12 entries in 1.923s

BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: re:nailbat, I interpreted that as when you take your physical trip to the US to play around in
New Reno at some point in the future
BingoBoingo: When mircea_popescu's comfotable in
New Reno should be perfectly feasible
BingoBoingo: mats: Anyways since you declared allegiance to
New Reno USG I have to assume polio USG is spending more then $100k per year chasing less than a prius in Buttstamp valued BTC.
BingoBoingo: The
New Reno region mircea_popescu wants to playground eventually as
new world hantaviruses, keep your distance from the mice...
BingoBoingo: After that we just need a few super mutants and then
New Reno BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Nah, I'll check out
New Reno when it happens
assbot: Logged on 20-07-2014 08:41:26; mircea_popescu: maybe i visit after the fall. play fallout in
new reno irl or some4thing.
benkay: <mircea_popescu> maybe i visit after the fall. play fallout in
new reno irl or some4thing. // empire collapse when
mircea_popescu: maybe i visit after the fall. play fallout in
new reno irl or some4thing.