165 entries in 0.114s
fromphuctor: thank you asciilifeform
fromphuctor: checking my phrasing before
fromphuctor: about the Phuctor/PGP related things i ask another time
fromphuctor: ohnicethx sir, one link at a time, chugging along on the road
fromphuctor: yes
fromphuctor: i would have thought maybe russian authors would be more suited
fromphuctor: that is why i find it is worth investigating
fromphuctor: do you know authors that describe that in any way ?
fromphuctor: basically the question is what is the relationship between math and programming languages
fromphuctor: i wanted to read about the relationship between math and programming languages
fromphuctor: ah now i remember my question
fromphuctor: duh
fromphuctor: go on with your things, i ask if i want to know sth
fromphuctor: klicked on a link, now here
fromphuctor: ah, no nothing related to your affairs yet, so lurker totally... wanted to check pgp on some os and came across phuctor
fromphuctor: lurker mostly
fromphuctor: good evening sirs
fromphuctor: I see. so for this to work, two factors should be close to each other. So nothing todo with 2x-1?
fromphuctor: I know that, it works well only on non-properly-generated rsa modulus, which is easily factorizable by 2^x -1
fromphuctor: thanks again guys, I learned a lot in 10 mins :)
fromphuctor: I see
fromphuctor: you might end up writing your own bignum calc in GPU and still I'm not entirely sure it will be faster for this op in CPU
fromphuctor: exactly
fromphuctor: one dumb question, would GPU do this operation faster? (I doubt it, but have to ask)
fromphuctor: thank you for all the info
fromphuctor: nice
fromphuctor: or across net?
fromphuctor: on a single PC?
fromphuctor: so for this brute-forcing, don't you need a little bit of fast PC?
fromphuctor: yup, that's what I meant. Thank you!
fromphuctor: but to do the same thing youself, you need to bruteforce 2^x -1 == your N?
fromphuctor: oh got it
fromphuctor: *when we get
fromphuctor: so when we can modulus N, how do you use bignum calc for it? don't you need to brute force 2^x -1 starting from 2^1023 ?
fromphuctor: is phuctor's source code shared somewhere?
fromphuctor: Or do I have to make up dummy names and email addresses? How does that affect phuctor?
fromphuctor: Looks like it's going to take me a while to get up to speed on pgp. Is there even a way to minimally wrap an RSA public key without entering name and info fields?
fromphuctor: I see
fromphuctor: So pasting in a bare modulus would be the easiest, and GPG and SSH would just be fancyness to make the website easy to use ☟︎
fromphuctor: All it's doing is extracting the rsa modulus before it gets to work, right?
fromphuctor: Feature request
fromphuctor: Would be nice to paste in SSH keys too, not just PGP.
fromphuctor: GPG is just an implementation of PGP
fromphuctor: Ah, so I should have been searching for PGP not GPG
fromphuctor: awesome
fromphuctor: I'd rather know what the format is and assemble the bits in linqpad, if anyone has a reference lying around. Can't seem to find it quickly via google.
fromphuctor: PM jurov?
fromphuctor: Also if one should be weak, I'll skip using that server.
fromphuctor: This is most idle curiosity on my part, but I think this project is cool.
fromphuctor: x509 certificates for various timestamping servers. All either 2048-bit or 4096-bit, all exponents are 65537.
fromphuctor: I have the moduli and the exponents in hex or base64, but I'm not familiar with GPG.
fromphuctor: I have a bunch of RSA moduli I'd like to test. The phuctor entry page says it requires GPG public keys. How do I format them as GPG keys?
fromphuctor: Hey, thanks.
fromphuctor: ok, i leave, i have many things to read now :)
fromphuctor: http://wiki.bitcoin-assets.com/tmsr ?
fromphuctor: why ?
fromphuctor: mircea, is deedbot giving away bitcoins ?!
fromphuctor: i used to use IRC in the 90s
fromphuctor: not yet
fromphuctor: (rsa keys i mean)
fromphuctor: ideally people should just move to 4k keys, no ?
fromphuctor: do u think US NIST is pushing ECC instead of RSA because they cannot crack RSA ?
fromphuctor: still how do u defend yourself from MitM attacks without a signede cert ?
fromphuctor: good luck in developing a browser !
fromphuctor: hopefully u should trust your browser... so u should trust the CA it supports, and so the browser support cert signed by the CA supported by the browser
fromphuctor: from CA maybe outside USA ?
fromphuctor: yes, but if they are giving away certs is because they want people to use theirs instead of others
fromphuctor: read
fromphuctor: what is wot ?
fromphuctor: Let’s Encrypt is a new Certificate Authority: It’s free, automated, and open.
fromphuctor: what is your opinion on this ? https://letsencrypt.org/
fromphuctor__: ok bye
fromphuctor__: new new
fromphuctor__: https://www.openssl.org/news/secadv/20160503.txt
fromphuctor__: did you see this ?
fromphuctor: now i go
fromphuctor: ok ok
fromphuctor: another thing to test when you collect ssh keys is for duplicate
fromphuctor: because they think their implementation is fine
fromphuctor: at the moment , i tried, they are not very interested in your reserach
fromphuctor: they build software to build keys...
fromphuctor: if you want visibility you should try openssl, openssh, libressl, openbsd ssh keys
fromphuctor: good to know :)
fromphuctor: i didn't read the log
fromphuctor: that is why i suggested to test ssh keys
fromphuctor: in particular i have the SUSPECT that router from juniper and cisco might build random keys that are not random at all
fromphuctor: today i am wondering if you ever compared the keys to see if any clone is found
fromphuctor: yesterday i suggested to play with ssh-keyscan
fromphuctor: hello
fromphuctor___: cool
fromphuctor___: will the submit page tell me my key is malformed if i made a mistake?
fromphuctor___: ok
fromphuctor___: i need to figure out how to convert plain key to that base64/der stuff
fromphuctor___: sounds like i'll be busy then!
fromphuctor___: thanks... would the phuctor checker work with non PGP keys, if i correctly converted an RSA key to the required format?
fromphuctor__: https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/OpenSSH/Cookbook/Authentication_Keys#Downloading_keys
fromphuctor__: it would be interested testing router keys
fromphuctor__: bye bye
fromphuctor__: ssh-keyscan provide digits ☟︎
fromphuctor__: it is very fast