11 entries in 0.725s

ben_vulpes: doesn't make the
scytale an acceptable cipher
mircea_popescu: (cylinder
scytale trivially broken using two rigid sticks -- alter distance)
mircea_popescu: that's not it. it basically was a mechanical device, worked sort-of like the
scytale except on a chunk of a clay item
adlai: the
scytale cipher is equivalent to drawing a long table with six rows (adding columns as needed), and writing out the message to fill the column; then all the letters are jumbled. but the letters remain unchanged
adlai: pete_dushenski: let's say
scytale diameter is em/2π, ie the message has six 'rows', and each sextet of letters on the wrapped paper corresponds to a column
pete_dushenski: " the
scytale, consisted of a tapered baton around which was spirally wrapped a piece of parchment inscribed with the message. When unwrapped the parchment bore an incomprehensible set of letters, but when wrapped around another baton of identical proportions, the original text reappeared. "