8 entries in 0.626s
assbot: Logged on 30-07-2014 03:06:22; mircea_popescu: specifically : an atm requires a fortress. we have not yet built the fortress. when we do, you will know we have, because i will kidnap a number of "world leaders" wives and daughters to be publicly raped there as to make the fucking point that in fact it IS a fortress.
BingoBoingo: atm fortress http://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2015-atm-bombers/
assbot: 5 results for 'atm fortress' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=atm+fortress
asciilifeform: !s atm fortress
BingoBoingo: ATM requires fortress, news at 11
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> mircea_popescu: an atm requires a fortress... << to house the mechanism itself? or, its owner? << yes.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: an atm requires a fortress... << to house the mechanism itself? or, its owner?
mircea_popescu: specifically : an atm requires a fortress. we have not yet built the fortress. when we do, you will know we have, because i will kidnap a number of "world leaders" wives and daughters to be publicly raped there as to make the fucking point that in fact it IS a fortress. ☟︎