17 entries in 0.629s

mircea_popescu: you telling me
slotin was a sort of curie jr, had "no idea what could occur" ?
a111: Logged on 2018-09-11 01:22 asciilifeform: incidentally much noise was made re the elaborate calculations of early nukes, but good chunk of the design params ~also~ only were accessible empirically. hence the
slotin incident.
mircea_popescu: phf i thought it was gonna be
slotin and his beryllium hemisphere
BingoBoingo: Waiting untile they can have a
SLotin moment?
BingoBoingo: My favorite part of the
Slotin story is Man makes mistake. Man pays for mistake.
BingoBoingo: My favorite is
Slotin, the Incredible Hulk.
BingoBoingo: Why did Dr. Banner become the Hulk, yet Dr.
Slotin the closest thing the Hulk has to an opposite?