1119 entries in 0.095s
erlehmann: whatever, i use rc shell for day to day work. but sh is portable and bash is not.
erlehmann: i also consider building stuff not very interesting. but redo is so simple that it can be implemented in <250 lines of shell script.
erlehmann: asciilifeform so which build system(s) do you use? any at all?
erlehmann: phf i hope this change flies without a vpatch, should be evident it is not malicious
erlehmann: phf add following CSS to stylesheet: pre { margin-bottom: 0; }
erlehmann: phf the reasons seems to be that every single line on the right side is wrapped in <pre> and <span>
erlehmann: tables are hard, let's go shopping?
erlehmann: well, vdiff would never be possible if diff and patch were definite about their inputs
erlehmann: if i ever get around to making my own v toolchain (probably in bourne shell, for portability and clarity), i'll address that of course.
erlehmann: v looks like a nice approach as far as i can see (and is the reason i chose to join #trilema), but as i commented, i suspect there exist parser differentials
erlehmann: asciilifeform do you have an opinion on DJB redo? or maybe even a simpler design? i would only trust my own implementation and MAYBE the one from jonathan de boyne pollard (although he requires a C++ compiler as a dependency, lol)
☟︎ erlehmann: phf that makes … too much sense. thanks.
erlehmann: apparently it does not come from anywhere in this graphic
erlehmann: ah funny, it does not work with a slash at the end
erlehmann: phf does it still exist? if so, where?
erlehmann: sufficiently off-putting for hipsters
erlehmann: asciilifeform i like your project names
erlehmann: as a free-software enthusiast myself, i have managed to experience many invitations to “netflix and chill” entirely without netflix. freedoms preserved!
erlehmann: and rms was like “no, it was not flirting, i am very sure”
erlehmann: > A friend once asked me to watch a video with her that she was going to display on her computer using Netflix. I declined, saying that Netflix was such a threat to freedom that I felt uncomfortable with promoting its use in this way.
erlehmann: asciilifeform if you are interested, i suggest to email rms yourself. he answers.
erlehmann: one could probably extend david wheeler's diverse double compiling to any type of tool if sufficiently paranoid
erlehmann: thus the remark with the star trek replicators, which he likened to compilers. just do it yourself.
erlehmann: as far as i can remember, we did not talk about fpga. his example was some company creating your board and not you.
erlehmann: i once met rms at a conference and asked him about viability of free hardware. his answer was along the lines of 1. apparently non-free hardware has worked for decades 2. whoever makes your board can still subvert your trustworthy design, you can't check that 3. maybe if we have star-trek-style replicators one day, hahaha
erlehmann: asciilifeform acknowledged. sorry.
erlehmann: shit toolchains are endemic in lots of fields it seems
erlehmann: for some reason i thought of asciilifeform when i learned about the MNT VA2000 amiga graphics card
erlehmann: “there exists an answer” mathematician-face.jpg
erlehmann: asciilifeform what is your opinion of FPGAs in general? shit because complexity? nice because reprogrammable?
erlehmann: i think it is unlikely that a non-self-built keyboard can do most things relevant to daily usage in hardware. especially layers, mod keys and compose.
erlehmann: i suspect the effect is not as notable for other people as for me, but qwertz hurts, neo2 does not.
erlehmann: chatting is something where i prefer to prevent my hands hurting
erlehmann: well, in my experience it takes max. three weeks to learn a layout.
erlehmann: asciilifeform i guess you cannot control your computing experience? the answer from the boss of my boss to “can i install linux on the macbook to get a sane keyboard layout” was “got it, you get a thinkpad”
erlehmann: i can do qwertz still. on my work laptop i have not even changed the keycaps.
erlehmann: asciilifeform due to mod keys or what?
erlehmann: same for OS X, apparently. my boss told me he tried to use it there and it was a pain due to something i cannot remember.
erlehmann: two exes of mine learned neo2 immediately after i explained the concept. one of them was often frustrated because her work computer was running windows and apparently windows + keyboard layout = shitcock
erlehmann: phf i still use the neo2 keyboard layout. it has several advantages over qwert(y|z) for me: 1. less strain put on my hands 2. useless caps lock replaced with another mod key 3. built-in layers for useful unicode 4. compose in the base layout
erlehmann: dear diary, yesterday a person on IRC asked me if i am jealous after i referred to ethereum as a scam again. jealous, i asked. yes, she answered, jealous of people who invest in cryptocurrencies!
☟︎ erlehmann: i bet you read that at the orange wobsite
erlehmann: reducing something to NOP seemed to imply something different
erlehmann: but back to the GCC example, i think someone said “a computer can not recognize meaninglessness” or similar
erlehmann: i am ever so slightly sorry for not telling in understandable ways
erlehmann: mircea_popescu certainly, i was referring to a different person that claimed a computer can not work with “a → b … and also, a is false” or something like that
erlehmann: while teaching formal methods to work with it
erlehmann: i have no idea how someone can believe elementary logic is something magic
erlehmann: i think i actually got through by demonstrating n3
erlehmann: i think part of the room was sufficiently disoriented by the fact that GCC drops loops without side effects
erlehmann: i once had a case of a philosophy lecturer claiming computers cannot work on meaning, only syntax. i answered with an explanation of undefined behaviour in C compilers.
erlehmann: phf good profs listen and learn even from students if appropriate.
erlehmann: Framedragger probably. won't visit UK anytime soon.
erlehmann: well, unless you are easily offended, that is
erlehmann: Framedragger if you know german, i suggest to play unteralterbach. i also suggest to not visit commonwealth countries and others with weird sex laws (comic sex = real punishments) when having that.
erlehmann: turns out i am a far better programmer than philosopher btw
erlehmann: i quit studying philosophy at HU to earn money.
erlehmann: Framedragger in short. climate at TUM is like “you are becoming engineers. do not ask questions. money goes to research.”
erlehmann: the only person who would not give complete corresponding source and supplementary materials for stuff was a neuroscientist i think. something about having done lots of work to collect the data and analyze it.
erlehmann: i moved to berlin to study philosphy at humboldt university. different climate there. especially regarding bad teaching.
erlehmann: Framedragger 1. prof demoed some program he wrote (?) in linear algebra course 2. i asked about source code. 3. answer was like “you do not get source code, you would not understand anyway” 4. no other student thought it ridiculous for a teacher to not give source. 5. i found out implementation was really simple.
erlehmann: “forced/forcing german” → “zwangs deutsch” → losing the “w”, sounding like the word for forceps → “zangen deutsch”
erlehmann: in german the calque word for a german calque is “zangendeutsch”
erlehmann: i think he meant it more like “haha good luck you imbecile”
erlehmann: asciilifeform where does the tron(ic) suffix come from? versionatron? chumpatronic?
erlehmann: the former boss of my boss, when asked about ethereum, was like “my investment strategy is: i hope you get rich with ether and then give me some of it”