500+ entries in 0.004s
jfw: re GNAT, it occurs to me the better question is not "what does mp_en_viaje have handy" but "what am I going to test and require of the user and support by explaining at whatever level necessary?" Which is not a question for mp_en_viaje at all as stated.
jfw: hey, I preserved as much of the history as I could
mp_en_viaje: i dunno why more people don't read more code. i swear to god usg-sponsored "comedy" is nowhere near as funny.
mp_en_viaje: hitler essentially lost the war by making ever bigger tanks. "bigger is better". wel... it sure as fuck makes a better target...
jfw: mp_en_viaje: reminds me of a jules verne novel but not as such
mp_en_viaje: as an extension of the miner-upon-holders attack that resulted in the original bitbet death.
mp_en_viaje: but yes, the principal problem with "self-baked" tx is that it is in some cases possible for someone to re-write the tx such as to, for instance, take your inputs as fees for themselves.
jfw: diana_coman: not as I'd conceived it but seems that's what we're trying to determine
jfw: The main fusing as far as I see is that it can't even be established what your pile of coin is without trusting at least one online machine
mp_en_viaje: anyway, thanks for going through it with me ; i hope the exercise might've been informative to you as well.
mp_en_viaje: well i dunno. let's see, again. what i'd like to do is produce a broadcastable tx such as to pay the fellows in question out of the pile of coin i have.
jfw: ah, sure; but I'm perhaps lost at where you're seeing the node as part of the secure system, because yeah, not so secure if net-connected.
mp_en_viaje: it provides me, for instance, the knowledge that among the things that need fixing in an "eventual pgp implementation" such as will never likely be, a typo finder'd be quite useful. i even know HOW useful, by practical, real, lived measure.
mp_en_viaje: i'm not saying whether this is reasonable or not, but it is, in its context, justified as described. it's part of something, it lives somewhere.
mp_en_viaje: now, i didn't do this because "i absolutely needed to", obviously. i chose to do it, for instance to keep my harem in good shape, and informed, connected to the world such as it is, immersed in reality as it were. i believe in such things.
mp_en_viaje: i dunno if you've noticed, but irrespective : at some point while i was travelling, there were half-hour-ish delays introduced in various processes, such as me upping myself. i even mentioned these in the logs specifically now and again.
mp_en_viaje: but doesn't it strike you as at best odd to call this an offline anything ?
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-09 22:26:10 jfw: mp_en_viaje: do you have a specific goal in mind for Thursday's wallet work? Do you also want to use the online part (I would imagine so but could technically be done without)? If so, note that it takes about a day to scan the present blockchain once fed the address(es) of interest, and requires a TRB node. If you wish to also send the rawtx using it, as would be most proper, we'll also need that
mp_en_viaje: so it'd be fair to rewrite http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-03-07#1959149 rather as "can i assume you have an x86_64 unixlike with no less than 64GB RAM, at least 1 TB HDD that must be SSD, at least two cores and, gcc. v, trb, curl etc, of which trb'd best be up to date" ?
mp_en_viaje: now then, is gbw-node a node, in the sense that it'll want to eat a metric ton of ram and piddle blockchain vomit on the disk at such a massive rate as the "too small" mb blocks require ?
mp_en_viaje: jfw, http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-03-07#1959149 << was this more a "can i assume you have a complete republican computer, as per the [not yet written, let alone become part of common culutre] recipe" ?
ossabot: Logged on 2019-11-12 16:59:56 mircea_popescu: so it's basically a training tool, as far as that goes, a didactic example
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-11 23:57:29 trinque: if you want "builds crystalspace" to be the purpose towards which we're reaching, might as well install ubuntu.
trinque: if you want "builds crystalspace" to be the purpose towards which we're reaching, might as well install ubuntu.
jfw: that's 1). 2) what do you mean by "busybox-only" - because far as I know you can't possibly mean exactly that, it doesn't have an mkfs or make for example, let alone a compiler. Do you mean, "system which selects components outside busybox only if busybox $version does not contain them"? I'll note that busybox is an amalgam of code from a variety of sources and, ahem, "Adjusted by so many folks,
lobbes: http://logs.ericbenevides.com/log/trilema/2020-03-11#1959403 << as an aside for log posterity, I mis-stated this: the version number represents the block height at the time of the vpatch
lobbes: as for the sync script, yeah that would be interesting. As for the frequency does mysql do triggers on database changes?
