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snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-17 19:34:40 mircea_popescu: in other historic lulz : in other historic lulz : it is altogether likely that the fifteen year old anne lennard had
a lesbian relationship with hortense mancini, her father's unofficial mistress and therefore the competition of barbara villiers, the official mistress.
mircea_popescu: trying to meta-smart, pseudothinking in your dumb head "if i were
a literary character and these things happened to me, what'd it mean about the script" will not only fail to deliver any useful predictions (in the sense that it'll work EXACTLY as well as
a RNG-choice, to perfectly fuck you over), but it will actually prevent you from deriving any benefits from the circumstance you're NOT
a fucking literary character.
mircea_popescu: while it's true that in principle such
a thing as the greek tragedy damnation could exist in reality (or whatever, its shitty hollywood renditions), nevertheless ~this is
a point for the gods alone~. it is not
a symbol representable in the mind of man ; all attempts to do so are they themselves doomed to failure.
diana_coman: trinque: nm, it was my bad; maybe add though
a note to the !!help there?
mircea_popescu: speaking of which, an' considering we're apparently stuck with
a buncha
chrises over here : any of your resident knights capable of registering
a chan on ~any other network~ and writing the bridge code on top of extant bot already ?
trinque: but! that means that bot is still connected in
a tmux, while deedbot (same code) was stuck, doing ???
trinque: woah, after
a restart of the service I now have two!
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-18 15:28:58 BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Hey, WAPO ran
a piece this week celebrating "How much funnier we have become." The cancerous faggot held up 70's socialist propaganda "Sesame Street" as his straw puppets.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Hey, WAPO ran
a piece this week celebrating "How much funnier we have become." The cancerous faggot held up 70's socialist propaganda "Sesame Street" as his straw puppets.
mircea_popescu: i suppose this is veering towards
a discussion of mastitis...
diana_coman: well yeah, it actually comes with
a lot of "if x then y" but the supply is just the most obvious & well documented.
snsabot: Logged on 2017-04-07 14:24:31 mircea_popescu: no, let's also de-equivocate think. there's two kinds of think, one's
a forge/reflow/examination of trees resulting in analytical consumption of inputs with actionable outputs guaranteed ; the other is
a neurotic behaviour perhaps best described as spinning, whereby specific emotional triggers / detriggers are visited in succession. the prussian model was never concerned with the former in any sense, but merely
diana_coman: sure, it's not just the repetition ie "it would be enough if
a machine repeated it on
a loop"
mircea_popescu: breastfeeding drives
a lot of immunity response, for instance. this is no small matter, if one looks at things by complexity rather than by some abbreviated "works for me" criteria.
mircea_popescu: but these seem rather theoretical constructs than practical considerations. as
a factual matter, there's signifciant interplay between the child and the breast.
diana_coman: well, I don't know really; for one thing the "impression they make" is really
a matter of the viewer and his impression so sure, it's consistent with one lens so why not, certainly.
mircea_popescu: like with all cancers, environmental toxin exposure is
a major risk. so you could say he got education gland cancer from living in pollution.
mircea_popescu: let's put i this way : universally and without exception the most abject of all humans are children. this is what "retard" addresses :
a state of abject misery that ~IS EXCUSED~ in children because nature imposes ; but ONLY IN CHILDREN YOUNG ENOUGH. as thy age -- no longer excused.
hanbot: i was gonna say, could grep "argentines" and spend
a while getting enraged...lol
mircea_popescu: holy hell, there's
a lot of these from argentina, who even knew.
mircea_popescu: in other historic lulz : in other historic lulz : it is altogether likely that the fifteen year old anne lennard had
a lesbian relationship with hortense mancini, her father's unofficial mistress and therefore the competition of barbara villiers, the official mistress.
snsabot: Logged on 2017-10-25 14:27:40 mircea_popescu: anyway, to revisit the matter of
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-25#1728843 : adrian sirbu, possibly the only romanian to have done anything since 1989 (he created the deliberate usg tool Pro Tv in 1995,
a media company whose wikipedia page no longer mentions him -- very much
a successful equivalent of the failed
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-05#1666048), has recently been accused of... you'll guess this not ?
mircea_popescu: anyways, i expect
a lot more of this trotting out / reclaiming of puppets going forward. "hey tmsr, do you wanna follow THIS esca ? no ? oook [animal eats the fleshy appendage, grows "new" one], nevermind, how about THIS entirely different other on ? no ? *repeat*.
BingoBoingo: So what if they gotta call him
a "visiting scientist" to get him to institutionalize himself?
BingoBoingo: But yes, the absence of culture is
a pre-requisite of elevation in the Incan insanity. Can't have "luminaries" tethered to the world or their place in it. MIT is more or less
a sort of "day program" for "special" adults.
mircea_popescu: ust adding it up to get one total for
a given company."
mircea_popescu: nd this thing, which is helpful, I'd rather not add them up. If these two activities are separable in practice, in other words, if it's possible to look at each one, individually, and distinguish it from the other, if they're not tied up with each other, so much that that's
a nonsensical thing to do, then I do that. Because that way, I can disapprove of whatever is bad and approve of whatever is good. That's more useful, j
mircea_popescu: ftr, by
http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-17#1937123 i was discussing rms. "They seemed receptive in
a general way. But you know, whether Microsoft will change anything in practice, remains to be seen. Maybe it will change some things and not others, right? That's often happens. But I believe in judging each thing that
a company does separately. So if
a company is doing this thing, which is wrong and unjust,
a BingoBoingo: Nah, lobbes is Charlotte, North Carolina. US recycles place names
a lot
BingoBoingo: Anytime someone says they are
a "creative" I assume they are *that* dog on the internet until demonstrated otherwise
mircea_popescu has for the past 15 minutes bee nreading
a tardball of insanity... wtf is that thing BingoBoingo ?!
