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mjr_: i don't give a shit about a derp saying anything
mjr_: the state of the network
mjr_: reality is the state of the world
mjr_: no
mjr_: there are new features that the bitcoin protocol allows
mjr_: that doesn't change reality
mjr_: you don't have to notice or care
mjr_: you don't have to use them
mjr_: that is a fact
mjr_: i'm not saying that you have to change, i am saying that new features are added
mjr_: thats good for you
mjr_: and you only want bricks
mjr_: but you think i can only lay bricks
mjr_: i can lay bricks or i can lay cinder blocks
mjr_: the job that is done has new possibilties
mjr_: i am saying that right now, i can use multisig
mjr_: no...
mjr_: that description is no longer valid on a different day
mjr_: find my employee, he is the guy laying bricks wearing a hat
mjr_: yes
mjr_: how you would describe me to someone who you wanted to find me
mjr_: no, my ability to do my job
mjr_: each day
mjr_: thats a change
mjr_: how can something thta doesn't exist die
mjr_: the change that happened?
mjr_: what died
mjr_: and there was a conflict
mjr_: but it did change
mjr_: ok...
mjr_: how could you have a clearer example of the protocol changing
mjr_: for fucks sake, there was a fork in the fucking blockchain because people didn't agree on which version to use
mjr_: many times
mjr_: and they have
mjr_: and bitcoin is the miners to change
mjr_: yes
mjr_: you changed it
mjr_: for a good reason
mjr_: the protocol
mjr_: so you only changed it
mjr_: ok
mjr_: and i can do it all day
mjr_: this is simple
mjr_: that changed the protocol of what messages were acceptable to mpex
mjr_: for example, you added commands to mpex
mjr_: that protocol changed
mjr_: ok...and if i add acceptable messages to a protocol
mjr_: easy way to see if things have changed
mjr_: i am talking about running diff on code
mjr_: i didn't bring up soup
mjr_: huh?
mjr_: but they are changes
mjr_: they may be misguided or stupid
mjr_: they may cease to exist
mjr_: so, we can agree, you don't care about the changes, they don't affect you, they are irrelevant
mjr_: is logically impossible
mjr_: to say that the color...changed, but there was no change
mjr_: may be, but it is a change
mjr_: 100% certainly
mjr_: that is a change
mjr_: yes
mjr_: i can run diff on the code and it comes out "no changes"
mjr_: identical means there is no difference
mjr_: or are we arguing the defintion of identical
mjr_: not identical
mjr_: i can run 32 bit programs on my 64 bit machine
mjr_: that doesn't mean it hasn't changed, you conflate backwards compatible with identical
mjr_: and ignore the rest
mjr_: i said that you can use the subset of features
mjr_: or even notice
mjr_: i never said you had to care
mjr_: now you can
mjr_: you couldn't do tx of a certain size before
mjr_: how about a simpler one
mjr_: that would be the textbook definition of a change
mjr_: now they accept that
mjr_: miners would reject that
mjr_: because before
mjr_: it has
mjr_: yes
mjr_: unless you mean something different
mjr_: i really don't see how you can say that
mjr_: using the blockchain
mjr_: which you can do
mjr_: i don't care...yuo said the protocol hadn't changed
mjr_: the rules changed
mjr_: and your personal choice is not the bitcoin network rules
mjr_: ok, that is your personal choice
mjr_: it is an obvious difference
mjr_: i don't give a shit how you try to spin that
mjr_: that is a difference
mjr_: now you can
mjr_: there was a point where you could not do a multisig
mjr_: i'm saying that you can bury your head in the sand, it doesn't mean that reality ceases to exist
mjr_: it is done NOW
mjr_: you can
mjr_: and when it is rejected you are right
mjr_: ok, let me try broadcasting one
mjr_: valid per bitcoin rules
mjr_: that will be accepted by the network