600+ entries in 0.068s
mjr_: i do
mjr_: yep
mjr_: working, playing around on some projects
mjr_: been a while
mjr_: yeah
mjr_: heya ben_vulpes
mjr_: a game where i could put things into the world using bitcoin
mjr_: or something
mjr_: i don't remember, when you were interested in eve
mjr_: by the way, anyone gonna tell me if i can play this game where i can buy things with bitcoin? ☟︎
mjr_: almost like lawsky wants to force people to use bitcoin rather than coinbase
mjr_: it does
mjr_: if you try to use bitcoin to replicate the old system (hand your money over to someone and trust them)
mjr_: bitlicense doesn't apply to you
mjr_: if you use the blockchain
mjr_: well, all i meant was
mjr_: but i just think that it is funny, i think the "bitlicense" is a penalty for people who don't use the blockchain
mjr_: kind of a silly question i suppose
mjr_: mircea_popescu: were you critical of bitlicenses?
mjr_: by the way
mjr_: oh yeah
mjr_: but figured bitstamp started it
mjr_: but i was hoping they started it
mjr_: yeah i know
mjr_: i figured it wasn't the slovenia i was going to like...
mjr_: what do you think of this slovenia conference
mjr_: feel a little better
mjr_: ok cool
mjr_: ah yeah, and of course jurov
mjr_: true
mjr_: yeah davout
mjr_: another change in the protocol around here
mjr_: to get voice
mjr_: yeah i idented
mjr_: i'm not lol
mjr_: i don't know
mjr_: miss those guys
mjr_: yeah
mjr_: so now, i think i know asciilifeform mircea_popescu kakobrekla
mjr_: just #bitcoin-assets
mjr_: nope
mjr_: don't have their addresses
mjr_: i think they may have gotten burned out
mjr_: no clue how to go about doing that
mjr_: not like that
mjr_: lol
mjr_: and that none of them are here anymore
mjr_: i mean that i miss the people i used to see
mjr_: yes i did say that
mjr_: oh
mjr_: mircea_popescu: so, how is the game going?
mjr_: i like debian personally
mjr_: cool that you do free_bsd
mjr_: but didn't know in what context to read
mjr_: i read about you
mjr_: xmj: what was that about?
mjr_: thanks though
mjr_: i'm good
mjr_: think that maybe the idea was similar, but don't think the execution was similar
mjr_: hahaha
mjr_: nope
mjr_: is that a thing?
mjr_: i'm in panama!
mjr_: one of the US exchanges? with a proctology exam for free?
mjr_: but i guess i am "advanced" in that respect
mjr_: can't give back an order id on a trade
mjr_: no thanks
mjr_: bitstamp?
mjr_: don't know of many other exchanges i like better, its why i went to work for them
mjr_: as far as exchanges go, i think we are pretty good
mjr_: people trade on them
mjr_: we put up orders
mjr_: no lender has lost money, we have never been hacked
mjr_: don't know about that
mjr_: how'd it go in romania? i was pissed i couldn't make it
mjr_: always great to come back home to bitcoin-assets
mjr_: thanks
mjr_: hahaha
mjr_: i wouldn't put my money there
mjr_: lol
mjr_: yeah
mjr_: at least if you mean on the lending market
mjr_: no one defaults
mjr_: defaults?
mjr_: nope
mjr_: hahaha
mjr_: not btc related lol
mjr_: i wanna tell you about my other project though
mjr_: i don't care
mjr_: as long as i get to do what i want
mjr_: enough
mjr_: program, try new things
mjr_: i get to do what i want
mjr_: vp of biz dev (don't laugh)
mjr_: lol
mjr_: work at bitfinex
mjr_: i expected to be made fun of a bit more
mjr_: btw, you heard about my new job?
mjr_: cool
mjr_: besides mircea_popescu and kakobrekla