11 entries in 0.748s
asciilifeform: ftr i associate mit et al with (not only the infamous lightbulb) but the freak show described upstack, rather than with 'great researchers'
mircea_popescu: not entirely clear to me what you're saying here. so the idea is, that because random upstart / usurper of minor crown enobled anyone who could read/write and hadn't rean off a century ago, it therefore follows that a man who could power a whole city out of hot reactor waste today does not do so because mit graduates can't power a lightbulb with the battery in hand. something like that ?
a111: 7 results for "mit lightbulb", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=mit%20lightbulb
pete_dushenski: !#s mit lightbulb
assbot: MIT genuises with lightbulb - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1Zoja3F )
mircea_popescu: there was a high level of pseudointellectual masturbation, sure, much like in today's us. similarly then, mit educated chitlins could not light a lightbulb, but could pseudointelligently discuss "the types" of feminism as if that were a thing, somehow.
whaack: MIT duped a bunch of old guys to give us ~1,000 coins. Sure there are many "bad apples" but MP is definitely hating. Idk what's up with the lightbulb video it is a selected subset for the segment IMO
trinque: my comment was sarcastic; I'm sure there are those at MIT that can manage a lightbulb
assbot: MIT genuises with lightbulb - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1CzOqQj )
assbot: MIT genuises with lightbulb - YouTube
ozbot: MIT genuises with lightbulb - YouTube