7 entries in 0.538s
mircea_popescu: and hence the 1990s, and the "information superhighway" bs. they were going to, poor darlings, subvert the morloch, with a very naive, all-inclusive, republic v0.1, built out of "net neutrality" and wikipedia. except of course for the part where it didn't work, it was a splendid plan.
mircea_popescu: anyway, the geniuses have a point : it's either morloch or eloi, and the latter's the definition of crime.
assbot: 3 results for 'morloch' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=morloch
asciilifeform: !s morloch
asciilifeform: Morloch << a moloch worshipped by morlocks?
asciilifeform: morloch << molloch worshipped by morlocks? i like it
mircea_popescu: it's difficult to overstate just how fragile the entire morloch actually is.