more concerned with suggesting the
stingray getting its rape on.
pete_dushenski: needless to say,
stingray or tower triangulation are more expensive to implement than gps tracking in smartphones
nubbins`: especially if your department head doesn't give a fuck when/where you use your
stingray nubbins`:
stingray would ostensibly be a single-point unit, less useful for triangulation, more of a "warmer/colder" style
pete_dushenski: ftr i don't know that '
stingray' is all that useful, may be 'teaching the controversy'
pete_dushenski: if all you need are cell phone towers to determine location, why the fuck does
stingray matter ?
nubbins`: pete_dushenski doesn't what require
stingray pete_dushenski: "I would respond that if he has a SIM card in his phone, then the phone emits roaming signals which allow its position to be determined with surprisingly good accuracy by using multilateralization—measuring its relative signal strength at several of the surrounding cell phone towers." << doesn't this require '
stingray' ?
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: No, he was too stupid and the
stingray too wily