mp_en_viaje: on the other hand there exists the obvious "have logs category on trilema.net, have trilema.net use trilema.com for everything (including comment post say). which is about as derpy as it sounds.
mp_en_viaje: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-03-10#1959355 << but the format i use is as you can see, mysql insert statements, one line per day.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-10 13:12:20 mp_en_viaje: is pondering this wonder. wtf are you idiots doing over there ? srsly tryina come up with all this shit on your own, who knows, maybe it works, maybe it doesn't, then i go read it on qntra and what, maybe i agree, maybe i don't, in any case ~after the fact~, at which point as chance dictates, either i sever the link or not ?
jfw: As for the private key, since as I understand you want to spend from an existing one imported from some other wallet implementation, I should note that it can be imported in hex or WIF format, however, as in TRB, "compressed" keys aren't presently distinguished. It's possible to use them through some code tweaks, though it's presently all one or all the other.
jfw: As best I could determine for my spec, this is an unavoidable consequence of the design of bitcoin transactions. Specifically what's required: address (as an identifier for the private key from a set of multiple; if you just have one then of course this is trivial); txid, output index within that tx, and value,
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-10 12:26:36 mp_en_viaje: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-03-09#1959219 << the functioning i'm looking for is that given some inputs (such as a privkey and txids) your program spits out a tx as is broadcast on the network.
mp_en_viaje is pondering this wonder. wtf are you idiots doing over there ? srsly tryina come up with all this shit on your own, who knows, maybe it works, maybe it doesn't, then i go read it on qntra and what, maybe i agree, maybe i don't, in any case ~after the fact~, at which point as chance dictates, either i sever the link or not ?
ossabot: (ossasepia) 2020-03-09 jfw: I think it's the right sort of bother: given all the code I ~have~ read or written it seems an important distinction as far as which category someone chooses to trust from me.
billymg: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-03-10#1959266 << this is how i saw it as well
ossabot: (ossasepia) 2020-03-09 diana_coman: spyked: well, no boost dep is certainly a gain; and yeah, I'm sure that the earlier the version the less of a monster it is; that being said, I'm either really getting old or something but I can hardly see the point of >10k LOC for what can be done precisely as wanted through <1k lines of cmd line tools, huh.
billymg: i've got a temporary internet solution now as well (cellular LTE via Movistar) as we work on getting the real thing
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-09 22:26:10 jfw: mp_en_viaje: do you have a specific goal in mind for Thursday's wallet work? Do you also want to use the online part (I would imagine so but could technically be done without)? If so, note that it takes about a day to scan the present blockchain once fed the address(es) of interest, and requires a TRB node. If you wish to also send the rawtx using it, as would be most proper, we'll also need that
mp_en_viaje: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-03-09#1959219 << the functioning i'm looking for is that given some inputs (such as a privkey and txids) your program spits out a tx as is broadcast on the network.
feedbot: http://qntra.net/2020/03/as-tmsr-os-project-gains-momentum-it-begins-leaving-legacy-project-devs-behind/ << Qntra -- As TMSR OS Project Gains Momentum It Begins Leaving Legacy Project Devs Behind
lobbes: Since you already have that script working, I figure we may as well use it for this piece. All my log history is in a Postgres database though, so I need to "convert" my data at least once. Would you be able to send me a sample of that logstory.txt?
lobbes: Then I realized that all that insanity was indeed because I was needlessly translating all kinds of strings across boundaries. I think the cleanest way to do this historical (May 28, 2016 to Now) log backfill is if I just provide you a text file in the same format as your "logstory.txt" you reference in this comment
jfw: mp_en_viaje: do you have a specific goal in mind for Thursday's wallet work? Do you also want to use the online part (I would imagine so but could technically be done without)? If so, note that it takes about a day to scan the present blockchain once fed the address(es) of interest, and requires a TRB node. If you wish to also send the rawtx using it, as would be most proper, we'll also need that
diana_coman: bvt: also, mind packing in next vpatch either removal of that Makefile or an update to it so it covers the new .gpr files? As it is now it's doing half a job and even that unclear why via makefile anyway - it would possibly make more sense to just have one .gpr file that allows you to build all with a single command but anyways.
