111 entries in 0.602s
asciilifeform: works on soviet 'elbrus' as well as american '486'
asciilifeform: regardless of whether you have a 'pc' or 'elbrus'
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: http://www.mcst.ru/doc/book_121130.pdf << because you asked. textbook, 'elbrus' system architecture.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: http://www.computerra.ru/112660/mcst-and-micron-releases-monokub-mb-with-elbrus-2cm-cpu << i don't feel like translating, but - first ru-designed cpu, afaik, this century - hits the press.
asciilifeform: build more 'elbrus' wintel clones.
asciilifeform: artifexd: well, the classic 'elbrus' was pipelined.
jurov: http://www.mcst.ru/novyj-8yadernyj-mikroprocessor-elbrus-8c
asciilifeform: re: russian 'arm' cpu hype << same sad story as 'elbrus' company. the latter started out as a somewhat original superscalar design, ended up a cheap pentium clone. they succumbed to the temptation of the ussr starting in '70s - clone common cpu, run l33t w4r3z.
asciilifeform: decimation: russia/native cpu << see earlier 'elbrus.' wake me up when they cough up own os, rather than cribbing.
asciilifeform: the baby will incubate in the '90s 'elbrus' supercomputer
asciilifeform: check out the latest 'Elbrus', for instance. x86, runs... xp.