mircea_popescu: "Then there was the challenge of arranging entry into building where The Register's US operation is based. Stallman asked not to be identified by name to the building staff to avoid the possibility that his name might end up in
a database. "Resisting tracking of persons is everyone's duty," he explained. Meeting him in the lobby proved to be easier than working out how to ask front desk staff to admit an individual who cou
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-17 15:23:12 asciilifeform: pike, seems , wasn't quite enuff, cuz it dun stab by itself, need pikeman with
a bit of sense in his head
mircea_popescu: there wasn't
a socialism before all that ; and there won't be
a socialism in the future.
mircea_popescu: to "fix" this by their own lights, they came up with
a wad of poisonous inept bullshit, to their best estimation perfectly engineered to end -- not the world, not the need of the world to be managed, but the ~possibility of managing it~, in-universe fantastically called "habsburg rule'/
mircea_popescu: being idle imbecile fuckwits and regrettably still around as well they shouldnt', the italians deeply resented this situation, where the austrians administered them well as slaves, whereas they themselves couldn't, on their own strength, as much as organize
a cup of coffee
mircea_popescu: its failure therefore, to my eye, is not in any sense meaningful, there's no zoon involved. it's pure and simple bion,
a matter of fermentation rather than politics.
mircea_popescu: the flow of history doth in fact inform and ground the view, however. "what happened to phf ?!" is not so important about the one tard ; but rather, instructive as to the failure mode of
a sort of mind.
mircea_popescu: i should prolly have
a better link, there's somewhere in the logs where we discuss this mystery, of why and wherefore soviet thinking man simply laid over and gave up in the 80s.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Gabbard was at one point
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> we fucked her in all the holes last time, leaving her
a broken heap. and she was already fucking old. << How could the derealized know?
mircea_popescu: we fucked her in all the holes last time, leaving her
a broken heap. and she was already fucking old.
BingoBoingo: That the DNC is dead doesn't mean surviving hangers on won't try to put on
a show
mircea_popescu can't be arsed to find the line, but w/e, was
a one day wonder, "knows shit" in his own opinion retard.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo, i can't conceive how the pantsuit will manage to get
a candidate. for one thing, trump did in fact end the dnc, as discussed in the logs.
mircea_popescu: it's also
a red herring : it's generally
the orphans that rule. at the very least since modern era, because fathers suck balls.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, that is
a similarity without substance, much like saying "dentist and opera writer similar, they ask others to vocalize"
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-17 13:39:40 asciilifeform: cattle stampeding (all the way into meat plant conveyor) aint 'cattle running the farm', the farm is still
a farm and farmer is still the farmer, and meat still grown for market.
mircea_popescu: the sun's not
a controlled burn, but natural phenomena ; and the fermentation of the dregs of humanity, the dumbest women, the cuckest dorks, the socialists and morons and agglomerated stupidity -- exactly same.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-17 13:38:31 asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: exactly like the chinese cultural rev. (which shut off like
a lamp when mao flicked switch) this one is
a 'controlled burn'.
mircea_popescu: this is
a werid q, if i published it why yo uask and if i did not how you know ?
mircea_popescu: that was his one remaining utility, that we'll supposedly give
a shit.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-17 13:33:41 asciilifeform: for so long as there's
a gaggle of idjits who see him having 'auctoritas', his formaldehyde-pickled hide is worth sumthing.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-17 13:32:04 asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: betcha microshit already cleared out
a hallway corner for mr mushroom.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-17 13:26:32 BingoBoingo:
And they, the cucky cocklets will probably just ignore this case, which should enter the canon, of why males can't survive the decision to align themselves with
a "leftist" movement. If they live long enough their ideological spawn will eat them.
BingoBoingo: Well, the KGB eventually did get Putin to do
a sorta Make Russia Great Again
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Mandarin allowed honoring Mao-think as
a sort of
A/B test, and allowed the revision to be popularly embraced. Something about Mandarin lets the Chinese be cohesive on just about anything. It's weird, alien, and seems rather far removed from what is in the Anglo language toolbox.
BingoBoingo: Bulls still cripple the occasional farmer who turns their back. Grain lifting augers maim quite
a few farmers.
The fallout from Gawker et al. is that there isn't really much farming going on at the left farm.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: This has been done plenty of times before. The kids cry about Microsoft hiring
a pedophile enabler, Microsoft kicks Stallman out to the street again. For all the dancing and noise Stallman maybe gets 18-36 hours of cot in the hallway.
And they, the cucky cocklets will probably just ignore this case, which should enter the canon, of why males can't survive the decision to align themselves with
a "leftist" movement. If they live long enough their ideological spawn will eat them.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-17 04:05:33 mircea_popescu: besides nonsense dust there;s also joy dust ; they could in principle balance out ; literature as
a body of work (though mostly in french, somewhat in latin, defo not in english besides
a few hundred pages) achieved that ; "computer programming" never did.
mircea_popescu: schmuck was gonna protect her from me. at the time you could not find
a gun in ten counties surroundant who hadn't been
on my payroll at some point or another, but he was gonna "protect", with his soccer watching crew an' leased toyota.