diana_coman: ... that; for illustration, here's the output from vtree and antecedents on eucrypt_oaep_fix_checks.vpatch (ran in the same test dir that can be had from here); antecedents gives the correct path genesis->ch6->ch7->ch9->ch10->oaep_fix_checks, but in vtree's output it's very hard to tell that ch10 is meant as child of ch9 rather than ...
diana_coman: bvt: the antecedents/descendants commands behave as expected now indeed; the output from vtree though seems confusing as it is now because of the order in which children are apparently shown in between siblings so that one has to track and count spaces to be able to say what belongs where and what seems the child of the node immediately above turns out to be meant instead of child of node 2 lines above, not sure if you intended it like ...
feedbot: http://qntra.net/2020/03/oil-futures-crash-as-asian-markets-open-for-the-week-with-russia-and-opec-declining-to-agree-to-production-cuts/ << Qntra -- Oil Futures Crash As Asian Markets Open For The Week With Russia And OPEC Declining To Agree To Production Cuts
bvt: diana_coman: http://bvt-trace.net/vpatches/vtools_ascii_fix.vpatch http://bvt-trace.net/vpatches/vtools_ascii_fix.vpatch.bvt.sig -- preliminary version, as "flow" command behavior is not useful with such vtree
bvt: diana_coman: fixed link; ty for your test set, i have the fix (totally my bad), which I can upload today in a few hours (as a vpatch) if you still have a timeslot dedicated to v.sh tomorrow, or if you prefer it with a writeup, i will publish it until thursday.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-07 20:05:24 jfw: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-03-07#1959156 - I first took this as "it's fine either way" but maybe there's a question there too. Supposing the change output always came first; then, someone who knows this gets more information about how much you're sending where from looking at the transaction than if it came in a random position. And this thought would seem to extend to any process
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-07 20:01:36 jfw: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-03-07#1959155 - I don't follow this; a \t\t coming out as three spaces followed by six??
jfw: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-03-07#1959156 - I first took this as "it's fine either way" but maybe there's a question there too. Supposing the change output always came first; then, someone who knows this gets more information about how much you're sending where from looking at the transaction than if it came in a random position. And this thought would seem to extend to any process
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-07 19:12:56 mp_en_viaje: but anyway, the problem never was whether single-character-x or single-character-y is to be your indentation scheme. the problem was when a unit of indentation is made up of n characters, such that 1st tabulation is implemented as three space characters, and 2nd as six.
jfw: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-03-07#1959155 - I don't follow this; a \t\t coming out as three spaces followed by six??
mp_en_viaje: i have nfi why exactly your offline thing is in scheme, as opposed to something more likely to be found on an offline system (which, definitionally, ain't gonna be importing software in its lifetime).
jfw: would work. Another thing coming to mind is if the two parts ended up rewritten to the same language, they could share some common details like base58. - as you say
jfw: 3. I had planned to make a single genesis of both online (python) and offline (Scheme) parts, as it seemed sensible to have it all in one place even if the intent is to use separately, but dorion brought up whether it'd be better to have two trees. I can't quite see that having any advantages, but how about you?
mp_en_viaje: but anyway, the problem never was whether single-character-x or single-character-y is to be your indentation scheme. the problem was when a unit of indentation is made up of n characters, such that 1st tabulation is implemented as three space characters, and 2nd as six.
jfw: mp_en_viaje: a few other questions come up as I prepare to genesis. 1: tabs vs spaces - my Scheme code is all spaces and I don't know how to reasonably do it otherwise; lisp has established indenting conventions that tend to line things up nicely but require 1-column granularity. Somehow, setting the tabstop to 1 doesn't seem like any kind of solution (and still not sure I even grasp the problem).
mp_en_viaje: for as long as you live, your death does not exist, and therefore is no concern of yours; once your death exists or whatever actualizes itself there's necessarily nobody any longer there to fret about it.
mp_en_viaje: and re classification and completeness : linneus' system is always complete, as per the usual stoic argument re death : just before a "new species is found" it is complete because well... and just after a new species is found, it is STILL just as complete, because by the very description as is required to show the new species it also necessarily completes itself.
