12 entries in 0.814s
mircea_popescu: and so, to get back to it, and in the words of the great nigger Hussein Bahamas, "if you did a thing you didn't do that thing". therefore matt blaze neither was touched nor could have been touched by anyone, be they john drapper or anyone else ; nor has matt blaze had published anything of any note, re ciphers or cooking or anything else.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the odd thing re blaze is that , unless there was a completely other matt blaze working for at&t -- he's the d00d with the only published attempt at a provably hard symmetric cipher , in 1990s
a111: Logged on 2016-08-26 15:55 mircea_popescu: Their successors include Matt Blaze, a widely known cryptographer and associate professor at the University of Pennsylvania; Cindy Cohn, Ms. Steele’s successor as executive director at the Electronic Frontier Foundation; Bruce Schneier, a security author and expert; Gabriella Coleman, an anthropologist at McGill University who writes about online activism; Linus Nordberg, a longtime internet and privacy activist; and Megan
a111: 6 results for "matt blaze", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=matt%20blaze
asciilifeform: !#s matt blaze
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-19#1740644 >> https://archive.is/0nz9U << 'In a series of tweets, Matt Blaze, now a well-known cryptography professor at the University of Pennsylvania, said on Twitter that Draper took an interest in him as a teenager, and invited him to share in his "exercises."' ☝︎
asciilifeform: 'A long – and growing – list of respected cryptographers, including Matthew D. Green, a professor at Johns Hopkins University, Bruce Schneier, a fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University, and Matt Blaze, a professor ....'
mircea_popescu: Their successors include Matt Blaze, a widely known cryptographer and associate professor at the University of Pennsylvania; Cindy Cohn, Ms. Steele’s successor as executive director at the Electronic Frontier Foundation; Bruce Schneier, a security author and expert; Gabriella Coleman, an anthropologist at McGill University who writes about online activism; Linus Nordberg, a longtime internet and privacy activist; and Megan ☟︎
assbot: Matt Blaze: How Law Enforcement Tracks Cellular Phones ... ( http://bit.ly/1nWd4Xl )
assbot: Matt Blaze: Exhaustive Search Goes to Law School ... ( http://bit.ly/1nWd0qk )
assbot: Matt Blaze / crypto.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1nWcSr5 )
assbot: Matt Blaze: James Randi owes me a million dollars ... ( http://bit.ly/1N2e8AW )