8 entries in 0.686s

trinque: shinohai: looks sensible to me. eulora will probably be way easier than steam, obviously, since you can't compile steam yourself. iirc, last time I put steam on
linux, it was in an
african linux chroot
spyked: heh. same here, genned on
african linux cca 2011.
shinohai: (This was on a Gentoo, will try later on
African linux)
mircea_popescu: it's true that
linux recognizes ethernet devices. it's not true that it loads it or dhcps over it (unless idiotic defaults, which sure,
african os argument prevails). but non-192.168.* as local zone requires fiddling with configs.
shinohai: I was on the fence about it anyway, spent my gizmo budget on a lappy to run
African linux for testing eulora repos instead.
adlai: ;;google
african os
linux mod6: (built on
african linux)