mp_en_viaje feels the need to point out that the exact scheme described is ~merely intended as an example of the principle~, not proposed to be actually used. since idiots are reading.
mp_en_viaje: sure, ~in theory~ you can do the job. in practice it'll be done just as soon as alf makes a business work.
jfw: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-03-06#1959036 - hmm, I thought Shannon proved you can't have that without the pad having at least as many bits as the message. If there's more possible FS states than passwords, then I can find one that can't be pulled out by any key - reminds me of Cantor's diagonalization
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-06 18:28:59 mp_en_viaje: in any case i'm not proceeding from an utilitarian perspective, "this should exist because the user would benefit". the logic informing the concept is rather existential, "for such a thing as an operating system to meaningfully exist, the self-destruct must be in the operator's hands at all times"
mp_en_viaje: exactly like the point with "informative radio progeramming" or w/e i was discussing with whaack on his blog : you can ask whatever, but in the end you're still talking to the call center. "and when you get there, you'll still be in a pontiac", as lefty put it. see ?
mp_en_viaje: moreover kinda the point of the whole system, you can't talk to the owners becayse "nobody knows who they are" because they "got together" and gave all their money up to a state "company" to "manage it" for them, which it does deliberately in this specific manner. you might as well ask the call center costa rican / indian / whatever to connect you to the company president's daughter's private cellphone.
mp_en_viaje: i mean, there's an actual otc market, i traded on it, so have most people, it's still regulated as much as any market,
mp_en_viaje: proof : In 2007, the city was named one of the top four "places to watch" in the United States by the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP). The ratings were based on what was perceived as ideal qualities for older residents. Criteria included the factors that make a community livable: new urbanism, smart growth, mixed-use development, and easy-living standards (also known as the place being a ruin so decrepit, not even the nigg
mp_en_viaje: "Sanders castigated the pro-development incumbent as an ally of prominent shopping center developer Antonio Pomerleau, while Paquette warned of ruin for Burlington if Sanders were elected. The Sanders campaign was bolstered by a wave of optimistic volunteers as well as by a series of endorsements from university professors, social welfare agencies, and the police union. The final result came as a shock to the local political establishmen
BingoBoingo: Well, It's the Iranian supposing it. Very well could have been Eritrea, Kenya, Israel, or the pangolins. I weighted the Iranian saying this as worthwhile on their January humiliation of Trump, Pompeo, and the US military. Maybe they unload some elderly and hang the US with this. Yes hitting the Italian and Iranian geriatric states is incredibly lulzy, but I suspect there's a deeper bench behind Iran's geriatrics than the US raised. The
mp_en_viaje: and what sense does this make, the us is so way the fuck behind in biotech it could just as well be eritreea, but it nevertheless infected the heartland of chinese manufacture, notwithstanding that the chines aren't quite as backward nor is that place so easily accessible [as others would have been] just to get to some utterly obscure and very deeply isolated community of predictably self-selected geriatrics ?
feedbot: http://qntra.net/2020/03/ircgs-hossein-salami-publicly-states-possibility-of-cornonavirus-being-us-bioweapon-attack-as-much-of-irans-government-afflicted/ << Qntra -- IRCG's Hossein Salami Publicly States Possibility of Cornonavirus Being US Bioweapon Attack As Much Of Iran's Government Afflicted
mp_en_viaje: in any case i'm not proceeding from an utilitarian perspective, "this should exist because the user would benefit". the logic informing the concept is rather existential, "for such a thing as an operating system to meaningfully exist, the self-destruct must be in the operator's hands at all times"
diana_coman: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-03-06#1959017 - if you mean the branches from before the manifest was introduced in that specific tree, it's not that much "with a manifest" really; but in any case, regardless of how many leaves there are, they are still obvious enough in a tree text dump so that I don't think it's needed separately as such.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-06 04:08:24 mp_en_viaje: billymg, http://trilema.com/2020/our-democracy-or-rather-mostly-theirs/#comment-147687 << you know, i actually live in costa rica, i ain't going anywhere. what http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-03-03#1958805 means is that i'll be in costa rica till late may, and then from june onwards ; it's true i've lived 11 months in 33 or some shit euro towns, but that was a brief interruption as these things go -- be
mp_en_viaje: basically, the problem of the denied middle is not merely "there's no such thing as middle class any longer possible -- either get very rich or be very poor" ; but also "there's no such thing as common sense remaining, either become moron type 1 or else moron type W".
