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mp_en_viaje: ----- 20:00 -----
<< oh it's still doing that thing, iirc we wanted it out eventually.
http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/ossasepia/2020-03-09#1020492 << two things. in the positive, the sort of non-improvements like "supporting unicode" ; discussion with such a moron recently in trilema. in the negative, actually adding useful things that the pantsuit do not add, for whatever reason ("other priorities", "hateful to protected groups", "illegal", whatever nonsense).
ossabot: (trilema-hanbot) 2020-03-03 billymg:
http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema-hanbot/2020-02-08#1001053 << update: my girl has been corresponding with american data through this contact and they are now putting together a proposal for a supposedly dedicated 10/10 connection at $150 a month (proposal will be to determine cost/timeline of install)
ossabot: (ossasepia) 2020-03-09 diana_coman: spyked: well, no boost dep is certainly a gain; and yeah, I'm sure that the earlier the version the less of a monster it is; that being said, I'm either really getting old or something but I can hardly see the point of >10k LOC for what can be done precisely as wanted through
<1k lines of cmd line tools, huh.
mp_en_viaje: h
http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-03-07#1959124 << and to answer the meaningful part : consider the usg's "obscenity standard". it is perfectly an' epitomatically meaningless, i care naught that a buncha idle farmhands who can't talk for all the shit in their mouth "all agree". this inexpressible agreement is the definition of meaninglessness.
mp_en_viaje: t when Sanders won by just ten votes"
<< ten years later, burlington, virginia was indeed a ruin, and the moron in question started offering his services on a countrywide basis.
http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-03-06#1959012 << it's a matter of principle rather than anything ; i think it's poor practice to argue against principles on the basis of expediency. how useful the item is in practice is a fine discussion to be had, sure ; but can only be had on the actually sound basis of having the item in the first place.
http://archive.is/7LwE5 << not that the other side is any better. imagine, all the "socially well adjusted" morons who can't add managed to re-do the same trite nonsense 50000 times, NOT ONE thinking to mention... i dunno, any of the self-obvious points, from "it depends on what is is" and onwards.
deedbot: dorion rated billymg 4
<< he's doing good mp-wp work, writes at billymg.com
deedbot: dorion rated lobbes 5
<< he owns auctionbot and isn't afraid to punch above his weight. writes at krankendenken.com
deedbot: dorion rated whaack 5
<< enjoyed his company when he visited Panama. He managed to survive MIT and extract himself from USia to settle on a CR beach, writes at ztkfg.com.
deedbot: dorion rated trinque 7
<< he owns deedbot/deedbot.org and genesis'd irc/logbot and Cuntoo. went by undata in ancient logs. writes at trinque.org
deedbot: dorion rated spyked 7
<< owns feedbot and is mapping TMSR OS hardware. writes at thetarpit.org.
deedbot: dorion rated bvt 7
<< he's beating the Linux kernel into human use. very knowledgeable and capable across a wide technical spectrum. writes at bvt-trace.net.
deedbot: dorion rated BingoBoingo 7
<< not afraid to confront and strengthen his weak arm. writes at bingology.net ; editor of qntra.net ; though Pizarro failed, he handled the liquidation well.
deedbot: dorion rated hanbot 9
<< she delivered numerous righteous smackdowns to idiots as MPOE-PR to help protect Bitcoin during its infancy. writes at thewhet.net