9 entries in 0.444s
mp_en_viaje: the switch from most efficient engineeringly best city lights (they're even good for light pollution, least light polluting public source, specifically for the same reason) towards expensive, toxic, ineffective, harmful an' generally bullshit "alternatives" just because sodium spectral emission's unflattering to old bags gotta be the cleanest example of why generalized peripueral fever's much preferable to merkelism.
mircea_popescu: note how "nature" aka shit fails to "make its way through the window" and still nevertheless give the woman peripueral fever even if you ~properly~ wash your hands.
mircea_popescu: Jan 30 18:40:54 <mircea_popescu> peripueral fever made the british empire possible more than anything else, and the reason there isn't one today are simply put all the happy tourists taking pictures of costa rican wild life.
mircea_popescu: Jan 30 18:37:28 <mircea_popescu> once peripueral fever went away, the british empire ended.
mircea_popescu: Jan 30 18:36:11 <mircea_popescu> because of peripueral fever, which at the time was a 10-20% winnings dice every woman rolled every time she had a kid, it then followed that most kids at one of the boarding schools had no mothers.
asciilifeform: rright and at one time surgeons spread peripueral fever erry day. but mircea_popescu for some reason does not say 'there never were surgeons, never quite got there'
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the point re peripueral fever is important. see, the people DIDNT KNOW pottery is no good for reuse. so couldn't get to chemistry. guess why ?
mircea_popescu: problem is the people giving the latter peripueral fever didn't really realise
mircea_popescu: it's exactly like the difference between knowing and not knowing that washing hands prevents peripueral fever. now, for as long as you don't know, you don't know. once you do know, it all reduces to a question of how well you washed your hands.