mp_en_viaje: it likely occupies a space in time in between the appearance of laughter as a group-generating social behaviour and the apparition of the voices.
diana_coman: I have no idea; that's what the spam said and it made to me ~as much sense as that log.
mp_en_viaje: might as well dump https://fsfellowship.eu/fsfe-resignations-and-expulsions/ lulz into the archive.
mp_en_viaje: a coupla years, and even if before that argentina etc, as i told the (new) manager of my old indian restaurant : "i've been coming here for fifteen years". literally, since 2005, just about this time of year, place's had at least three owners that i know of in the interval and a dozen or more generations of peacocks, but i perdure.
mp_en_viaje: billymg, http://trilema.com/2020/our-democracy-or-rather-mostly-theirs/#comment-147687 << you know, i actually live in costa rica, i ain't going anywhere. what http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-03-03#1958805 means is that i'll be in costa rica till late may, and then from june onwards ; it's true i've lived 11 months in 33 or some shit euro towns, but that was a brief interruption as these things go -- before that i lived in cr
mp_en_viaje: bvt, i think a large part of it is that indeed this tool is evoloving ; and has been, but deliberately under the specific sort of pressurte, which comes with usage. you're not under some great weight of "having to get it perfectly & forever right" now, just as mod6 or ben_vulpes or anytone else wasn't 3 years ago.
diana_coman: bvt: looks perfectly fine to me; and as long as there is how to see the whole tree in text , there's no need as such for separate leaves, no
mp_en_viaje: but this no longer seems a sufficien tstatement of the problem. has he EVER been right ? is there such a thing as the wonder of ONE correct prediction since he went along his merry stupid way ?
mp_en_viaje: it was intended to be valid comment. i am annimated by the vague hope that there can be such a thing as "comment" in all languages
mp_en_viaje: moreover, how do bitcoin transactions figure into it ? are you talking about "the clearsigning proposal" as in, http://billymg.com/2020/01/mp-wp-patch-viewer-and-code-shelf/comment-page-1/#comment-75 ?
diana_coman: well, the pics I really wish I had would cover the '80s rather, so dunno; but anyway, since can't take them in past, might as well take them when there next, what else to do.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-04 14:48:29 dorion: in local us amlbs stories, acquaintance than owns real estate brokerage/admin tells me he referred to his competition a guy he marked as a money launderer cause of new threats from local regulators. first bankers turn police, now real estate salesman, grocers next via accepting plastic only ?
dorion: dangerous indeed, but seems like "do what us says" is entrenched as only option since, by agreement, will lose canal and maybe eat bombs again otherwise.
dorion: in local us amlbs stories, acquaintance than owns real estate brokerage/admin tells me he referred to his competition a guy he marked as a money launderer cause of new threats from local regulators. first bankers turn police, now real estate salesman, grocers next via accepting plastic only ?
mp_en_viaje: it is substantially the same as the male equivalent (which for some reason is formally opposite, "i leased 20k chicks in one year!!!". cool!
dorion: I didn't mean it as how I treat them, but what my expectations are.
mp_en_viaje: doesn't even have to be as harsh as all that. literature is not history nor history literature ; no ought yet flew from any is, in other words... you recall bacon ?
dorion: mp_en_viaje discount what they say until they've executed on an offer ? act as if the check isn't going to cash until it does.
diana_coman clears up a pile of paper notes as the write-up is finally done.
mp_en_viaje: back at reality, however, things stand a little differently : ustardians have, for some ungodly reason, painted themselves in such a corner of insecurity, anxiety and inferiority selfcomplexation, ALL their social banter consists of these lame as fuck self-anecdotes, like a bunch of neoprotestant farmers discussing nothing but their crops, and how well they've done ploughing. goldarn an' blue blazes!!!
billymg: mp_en_viaje: yup, i'll be there permanently as of next monday. just figured i'd doubly confirm that i'll be around that weekend
billymg: count me in for the 28th as well