700+ entries in 0.108s
mjr_: also, i don't know who the fuck most of these people are anymore
mjr_: but i still want to know what derps are
mjr_: and mpex.co doesn't work for me now, so i found the other site
mjr_: i really just wanted to look at options prices to figure out if i could arb something
mjr_: and i didn't want to talk about this anyway
mjr_: and i feel like i have belabored mine
mjr_: anyway, i really don't understand your point
mjr_: lol
mjr_: like anything else that can be interacted with
mjr_: they exist
mjr_: any more than thoughts
mjr_: so...ideas are not magic
mjr_: there is an arragement of neurons in a certain configuration in some physical space
mjr_: in fact, physically
mjr_: the idea exists
mjr_: its a stupid idea
mjr_: and i know how you love to call things stupid...
mjr_: but you can't call something stupid if it doesn't exist...
mjr_: and there is a better way
mjr_: i will say they are stupid
mjr_: i won't say that things i see don't exiest
mjr_: but...
mjr_: and do business with who i want
mjr_: i don't care, as long as i can generate my own address whenever i want
mjr_: start greenaddresses or purpleaddresses
mjr_: i could care less
mjr_: as long as they don't affect the things i use
mjr_: that they can add what ever fuckery they want
mjr_: i agree with you
mjr_: no clue
mjr_: doesn't affect you
mjr_: doesn't mean you have to
mjr_: and derps use
mjr_: which the miners faithfully run
mjr_: because they have been letting gavin make tons of changes
mjr_: well...apparently the legions of the faithful didn't know that
mjr_: passed that down to gavin
mjr_: in fact
mjr_: and gave that up
mjr_: WAS
mjr_: overall, way more good
mjr_: and lots of good stuff
mjr_: he made tons of mistakes
mjr_: i don't suck his dick
mjr_: i know
mjr_: sounds like a good CHANGE
mjr_: so get rid of a stupid features
mjr_: i agree
mjr_: how can you fork without changing?
mjr_: but also, someone who can't actually use the network for what i want
mjr_: i'd be an idiot
mjr_: if that was my core feature set
mjr_: but if i only wanted to be able to send to ip addresses
mjr_: which was my point
mjr_: in other words, a change
mjr_: i agree
mjr_: i cannot now send coins to an ip address
mjr_: remember that?
mjr_: you also could have sent coins to an ip address
mjr_: yeah, you could have
mjr_: or altcoins
mjr_: why not just go ahead and say that bitpay doesn't exist?
mjr_: maybe i overly jump to your hyperbole
mjr_: yeah, you use the parts of it that you like, and don't use the parts you don't
mjr_: i don't have to
mjr_: i have an option to use multisig
mjr_: i believe you conflate backwards compatible, or option with identical
mjr_: again
mjr_: i agree
mjr_: i don't have to though
mjr_: if the market thinks that is a good idea :)
mjr_: it is still a valid form of recording data
mjr_: there is no reason why people can't send floppy disks to people who have the right converters
mjr_: i can work with the limited subset of the protocol you find valid
mjr_: and if i need to do business with you
mjr_: same as it always has
mjr_: the market decides what features are in bitcoin
mjr_: do i care? not at all
mjr_: nope, it won't
mjr_: i do it, i get the money
mjr_: that if i send a multisig tx to someone, they will in return send me 1,000,000 bitcoin
mjr_: lets say
mjr_: ok...
mjr_: i judge it based on what i need, and what i can do
mjr_: i, perhaps the only one, do not judge bitcoins protocol by what you find valid
mjr_: and those features you don't like are accepted and valid
mjr_: yes
mjr_: i don't think your tx is anything other than random data
mjr_: if that is not the case, then none of bitcoin protocol matters, because it is subjective
mjr_: and new records are allowed in, and are accepted as being records
mjr_: from this meaning, we can maintain records
mjr_: we choose to ascribe meaning to this configuration
mjr_: it is statistically possible to get that arrangement of bits by chance
mjr_: yes i could
mjr_: i could view all of the blockchain as random
mjr_: you could call all of the data random
mjr_: so either, things that are recorded in a block don't matter
mjr_: are in blocks
mjr_: and those transactions, that you say don't exist
mjr_: i give a shit about a transaction crafted a certain way included in ablock